It’s the weekend, everyone relaxes, and Jazz also relaxes a bit.

Pray that there will be no problems with the equipment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and customers will not call.

Even in the afternoon, it is almost dusk, but the sun outside the window is still reluctantly swaying the heat-the sad temperature!

The book is two million words long, thank you for your support, and wish you all a happy weekend!

Today, a book friend in the group posted a reader's testimony (another book). Sir, I was deeply touched by it and was deeply moved.

Today, there are book friends talking about Confucianism and Confucianism in the book review area. Jazz has a little time before work to explain.

Confucianism is Confucianism, similar to religion, it is a huge collection of interests, at that time it was an invincible beast!

And Confucianism is just a discipline, self-cultivation and mind-cultivation, double cultivation...Uh! No, it is telling us: To be a man, we must listen to the Master's words and handle things according to the Master's teachings.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and there are more than 200 people in the Q group:

Oni's knowledge of steel made Jazz cover her face.

The experience of the leader and the perspective of the problem have benefited the Jazz a lot.

The careful inspection of the ice wolf made Sir found many mistakes.

The organization of the Cavaliers saves the Jazz a lot of worry.

Even a few little loli are better than Jazz, why? People are a master of learning, and Jazz is a scumbag!

Ha ha ha ha!

So there is a specialization in the surgical industry!

Confucianism belongs to Confucianism, and Confucianism belongs to Confucianism. But Confucianism wants to hold internal affairs, diplomacy, military...all in its hands, and feels that it can do it by itself. That's a joke!

Someone once said: Half of the Analects governs the world, and the Jazz does not believe it.

Still the same sentence: There is a specialization in the surgery industry!

What Fang Xing faces is a huge collection of interests-Confucianism!

And his way to break the game is to break the doctrine!

Your Confucianism is huge, but I know how to do it!

I use Fangxue to dig your roots!

The people are the foundation of Daming, and when Fang Xue has shaken this foundation quietly, that is the beginning of the reform of Daming!

Jazz didn't want to follow the trend, didn't want to use bulldozers to push!

While pushing horizontally is cool, there are loopholes everywhere!

Someone might say: Sir, don’t you just write online novels? Really consider yourself a garlic clove? Really want to write your own feelings about Daming?

Silly! Why is the plot tormented by holding his hair all day? Write more plots that make the reader refreshing, and the codewords are fast. Isn't it good to make money flying?

Ha ha!

Jazz responded!

From the beginning of the book to seriousness, Jazz has also experienced difficult choices.

Are you writing cool text? Or do you try to pour your emotions within your own level?

Now, the choice has been made, and Jazz's feelings are poured into it. I only hope that the book friends will not dislike it, and accompany the jazz to continue this story together!

In any case, the original intention of the Jazz has not changed.

No matter what the level is, just write the Daming in my heart, no regrets!

——The time is very short, the writing is very hasty, the sentence may not be smooth, and there is no time to modify the typos, everyone, have a good weekend!

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