Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 903: Gosei Kasei, 6 minutes advancement

Brothers and sisters, ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

"Mr. Xie, your Majesty has made you go to Jishui."

When Xie Jin heard this, the clever head immediately thought of something.

He first shook his head mockingly, then smiled again: "The old man is really boring to live like this. Does your majesty want the old man to look at the college for Daming?"

Zhu Di's meaning can't be concealed from Fang Xing, nor can it be concealed from Xie Jin.

However, this tycoon's style of doing things is domineering: I don't want to hide it at all!

Xie Jin's complexion became more ruddy, and she only felt relieved in her chest.

"The old wife in the family wrote last time, saying that Zhen Liang was writing a letter to someone, and she also kept accounts for several shops. The banknotes sent by the old man are all stored, saying that if the whole family is exiled someday, it will be easy to use on the road... Old man..."

Xie Jin bowed his head, tears slipped, and then he covered his face with his hands and choked up, "The old man owes a lot! As soon as Hu came into the house, he followed his old wife to do needlework, doing daily work in the house..."

Hu Guang's daughter is also a charming girl, but she is unwilling to repent of her marriage and is willing to be poor.

Is this a dead brain? Or keep promises?

"After the wave of robbery, finally the hardship has come!"

Fang Xing could only comfort him in this way.

"The old man wants to leave for Jishui right away. As soon as your majesty's order arrives, no matter what Hu's pregnancy is, he definitely can't stay..."

This is Hu Guang's first grandchild, and he doesn't want any accidents.

Fang Xing calmly said: "Since your Majesty has made a decision, there will definitely be an imperial doctor who will accompany you. Most of this route is by water, and you won't be able to change to a carriage until the north.

When Xie Jin’s family went on the road, it was definitely the end of the Chinese New Year, and the rivers in the south would not freeze. When they arrived in the north, they could choose to take a boat or a carriage depending on the situation.

Xie Jin wiped away her tears, and smiled: "The old man has a strange encounter for most of his life. It can be described as a scene in the country. Now the family is reunited, the old man is satisfied!"

Fang Xing asked, "Mr. Jie, do you hate it?"

Xie Jin was stunned, then shook his head and said: "The old man acted domineeringly back then. He was too strong in fame and fame. He was concerned about gains and losses. It's ridiculous to think of it!"

"Hate no, some are just indifferent."

Lao Jie’s mental state was indeed different from those of the officials, but Fang Xing remembered that after he was rescued from the imprisonment, when he learned that Zhu Di had not completely pardoned him, Lao Jie’s spirit suddenly collapsed.

Xie Jin probably thought of that time, and waved his hand: "The old man is still a college for the rest of his life. Whether he is the prince or the grandson, the old man does not want to go to office again."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "If you are an official, who will be in charge of the academy?"

The two of them smiled relatively, feeling refreshed in their hearts.

"Master, Jinlu and they are here."

Then the knife came in and told.

Xie Jin knows what Huang Jinlu is, so he got up and said, "Dehua, you are busy, I will go to repair the book and go home!"

"Let them in."

Fang Xing asked people to change tea again. After the three of Huang Jinlu came in, he asked, "Can you dare to cross the ocean?"

"This little life belongs to the uncle, let alone the ocean, you are not afraid of the end of the world!"

During this period of home life, Huang Jinlu didn't lose his spirit, he raised his eyebrows and said, while scanning Liu Ming.

Liu Ming bowed and said, "Uncle, since I was a child, I always wanted to travel thousands of miles.

Fang Xing nodded and looked at the tangled Chen Mo.

"Uncle, little..."

Chen Mo struggled, and finally said, "Uncle, the younger one is afraid of death."

Huang Jinlu was furious when he heard this, his eyebrows trembled and said: "Chen Mo, do you know what you are talking about?"

Chen Mo was agitated, remembering the respect of Huang Jinlu who wakes up, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "Uncle, little gibberish! If the little one doesn't go, he will lose his backbone, then the old Huang must not hate me!"

After talking, Chen Mo pretended to smile calmly. The look in Huang Jinlu's eyes just made him believe that if he dared to refuse today, Huang Jinlu would prevent him from seeing the sun tomorrow.

Fang Xing nodded approvingly, and then said: "This trip is based on Daming navy. Your main purpose is to find things according to the catalogue and route I gave. If you find it, it is a great achievement!"

Liu Ming said very consciously: "Uncle, please rest assured, the small ones will naturally be remembered firmly."

Smart man!

Fang Xing took out a booklet and handed it to Liu Ming: "The three of you will look at it in your leisure time and remember these things. You must try your best to find all the red pen remarks. Of course, if there is any discord, you should Put yourself first, and it’s a big deal to go again next time."

Liu Ming took the booklet, and then put it in his arms.

Fang Xing saw that Chen Mo was a little nervous, so he cheered: "This matter is meant by your majesty. After you return, you will definitely have official status."

"Remember, the voyage you are waiting for will be recorded in the annals of history!"

Fang Xing saw that Chen Mo didn't believe it, so he assuredly said: "Benbo guarantees that after finding those things, one hundred years later, you will be mentioned more times than those of the bachelors."

As for Fang Xing, he thinks he has been mentioned more often.

The conqueror of Jiaozhi, North Korea, and the Kingdom of Japan, the teacher of Zhu Zhanji, the enlightener and pioneer of science...

This series of titles will definitely make Fang Xingqing a name for himself.

Huang Jinlu asked, "Uncle, how should I deal with the enemy this way?"

In the last impeachment, someone accused Fu Xian's fleet of killing too much while cleaning up the islands outside the country. Fu Xian later got involved in a memorial, but it was all gone.

Fang Xing's eyes were deep: "I said, it is important to protect yourself, and everything else is not a problem. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it!"

The **** smell in these words made Chen Mo tremble, then glanced at Liu Ming, but he saw excitement in his eyes.

Ever since he started the killing precepts in the country, Liu Ming has been a little eager to kill. For this reason, he has practiced swordsmanship and fist with Huang Jinlu.

Huang Jinlu bowed and said: "Uncle, the little one is clear, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will definitely do its best."

Fang Xing got up and said, "Remember what I said, preserving yourself is the top priority in everything, understand?"

The route is the key!

Fang Xing called Huang Jinlu over, and then showed him a map.

"Did you see it? The places marked with red dots are next to what you are looking for."

After Huang Jinlu took it, he nodded solemnly.

"There is one more thing, and you should study it carefully."

Fang Xing waved, and Xin Laoqi came in carrying a wooden sextant.

"Let's take a look, the Daming fleet currently uses star-stretching, but after all, the accuracy is not high and it is not suitable for long voyages."

Comparing the sextant with the star-stretching technique, it is an advancement of the times, and the accuracy has made a leap.

"This kind of sextant is not complicated to use, but pay attention to protecting these lenses!"

Fang Xing taught how to use it carefully several times, and Huang Jinlu had already realized that Fang Xing's worship almost reached the point where he wanted to cast his feet on the ground.

"Uncle's magical skills, with this thing, you won't find a place on the sea."

Fang Xing thought of the dozen or so sextants in the warehouse, and couldn't help but smile.

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