Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 904: Unlucky farewell

When would Fang Xing personally give it away?

It seems to be in Jinling. Yao Guangxiao is the gift.

"Uncle sent a young teacher, so you have to feel honored and work hard!"

Huang Jinlu was proud, but did not notice the two bitter faces of Liu Ming and Chen Mo.

Fang Xing came to the horse under the guards of Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao. A beautiful man got off the horse and said with a smile: "Today is a clear sky, which is a good sign."

Huang Jinlu bowed and said, "Uncle Labor, the little one is terrified."

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder and said, "What are you afraid of? You are exploring for Daming. It is an unprecedented feat. In a hundred years of life, no one can escape, but some people and things can be immortal. I believe you will... Through the ages, it will last forever!"

"Well, when you return, the entire academy and the entire Daming will be proud of you."

Fang Xing said emotionally: "You will make history, but I hope the cost will be lower in this process, so take care!"

Huang Jinlu said: "Uncle take care!"

These days, going to sea is to fight God with fate, so the most superstitious people are the crew.

"Bon Voyage!"

Fang Xing arched his hands and gave away the three people in awe.

"Why did Chen Mo and Liu Ming just look like Lao Zi Niang?"

Xin Laoqi thought of the expressions of these two people just now, and couldn't help feeling a little angry.

"They are not reluctant to do what the master arranged. They are so bold!"

The knife winked his eyebrows and said: "Seven brother, do you think about who the master gave me last time?"

Old Xin Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "Young teacher! How many people are there in Daming worthy of being given away by the master?"

Xiaodao Shinobu smiled and said, "But it didn't take long for Master Young to go back...it was sitting down."


Xin Laoqi scratched his head, just in time to wake up, and slapped the back of the knife on the head.


But thinking about the faces of Chen Mo and Liu Ming, Fang Xing was also a little guilty.

Going to sea is the most important sign, which is not good...

The three of them returned to Fangjiazhuang, Fang Xing entered the inner courtyard, and the knife went to the kitchen with a drooling face.

Young people are always hungry fast. After eating a large bowl of noodles in the morning, the knife feels hungry again.

Huaniang is cutting fish fillets, and a lot of washed vegetables and meat are placed on the side.

"Hua Niang, do you have hot pot for lunch?"

"Well, eat hot pot!"

Hua Niang pressed the fish with her left hand, and cut a thin slice of fish smoothly with a knife in her right hand.

"Be hungry, there are potatoes buried under the stove, so dig out and eat by yourself!"

The knife squatted by the stove with a hehe smile, Chunsheng watched the knife dig out a few roasted potatoes with black and yellow shells. After the knife was gone, he said: "Hua Niang, Master has an explanation, when does Mr. Xie want to eat? We all have to do it, but the family members, especially the knives, have to come to the kitchen several times a day to get food. This is too much!"

Hua Niang's hand holding the knife was still stable, and her voice was calm.

"Mr. Xie is a literary star in the sky. The family members followed the master from birth to death. What does it mean to eat something? The two young masters will have to protect them from now on!"

"Yes! There are two young masters."

When Chunsheng remembered that the two young masters could follow one of them when they grew up, his heart suddenly became hot.

Huaniang had already cut the fish fillets, and when she saw Chunsheng in a daze, she shouted, "Hurry up and prepare the soup base!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Chunsheng went to find the ingredients, and Hua Niang muttered: "Stupid, stupid, which young master will see you in the future?"


It has been a long time since the full-scale trial of treasure banknotes in North Korea and the country has been fermented for some time. Naturally, there is no objection from North Korea and China. They just hold on to the fact that treasure banknotes can be exchanged for silver. The salvo of artillery was loud.

Xia Yuanji had unilaterally endured the fire attack for several days, and finally got sick and asked for leave, but someone showed up at Fang's house.

"Sure enough, Dehua just lit the fire, and then let it go. The old man was scorched by your fire!"

Xia Yuanji felt that Fang Xing was not kind, so he lit the fire and people ran away, leaving a mess for himself.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Didn't Your Majesty agree? How can there be discrepancies?"

Xia Yuanji smiled bitterly and said: "There are many opposition from the DPRK and the Central Government. Those people are afraid that one day the Central Plains will also allow exchange."

"This is lazy politics!"

Fang Xing unceremoniously exposed the true colors of those opponents.

"What they are afraid of is trouble in the treatment!"

Xia Yuanji smiled bitterly: "So what, the people are simple, the rule is great, the officials do nothing, the people are safe. Everyone thinks that it is best not to change anything, just continue this way until forever."

The view of ruling by doing nothing has always been very marketable. Fang Xing shook his head and said: “The so-called ruling by doing nothing is just that the people are afraid of being tossed and are not worthy of pride. The key to treasure banknotes is confidence. We must have confidence in the treasure banknotes, and the confidence will come from the household department."

Xia Yuanji squinted his eyes and listened, and the five fingers of his right hand were constantly flicking. If someone in the household saw this action, he would definitely know that his adult was memorizing something again.

"This is Daming's last chance. If it is missed, the treasure will be worthless!"

At this time, the main circulation is actually banknotes, and the time is moved back hundreds of years, which is estimated to make future generations stunned.

"Gold and silver are the guarantee deposit. This is unshakable. If this is shaken, it is shaking Daming's national fortune!"

"The empty glove white wolf is only an immediate benefit, but the price will have to be repaid in the years to come. If the king treats the treasure banknotes as his own internal treasury, if the officials treat the treasure banknotes as the **** pill for hundred spirits, then who is this great? It can't be saved."

Zhu Zhanji has already arrived, so Fang Xing changed his words, "Economy has its laws, and dynasties and emperors who ignore this law will pay a heavy price, including the subjugation of the country!"

At least half of the cause of the demise of Ming Dynasty was financial bankruptcy.

A Liaoning government fed the generals of Liaodong, but angered the people who were helpless in the face of natural and man-made disasters.

The economy collapsed, but Chongzhen had a headache to solve the problem through apportionment, and finally he died happily~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fang Xing frowned slightly: “The Ministry of Households is the department of macro-management, and there should be dedicated personnel and personnel. The yamen went to study Daming’s economic operation and kept putting forward suggestions and methods."

"But such people are rare!"

Xia Yuanji blinked at Zhu Zhanji, motioned for him to help speak, and got a few people from Fang Xing to go to the household department.

Zhixing Academy has courses on economics and finance. Xia Yuanji knew this a long time ago. He just regrets that Yao Ping from the Ministry of Households did not continue to study in the academy, otherwise he would definitely ask Yao Ping today.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head. According to his and Fang Xing's plan, these students were not yet ready to go into office.

Fang Xing ignored their eyebrow lawsuit and said, "Let's do it, I have an immediate trick, let's see what it is."

"What trick?"

Xia Yuanji asked with bright eyes.

Zhu Zhanji was also looking forward to Fang Xing's idea.

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Since gold and silver are not allowed to circulate, first replace all the silver in your house with treasures!"


Xia Yuanji blinked, thinking that he had auditory hallucinations.

But Zhu Zhanji suddenly realized, but he was a little worried.

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