Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 912: Thinking about mountain warfare, the 5 military captains who are neurotic...

Zhang Shuhui's arrival made Zhang Shuhui a little bit overjoyed. She greeted her at the door of the inner courtyard with potatoes in her arms. When she saw Zhang Fu coming in, she bowed her head and said to Tudou: "Tudou, call your uncle...lwxiaoshuo."

Seeing the beard on Zhang Fu's face, Tudou hesitated for a while, and yelled, "Big...uncle."

Zhang Fu looked at this tender jade-carved doll, so happy he took off the jade pendant on his body and hung it around his neck. He touched his face and said, "Does potato want to go to Uncle's house to play?"

Tudou shook his head: "No, it depends on my brother."

"It's a good boy!"

The joy in Zhang Fu's eyes is very sincere, and Fang Xing and Zhang Shuhui know this well.

Not having a son to inherit the title is Zhang Fu's current fatal injury, and it is also a matter of the whole Zhang family being ashamed to speak up.

Zhang Fu teased Tudou, and then he was about to wake up to the study with Fang.

"Brother stay and eat!"

Zhang Shuhui shouted, and Zhang Fu smiled and said, "Okay, but don't bother, I like to eat the hot pot of the first fresh recently, just get one."

"That's simple, the family's is better than the first fresh, eldest brother just wait."

When he arrived in the study, Zhang Fu went directly to the subject: "Someone came to test as a brother, probably because he wanted to suggest to your Majesty that a firearm guard should be added, but the purpose is not pure."

"This is to reduce the influence of Jubaoshanwei, and indirectly block my way in military affairs."

Fang Xing smiled: "This must be Xunqi's handwriting, but it's just Wu Xun's action, which disappoints me a bit."

Zhang Fu warned: "You must not underestimate those people, if they join hands, your life will be difficult."

"What's the matter?"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Jubaoshan Wei is Taisun's army. If Taisun goes on an expedition, we will definitely go. As for future expeditions, the nearest one is the grassland. I really hope to add a firearm guard station. , But these guards must be reliable."

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "It's good if you have a count, but it's also a good thing that you temporarily stop fighting. Concentrating on the academy is also a way out."

A cold wind blew, Fang Xing said: "These people think about everything, but didn't think about your majesty's reaction."


Fang Zheng returned and brought Fang Xiao back from Jinling.

This person acted very casually. Just in time for a meal, he saw Fang Xing and Zhang Fu eating hot pot. Without a word, he immediately sent the table and chopsticks.

"Duke Guo, Dehua, the subordinates in the southwest are similar to the savages!"

Zhang Fu put down the wine glass and said in a deep voice, "Are those toasts in the southwest still safe?"

Fang Zheng looked at the rolling red soup base, licked his lips and said, "In the beginning it was dishonest. Later, after a few roads, all the people who got it moved to the mountain to work on the land. At first, those people tried to escape, but then the food harvested. Afterwards, after having a full meal, I immediately smiled and asked if I could open up more wasteland."

The bowls and chopsticks came, and Fang Zheng picked up a slice of lamb, dipped it in the dipping water at random, and couldn't wait to put it in his mouth, making his eyebrows hot.

The hot pot is the base of chicken soup, then boiled with tomato and red oil, it is spicy and fresh.

Fang Xing put some potato chips in, and then asked, "There are many mountains in the southwest, can we get more wolf soldiers out? Last time Li Mengling's wolf soldiers were not bad. They are really like wolves in the battlefield. They are not afraid of death. , Flexible body shape."

Fang Zheng even ate more than a dozen slices of mutton, and then he felt comfortable. He wiped off the soup from his beard, and thought: "It's okay, but those people are wild and untamable. I'm afraid it will be difficult to train."

"What's hard to tune?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Now let’s start enlightenment over there. If you can speak Chinese, you can naturally blend in. I want to see if we can get a mountain village to try. Sun directly took it."

"Mountain Thousand Households?"

Zhang Fu keenly discovered the mystery inside: "Do you want to prepare for future battles?"


Fang Xing nodded and said: "In the future, Daming will fight in all directions. The Treasure Mountain Guard will have no problem in the plains, but if you are fighting in the mountains, you have to retrain, which is too troublesome."

Fang Zheng showed his energy: "Is Dehua planning for a rainy day? Then I would like to lead the army to try."

Fang Xingshi smiled and said: "That's impossible, you go to get a thousand households, it is too deliberate. Unless your majesty thinks it is good and wants to get a guard or more wolf soldiers out, you should try to get it first. A thousand households."

So taking advantage of Jiuxing, Fang Xing wrote a memorial.

It was already afternoon when Zhu Di got the memorial. He looked at it, and his dizzy head awoke for a while after the meal, and then closed his eyes.

The chief **** knew that he was on a lunch break, so he nodded at the two eunuchs, and then walked out lightly.

As a great eunuch, he spent most of his time by Zhu Di's side, and he had to see stitches if he wanted to rest.

Zhu Di just squinted for a quarter of an hour, and then started to work again.

A stack of memorials was sent in. Zhu Di read the first one, then read all of them, and then said, "Take them all."

The chief **** was surprised, and calmly carried the memorials away. As for their home, don't think about it, it must be the dark warehouse.


This is a common method used by the emperor to deal with certain affairs!

Zhu Di looked outside the hall with faint eyes, and suddenly asked, "Where is Taisun?"

"Your Majesty, the Great Sun Palace went down to Jubao Mountain Guard, saying that he was going to see the drill."

Zhu Di nodded, and then said: "The Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion would like to practice it. Okay, get ready. I'll go right away."


Fang Xing, who was taking a nap with the two children, also received the notice. He got out of the bed, ran outside quickly, sneezed, and then dressed and cursed.

"Fifth Army Governor's Mansion is a group of crazy, cold training soldiers."

Zhang Shuhui helped him get dressed and persuaded, "Husband, didn't you say that the colder you get, the more you need to practice."

"Ah cut!"

Fang Xing said annoyed: "He is practicing his, but why is it dragging me? This is a demonstration!"

After getting dressed, Fang Xing took a few celebrities to the university grounds.

The winter in Beiping is really cold. Fang Xing likes to ride a horse and gallop in the summer. It feels like a fan and is very comfortable.

But not in winter. He made a scarf to protect his neck and went to the university campus slowly.

Arriving at the big campus ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, this place has become a sea of ​​warriors. Fang Xing saw that Zhu Di was already on the high platform, and quickly found Jin Zhong.

"Master Jin, what is the trouble in the five-army capital governor's house?"

Jin Zhong saw that Fang Xing almost wrapped himself into a bear, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty has just moved to the capital, and the five-army governor's mansion has come to join in the fun. Are you strong and strong!"

Fang Xing glanced at the fairly neat array, untied his gloves, rubbed his flushed face with his hands, and said, "I think Meng Ying is not at ease. Most of them want to take the opportunity to get things out."

Jin Zhong saw Zhu Zhanji leading the people to the high platform, and finally stood with Zhu Gaosui, and said: "In the past, military training was all in Xuanfu. There was a large area and hundreds of thousands of people could do it, but now it's not possible. !"

"That is, if more than 100,000 troops are training in Xuanfu, it is estimated that Alutai will consider joining forces with the Wala."

The courtesy officer came down, and with the order, tens of thousands of people saluted at the same time, shouting long live.

The shouts shook the sky, and for a while, there was a taste of changing circumstances.

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