Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 938: Master, you are coaxing people again

In the afternoon, several eunuchs infected with wind-cold were added to the uterus, and then they were removed.

Those who serve by the nobles, as long as they have a contagious disease, regardless of whether they are diagnosed or not, they have to be removed and wait for the disease to recover before assessing whether they can return to their original place.

Zhu Di didn't pay attention to this at all. After learning that Zhu Gaosui's diarrhea had stopped, he received a memorial from Fang Xing.

"Xing Hebo said that the glass furnace has found a way to produce glass on a large scale. In the future, mirrors and glass will no longer be rare."

Concubine Wang Gui had just combed through the palace with the East Factory. She was a little tired, and she was surprised when she heard the words: "Will the woman's mirror be cheaper in the future?"

The first thing women care about is beauty. Zhu Di couldn't help but think of Empress Xu. If it were her, she would probably be worried about igniting extravagant consumption.

"Is there a discovery in the palace?"

Zhu Di asked.

Concubine Wang was still remembering the mirror, and she said casually: "It's all well, just found some privately hidden things, but they are all hairpins and the like, and the concubines have already been punished."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Recently, you should pay more attention to it, and don't pass on it indiscriminately!"

Concubine Wang answered clearly.

If the name of Zhu Gaosui's "a fart stinks half a city" was passed around in the palace, the reputation would be completely stinking.


Zhu Zhanyi came back, carrying a hare in his hand, and the hare's neck looked crooked. Needless to say, it was definitely not dead on the spot and was cut off by the guards.

"Brown it in brown sauce."

Because of the bell, Fang Xing now has no enthusiasm for the hare at the beginning, and doesn't even want to get it.

"Fang Xing, I want to eat your braised rabbit meat."

Wanwan also came back, her hands and face dirty.

So there was an extra piece of braised rabbit meat for dinner, Zhu Zhanzhen almost wanted to stay at Fang's house.

But when Liang Zhong received the news, he declared the end of this small vacation.

"The palace has been scrubbed many times, and now it has no taste."

In fact, the smell comes from Zhu Gaosui's clothes. As long as the clothes are processed, the natural smell will dissipate.

Fang Xing pretended to be curious and asked, "What is it that smells so bad?"

Liang Zhong whispered: "It was Fox Charm, but no clue could be found on Zhao Wang's clothes, and it has been stored in a closed room."


Fang Xing smiled and walked away Wanwan and his party, but turned around a little tangled.

A woman loves beauty. If you say that she is stinky, you are committing a crime.

Entering the inner room, Tudou was playing with a pile of wood, and he was asleep, but Fang Xing concluded that he would wake up within half an hour.

Tonight, it was Zhang Shuhui's turn to'wait for the bed'. Fang Xing wanted to sleep together, but in the end he could only succeed after drinking. Normally the two women would not agree.

It was still early, Fang Xing went to play with Tudou with building blocks, and looked at peace by the way.

Bell Ding probably thought that the atmosphere was not right, so he quietly returned to his kennel and refused to show up again.

Sure enough, before half an hour, he woke up in peace, crying with one mouth.

"It must have been urine."

Fang Xing turned Ping An over, uncovered the diaper, and then asked someone to send water to clean his buttocks.

Wiping his **** clean and putting on a new diaper, he was safe and quiet. Fang Xing held him and didn't hum, but just looked at him fixedly.

Children's eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world, pure and trembling.

"Peace, okay to sleep with Dad tonight?"

Xiaobai came over and said, "Master, there will be a noise two or three times on safe evening."

"That's not much."

Potatoes were able to make noise four or five times in a single night, and they were exhausted every time.

When she went to bed at night, Zhang Shuhui turned inward, and Fang Xing did not give in, so she went to sleep separately.

Late at night, Zhang Shuhui fell asleep, and she didn't know when, she felt that familiar feeling came again.

Opening her eyes, Fang Xing's smirk was invisible in the darkness, but she felt it.

"The concubine body is stinky, you should stay away from your husband."

"But you are a vixen! For my husband, I am fascinated by you, or let's..."


The next morning, when Zhang Shuhui appeared in the inner courtyard full of water, Xiao Bai, who was rinsing her mouth, hummed, "Master is coaxing people again!"

Fang Xing, who came out with a yawn from behind, said, "Coax who is it? Your young master, I only coax children!"

Zhang Shuhui in front took the potatoes, and she couldn't help but smile after hearing Fang Xing's words.

There are many things between husband and wife that are not for outsiders. Looking at the majestic man on the outside, he may be a teaser in front of his wife.

And looking at a dignified and elegant woman, in front of her husband, she may also be a cute creature who can act like a baby.

Xiaobai pouted, "I only know how to coax Madam, but I don’t know how to coax me!"

"Second lady, the second young master wakes up."

With a swish, Xiao Bai disappeared, and then a bluff came from inside: "Peace, why did you pull it again!"

"Mother! Go out! Go out!"

The potatoes over there didn't stop, struggling to get to the ground, stumbled and ran out.


Zhang Shuhui gritted her teeth to catch up, rewarded a few cents, and giggled the potatoes.

Fang Xing ran a circle in the inner courtyard, and the blocked potato followed when he saw it, and Bell was pacing closely behind him. For a while, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai laughed.

"Father! Father!"

Potato swayed after him, unexpectedly not slow, Fang Xing turned his head helplessly, holding him for a walk.

"Boy, you are crazy for a day, and you have exercised enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ see brother!"

"Brother don't cry!"

Probably in the heart of a kid, it is a skill to make a child younger than himself cry.

"Tsk! Why don't you worry about it!"

Fang Xing hugged the potatoes for a quarter of an hour, even if the early exercise was over.

"What do you eat in the morning?"

No one can compare the feelings of Chinese people towards food. From the emperor to the common people, they can always regard food as their life.

Zhang Shuhui said: "Bancakes and vegetable porridge."

The food I have eaten these days is too oily, so I need to clean up my stomach and intestines lightly.

The sesame seeds are baked in a charcoal stove, browned and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Fang Xing took a bite and was satisfied with the sausage and pepper.

The vegetable porridge is boiled with shredded Chinese cabbage, dried shrimp and scallops are added, and the taste is delicious.

Potato drank the vegetable porridge and clamored to go to the village to play.

"Go go, just take care of it."

Fang Xing ignored Zhang Shuhui's advice and asked Jia Ding to take the potatoes out.

"Children just want to beat, playing around is also a kind of learning, and he can learn a lot with his friends."

Children who were lonely in childhood have many problems when they grow up.

Zhu Zhanyong is a typical example, and he used extreme methods to resist.

The college was on holiday, and Zhu Gaochi was too embarrassed to ask Fang Xing to help him raise his son, so he took Zhu Zhanyong back.

Wanwan found that this second brother seemed to be a little crooked, and he always wore a nonchalant expression. He didn't say anything about the imperfect waiters at the palace, just sneered with self-deprecating.

"Second brother, don't you laugh like this, okay?"

Zhu Zhanyong rolled his eyes and turned around without reason.

During the New Year, the family is always reunited, and the same is true for Zhu Gaochi's family.

After breakfast, a large family gathered in the inner temple, together with Zhu Gaochi's other women and children, the inner temple was full.

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