Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 911: Wuxun's temptation

The child of Cheng Guo Gong Zhu Yong’s family was in bad luck. It was said that he was bedridden. As for the reason, it was said that Zhu Yong had suffered a big loss by selling the shop.

Xie Jin is now very leisurely. He teaches in the academy every day. In his free time, he is either teasing Fang Xing’s two sons, or drinking and playing chess with Huang Zhong, like a fairy.

Fang Xing hugged Ping An, and Tudou held the corner of his clothes, just like that in the study to reconcile Xie Jin's speech.

"The old man sees Zhu Yong knowing his shame and has become brave, and he must reinvigorate Wu Xun's true qualities."

Fang Xing and Ping An looked at each other and said after making a grimace, "Mr. Xie, didn't you find out? Many military commanders, especially Wu Xun, studied Confucianism. From my eldest uncle to Zhu Yong, they saw literati. They are all respectful, but a little indifferent to the generals. This is very interesting!"

Xie Jin beckoned to Tudou and smiled: "It's not surprising that Wu Xun doesn't want to lick the blood with the knife's head, but he also wants the title of the family to last forever. What should I do?"

Fang Xing was startled: "Could it be that they think they will be the civil servants in the future, so are they pleased in advance?"

Xie Jin saw that the potatoes could not come, and said regretfully: "Yes, when Daming turned on the defensive, Wu Xun didn't have much use for his abilities. But after all, it was civilian officials who governed the world. Everyone can see this trend. ."

Fang Xing smiled and didn't care, anyway, Brother didn't expect the Wuxuns to be reborn, just make it whatever you want, don't regret it in the future.

"I just want to turn a corner, huh!"

I just want history to turn a corner here, so that the future of warriors and warriors like servants will no longer appear!

Fang Xing smiled very honestly, but there was a strong confidence in his words.

Civil and military decomposition is the kingly way. Either a separate system or the military has someone who can speak out in the cabinet. This is Fang Xing's goal.

Fang Xing prefers that the military can have a spokesperson in the cabinet so that all parties can accept it.

Xie Jin smiled slightly and said with deep meaning: "You know that the British father is close to you, but why isn't your Majesty, including the civil servants, very jealous?"

Fang Xing said, "We're not very close! It's just walking between relatives."

Xie Jin didn't argue about this: "That's because the British public was far away from the center in the early years, understand? And you should know the reason."

Fang Xing sighed: "The British Gongjing went to Jiaozhi after the disaster. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. After the martial arts followed His Majesty's northward march, they will naturally gather together to keep warm. This is good or bad."

The advantage is that it does not form a party and is not jealous of the emperor. The disadvantage is that the power is too weak and no one can help if something happens.

Xie Jin finally couldn't help it. After groping for a long time from his purse, he took out a piece of caramel, and tried to say to the potato with that alluring voice: "Potato, come here, there is sugar."

After listening to Tudou for a long time, he was impatient for a long time, and he shouted: "Rotten teeth! Rotten teeth! Dad, no...no."

Fang Xing lowered his head and smiled: "Smelly boy, that was given by Grandpa Xie, go."

Tudou then walked over. After receiving the caramel, he arched his hand in a naive manner, then licked it, then turned around and yelled, "Father, give me... to eat."

Fang Xing looked at the caramel covered with saliva, shook his head and said, "My brother has no teeth and can't eat it."

Tudou sighed regretfully, then lowered his head and began to slowly lick the caramel.

Xie Jin's eyes softened a lot, and he said with anticipation: "When Zhen Liang arrives, my grandchildren will not be far away!"


Fang Xing feels very strange that he will be young next year. If it is a few hundred years later, it should be an unrestrained age, but a little vicissitudes of life will be born.

Especially after having two sons, this feeling is even stronger.

"Liliyuan on the grass."

Zhang Shuhui started education after taking the potato, with a small piece of caramel in his mouth, shaking her head and said, "Yiyi, auntie..."


