Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 937: Fox charm, dig a hole to bury yourself

Five leaders a day stunned the Jazz and moved him!

There are two more changes, and the last one must be after one o'clock! Four more tomorrow as usual!


Zhu Fang's converter has not yet been completed, and Fang Xing's plan cannot be implemented, especially rail transportation. If it is used in docks and mines, the power of science will once again attract the world's attention.

The physics book has not received any response so far. According to the information, it is still with Zhu Gaochi, and he will read it every night.

I still have a chemistry book!

Fang Xing was very entangled, so he made a decision.

"If you leave the glass open, others want to learn it, just pay for it."

Fang Xing felt that this year was unhappy, so he prepared to set off a big firecracker.

Huang Zhonggang reconciled with Xie Jin and his son and had a drink, his face was a little red, and he rubbed his face when he heard the words: "Uncle, now I am going to shake Da Ming."

Think about it, transparent glass, you can use it as a window, you can use it to install on a carriage, the big improvement is more than a little bit!

"Anyway, Daming hasn't heard of Earth Dragon turning over recently. It's good to be shocked."

The Fang family used to be clumsy, so they didn't install glass. Now that Fang Xing has made a decision, he is naturally resolute and resolute.

"In winter, people are cats at home. If you don't open the door, it's dark. It's cold when you open it. It's not the same if you have glass windows."

It is not easy to start construction during the New Year, but the glass is already there. Zhang Shuhui said with joy: "Now potatoes should be rejoicing."

Little Uncle Tudou expressed no interest in this. He was competing with the bell. One person and one dog were rolling on the bed. It seemed that the potatoes had the upper hand, but Fang Xing felt that the bell was modest.


The monks and Taoists kept tossing until the afternoon, when they merged their opinions.

"Father-in-law, it's evil."

The chief **** said blankly: "You can't make it through in front of your majesty. Don't say twenty sticks! There are too many evils, what evils? Why do they stink? All these have to be figured out, otherwise don't blame our family. Remind you!"

It seemed to be exhausted, but in fact, these monks were just pretending to search for a long time, but they were communicating with each other in private, and finally decided on a way to deal with Zhu Di.

"Father-in-law, it's a fox spirit."

The fox spirit is the fox charm, and the **** frowned upon hearing this, "Can fox spirits smell like this?"

The Taoist priest said with a surprised look: "Father-in-law, body odor!"

The **** was in the palace, and the people who came and went were close to Zhu Di. It was necessary to take a bath regularly, and people with body odor could not enter the palace, so he looked awkward.

A monk said, "Father-in-law, that...... Concubine Yang from the former Tang Dynasty!"

The **** had read a book, so it suddenly dawned on him.


"Fox charm?"

"Yes! Your Majesty, it's Fox Charm. Fox Charm wants to confuse Your Majesty, but your Highness often gets close to your Majesty, so he naturally has awe-inspiring righteousness to protect him."

A Taoist priest said incessantly: "The fox charm failed to tempt, so he became angry and became angry, so he let go of that...stink."

I didn't dare to fart, so I said to deflate.

Zhu Di said indifferently, "That's it, you wait to receive the reward and go back."

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, and if he does something, it will be more or less beneficial.

The monks and Taoists left thankful for their gratitude, but in fact they wanted more recognition.

It’s hard to say who wins or loses in Da Ming’s Buddhism and Taoism. Taoism has a keen sense of smell. As early as when Zhu Yuanzhang had not determined the world, the Zhang clan of Longhushan, the celestial master of the Yuan Dynasty, sent someone to connect with Zhu Yuanzhang. Palm Da Ming Taoism.

And because of Zhu Yuanzhang's early background in Buddhism, he has also received a lot of care, and there are a lot of fields and everything.

If it can be appreciated by the emperor, it will be of great benefit to both the orthodoxy and the actual benefits.

Zhu Di saw the disappointment, he was just indifferent.

Huang Yan looked at the big **** with cold eyes. The so-called fox charm was just a joke, a joke that he couldn't hide.

But Zhu Di needs this joke to cover up Zhu Gaosui's affairs, otherwise...


"Has a fart stinking half a city? From now on, my third brother's reputation will become louder."

After Zhu Gaoxu heard the news, he went to the palace to ‘comfort’ Zhu Gaosui for a while, and then came to Fangjiazhuang, where he was immediately revealed.

"Said it was the fart of Humei."

Zhu Gaoxu picked up a piece of beef jerky and chewed it, feeling that it was better than the homemade one.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Body odor! But there are not many among us Han."

When it comes to body odor, Zhu Gaoxu obviously has a say: "There is body odor in the military. You know, it's hard to take a bath in the military. The weather is hot. Nobody with body odor wants to join him."

Zhu Zhanji came with a look of anger, Fang Xing smiled, "In fact, you haven't found that people with oily earwax basically have body odor."


Zhu Gaoxu remembered that his earwax was dry, which was very difficult to pick up.

"It must be true. This is a change in the human body."

"You all like beautiful women. Actually, I tell you that the so-called body fragrance of beautiful women is also a manifestation of body odor."

Zhu Gaoxu's face was shocked, even Zhu Zhanji temporarily forgot what was bothering him, and asked curiously: "Brother Dehua, you are not making up."

"What the hell!"

Fang Xing said: "Body odor is the odor that occurs after sweat is decomposed by those invisible things, and the so-called body odor is actually the same, but most of it comes from places where sweating is small, such as small sweat glands. After decomposition, it becomes that kind of smell."

"The body scent is sweat?"

This statement subverted Zhu Gaoxu's cognition, and Zhu Zhanji was obviously also a little daunted.

These uncles and nephews won't hate women in the future, will they?

However, in line with the guidelines of disgusting people to be thorough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing said with a smile: "In fact, most people in the past have a lot of body odor, and they are used for...Forget it, I won't talk about it."

Find a puppet! How to courtship without a strong and easily recognizable body odor? !

Zhu Gaoxu carried a bag of beef jerky and shook his head: "Fang Xing, if this king is no longer interested in women, it is all your sin!"

When I was going out, I just met Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai who were walking the baby, Zhu Gaoxu said without squinting, "Fang Xing just said that the smell of a woman's body is sweat."

Damn it!

Fang Xing inside was instantly confused, and Zhu Zhanji gloated.

Zhang Shuhui took the potatoes into the bath without changing her face, but Xiao Bai followed behind and said, "Madam, the young master has become more and more disgusted with us."


Fang Xing wanted to say it, but in front of Zhu Zhanji, he finally decided to save the man's face first, and then save the impact later.

Zhu Zhanji's smile gradually faded, and annoyed: "Huang Yan added fuel to the fire, **** it!"

Huang Yan may feel that today's words and deeds are no different from the past, but in Fang Xing's view, he has touched the high-tension line in the hearts of Zhu Gaochi and his son.

Unlike previous slanders, Huang Yan is a direct planting this time!

It's okay if you planted others, planted the prince, but this Liangzi has a lot of trouble.

Fang Xing said lightly: "But he can't die now, nor can he die!"

Huang Yan is also a dog raised by Zhu Di, and he knows many secrets. After Zhu Gaochi and his son are in power, his fate will be extremely miserable.

"As early as when Grandpa Emperor was hiding in the mansion, Huang Yan was attached to King Zhao, and repeatedly slandered his father. This old dog dare not get off the boat!"

Zhu Zhanji's analysis was correct. Huang Yan knew that Zhu Gaochi would not wait to see him, and that he would be liquidated if he was in the upper position, so he pinned all his hopes on Zhu Gaosui, and made a lot of effort.

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