Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Emperor 1 Fury

Zhu Zhanji rushed into the palace all the way, regardless that Zhu Di was talking to a few bachelors, and said angrily: "Grandpa Emperor, the college was burned!"

Zhu Di's expression moved slightly, but Yang Rong's expressions changed drastically.

Who is doing this!

"Grandpa Huang, just now more than a hundred scholars rushed into the academy, someone set a fire, and then the whole academy was lit. When the grandson came, the fire was still burning."

As soon as the physics book was published, Confucianism and science were opposed to each other. It is not unusual for both sides to use various methods, but they actually set fire. This...

Setting fire is breaking the law, and Zhu Zhanji is breaking the law. Who dares to protect those people? !

Zhu Di said with a calm face: "Who did it? Who took the lead? Did you catch it?"

The emperor only asked about the result, not the motive.

With such madness and rudeness, Zhu Di is bound to go to war!

Those people can be regarded as seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence...

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and resisted the impulse: "Grandpa Emperor, grandson does not want to pursue this matter, but is worried that he will..."

Jin Youzi's eyes almost fell off, his cheeks trembling, he really wanted to go up and tear Zhu Zhanji's face to see if he was possessed.

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi smiled, thinking that having this crown prince is really the blessing of Ming Dynasty!

"Come on!"

But Zhu Di didn't think so. He saw more than a dozen burnt hairs of various lengths floating on Zhu Zhanji's head, and said angrily: "Come here!"

Wang Fusheng stepped forward with a knife with one hand, knelt on one knee, and suddenly promised: "Your Majesty!"

"Go, take those people!"

The emperor was angry, and the blood drifted away.

Yang Rong wanted to persuade, but worried that it would backfire.

Zhu Di used to have a bad temper, very bad. Although it has changed in recent years, it did not violate his bottom line.

Even Zhu Zhanji was burned, how can I persuade him?

Jin Youzi looked at Yang Shiqi, who was relatively straightforward, but Yang Shiqi was thinking about who would do it, so he didn't pay attention.


Qian Zun felt that he was really unlucky, and he would be bewildered by his friends to participate in the action to contain Zhixing Academy.

"It's all burned out, and your Royal Highness is also on the scene. This is looking for death!"

Qian Zun was fine with a small body, so he was the first to escape, and then ran towards Beiping City.

After seeing the walls of Beiping City, Qian Zun was proud of him. No one...

"No one wants to catch me!"

"The people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars are here!"

Someone behind him yelled in panic.

A group of weak scholars, if they want to run with the sergeant, they are really seeking a dead end.

Qian Zun was panting, his heart was fierce, and the speed accelerated a little more.

Why are the people from the Five Cities Soldiers behind? Then why didn't they block the Confucian scholars in the academy before?

This thought was about to arise, and Qian Zun saw several rows of sergeants standing in front, looking at him coldly.


Qian Zun is very smart, knowing that he can't escape, so he knelt on the ground and shouted, "The students are here for an outing!"

A sergeant strode up to Qian Zun's body, and saw that the old scholar kneeling in front of him, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and then kicked Qian Zun over with one kick and skillfully bound him. hand.

Those literati who had escaped saw that there were interceptions in front of them and chasing soldiers behind them, not to mention fleeing from the side, and several people began to quarrel.

After being completely surrounded, these people are still arguing.

"It's you, why did I come here if not you? Also, Huo must have ordered people! Yes, you must have ordered them!"

A man in a blue shirt grabbed a pale-faced man and asked. The pale man said unwillingly, "I was coaxed too! I was coaxed too!"

"The wrongdoer, the debtor, don't do my business!"

The gray-haired old people who had been framed in the middle couldn't help feeling sad when they saw this scene.

"Originally, it was good. Even if we freeze to death at the gate of the academy, it is worth it. Who knows **** the gang in a half way, how to be good now! How to be good!"

"Take it all away!"


"His Royal Highness, those scholars who went to make trouble ignited Zhixing Academy and almost burned Taisun."

"How about Taisun?"

Zhu Gaosui's eyes flashed with unknown colors, and he asked eagerly, his hands were also tightly clasped together, and his breathing was short of breath.

As the saying goes, one person gains the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven. If Zhu Gaosui can ascend to heaven, then Zhang Chu's status will naturally rise as the guard leader of his hidden residence, and it is not impossible to even get a title.

Zhang Chu said with regret: "No, just a few scorched hairs."

Then you say an egg!

Zhu Gaosui said angrily: "Where are the scholars? They all ran away? But they did a good job, presumably Fang Xing is already crying without tears!"

It’s one thing to burn the academy and face scandal. The key is that the weather is so cold and there is no house. How does the academy teach?

Ha ha ha ha!

Zhu Gaosui's little tongue was shaking in his throat, and the news that Zhu Zhanji was intact could not make him depressed.

Zhang Chu looked down and said, "His Royal Highness, those people have all been caught."


Zhu Gaosui said angrily: "Trash! Wake up here and there is another excuse, it's really trash!"


Fang Xing didn't say anything, he didn't even enter the palace, just looked at the college that was burned to white ground by the fire.

Jin Zhong came, standing beside Fang Xing in silence, and sighed for a long while: "Dehua, that's all, the college is the thorn in the eyes of literati. You have no impulse this time, that's good!"

Fang Xing’s neck moved with difficulty ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his voice was a little hoarse: "Confucianism has ruled the Central Plains for thousands of years. I dare not be a car with a man arm, so I only recruited a few students. As for the physics book, that's just mine. Doctrine, can’t it be printed?"

"Which is the truth?!"

Fang Xing turned around, glanced at Zhang Fu behind, and said tragically: "Even the Meng Yuan people, they didn't prohibit other doctrines from spreading, right? Otherwise, where did I come from the treasure ship?!"

The Mengyuan people still left something for Daming-artisans! That is, the workers in the scholars, farmers, industry and commerce!

"I have said that the disciples of the academy do not participate in the imperial examinations, and start from a young age. Isn't this also okay? Do you have to leave Daming with only Confucianism to give up?!"

Fang Zheng also came, with more than a dozen famous family members, Fang Xing nodded to him and smiled reluctantly.

"Hundreds of flowers are contending, a hundred flowers blooming, God has never forbidden other crops to grow, how dare they? How dare they think that they are better than God?!"

The original site of the academy was ruined, and some open flames rose from time to time, and then crackled a few times.

Zhang Fu said in a deep voice, "They have done too much about this matter. Dehua can rest assured that Your Majesty will never turn a blind eye! We will not turn a blind eye either!"


Jin Zhong was very knowledgeable, but was still irritated by the brutality and unscrupulousness of these scholars. He said, "The old man will go into the palace immediately and see who dares to intercede for those people!"

Zhang Fu said: "I will go with Lord Jin! Today I want to see who can refer to the donkey as the horse, turning black and white!"

Fang Zheng is not enough to exert influence in this regard. He sternly said: "I'm going to the Five Cities Soldiers!"

Those people are currently waiting to be dealt with, they are being held in Wucheng Soldiers and Horses. Fang Zheng goes to the town. Naturally, he can control the situation and prevent anyone from passing on outside news.

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