Zhang Shuhui reminded again, but Tudou looked at the sleeping peace and shouted: "Brother! Brother!"

"Hey! Not a child prodigy!"

Zhang Shuhui regretfully put the potatoes on the ground, watching him run in front of Xiaobai, and raised her head and said, "Er Niang, brother! Brother!"

Xiaobai touched the top of his head and said, "Brother is sleeping, do you want potatoes together?"

"No, play."

Tudou looked safe, turned around and rushed out.

"Slower, slower!"

Zhang Shuhui was taken aback by this speed, but fortunately, Mother Deng caught up in time.

"Scared my concubine to death!"

Zhang Shuhui patted the gradually plumping chest, but Fang Xing's eyes shook.

When the empress Zhang Shuhui was obviously more comfortable, she used to be shy when she was with Fang Xing, but now she won't. Even after hearing the cries of potatoes in the middle of the night, she just ran over with half fruit.

Compared with her, Xiao Bai has basically no change in personality except for spending a lot of time on Ping An.

"Master, safe pee again!"

In the helpless voice of Xiaobai's coquetry, Fang Xing felt that those honored guests should also move.


Since Zhang Fu returned to Beijing, he has only taken care of settling his mother and family members, and has not taken care of outside affairs for a while.

The family was finally settled, and before he had time to rest, the former old subordinates and the commander Zhuang Wei who was currently serving in the Governor's Mansion came.

Zhuang Wei was formerly a commander under Zhang Fu's command, and later transferred to the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion through Zhang Fu's relationship.

As soon as I met Zhuang Wei, he paid a salute, Zhang Fu hurriedly pulled up and blamed: "You and I are old, why is this!"

Zhuang Wei grinned and said: "The lower official hates to continue to fight with the Lord of the Country. Unfortunately, the Lord of the Country has countless generals, and the lower official can't find a seat, hahahaha!"

The two exchanged a few words, and Zhuang Wei talked about the current situation of the Ming army.

"Master Guo, this time the north and south sanitary stations are being cleaned up together, but no more soldiers will be added on them, which makes people wonder!"

Zhang Fu said: “Cleaning up the health post is not a day’s work. After the hidden dangers in the south have been eliminated, Daming’s health post appears to be more numerous. It must be reviewed by all parties and then re-planned.”

Zhuang Wei said with a smile: "The Lord of the Kingdom has a good opinion, and there are also some opinions in the Five Army Capital Governor's Office. They say that it is better to reduce the number of guards and increase the number of firearms. This can save a lot of money and food, but the strength will not be reduced. Rise back."

"Oh! That's a good idea."

Zhang Fu felt that the people in the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion had not eaten rice at all, and they started planning forward-looking.

Zhuang Wei slapped his thigh and said, "Sure enough, it is the Lord of the Country! The adults in the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion came to this conclusion after discussing it for more than half a month. You should be ashamed to death if you are ashamed!"

This flattering Zhang Fu from the old subordinate still eats it. He stroked his beard and said: "It's just picking up people's teeth, it's not worth mentioning."


After Zhuang Wei praised a few words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seemed to say unintentionally: "Master of the country, many people in the five-army governor's mansion are preparing to write to your Majesty. Please set up more firearms guards, so you can go to war anyway. Do meritorious service."

Zhang Fu's eyes shrank, his expression unchanged, "Oh! Who are there?"

Zhuang Wei said with a dry smile: "It's the captains, the lower officials can't get up to talk, just listen to your ears and talk to you to relieve your boredom."

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "That's interesting, but I've been unwell recently, and I've taken leave from your Majesty. It's not easy to interfere in state affairs."

Zhuang Wei then deliberately or unconsciously tried to test Zhang Fu, with only one purpose.

——Add a firearm guard station!

But until Zhang Fu appeared impatient, Zhuang Wei still found nothing.

Zhang Fu didn't express any attitude! Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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