"I see." Zuo Shotaro did not expect that in this matter, Philip was much simpler than he thought.

He really should have believed in the emperor ride.


Time King World.

Aura was a little surprised to see the scene of the video, Menyashi was even more powerful than she thought, the origin of this person was already a mystery, and they now cooperated with each other, and they didn't even have any interests.

This means that he has no idea what the purpose of the person in front of him is in this world.

But now it seems that he may really just want to destroy this world, after all, people like him, isn't it easy to deal with Shi Wang?


At this point, the video went dark again.

This time, as before, the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia gave everyone a time to evaluate, and everyone gave the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia a score according to their own wishes.

After the scoring time was over, a message popped up on the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia screen.

[One of the famous scenes of Kamen Rider Emperor will be broadcast in five minutes.] 】

[Emperor Riding Ancestor Sect Form! ] 】

After seeing this form of ancestors and ancestors, everyone was stunned.

[Kiryu War Rabbit: What the hell is the form of the ancestors? ] Spiritual Hall? 】

[Shinji Jodo: Why does this form sound so scary?] It's hard to imagine what it's like. 】

[George? Kasaki: Hahaha! I found out that this meme encyclopedia does have terriers! It turned out to be that form! But it's really like that! 】

[Kazuki Igarashi: So what exactly is the form?] 】

[George? Kaizaki: It's not interesting to say this, you can understand it when you see it, and it will definitely not disappoint you. 】

[Shoichi Tsugami: It seems that you can look forward to it, and I feel that although the name sounds terrifying, it should be a strong form. 】

[Monyaji: How did I not know that I had this form? 】

Menyaji shook his head helplessly, he really didn't remember what ancestor form he had, if he had to say it... Is that the form?

Aura looked at Menyaji expectantly: "Is that form interesting?" "

Before Menyaji could answer, you hurried up.

"Why are you still here? Gates went back in time to find the spirit ride! "

"What!" Ola reacted to this, she still had important things to do, now was not the time to watch the video.

"I'll take you back in time." Ola said and was going to pull the menyas.

Instead, Menyaji grabbed her hand.

"Can't you go back in time without traveling through time?" Menyaji asked.

"Then do you have another way?"

Aura originally thought it was strange, but soon she reacted, in the video just now, the world where Menya is located is different.

If he didn't have the ability to travel through time and space, how could he travel between so many worlds?

As she pondered this question, Mengyashi waved his hand, and an aurora curtain appeared in front of them.

This is a ability that belongs to Menyaji himself.

Menyashi stepped into the aurora curtain and disappeared, and Aura quickly followed.

After crossing this curtain, they do indeed return to the past time.

Then the next task is to find Gates, and absolutely not let him succeed, otherwise everything they have done will be in vain.

While Menyaji was getting down to business, the video of the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia began to play again.

At the beginning of the video, everyone saw that the emperor rider got the empty card, and they instantly understood that what was playing now should be the video just now.

Because I can't get this card until I defeat Yusuke Onodera.

"It's too much!" Mitsukai was very angry when he saw that the emperor had defeated Yusuke Onodera.

"So what?" The emperor horse seemed to say indifferently.

"I will... Stop you! Guang Xia Hai had already made up her mind, and she stretched out her hand and called the little bat Yalan next to her.


"Let's go on." Yalan quickly responded, and Guang Xiahai took Yalan, ready to transform.

“Henshin!" (Transformation).

In an instant, Yaran cooperated with Hikari Natsumi to transform into Kamen Rider Yaran.

"Let the horses come." The emperor horse opened his arms and was ready for battle.

Ya Lan took the sword and slashed at the emperor horse, but the emperor horse didn't seem to mean to fight back, and she cut several swords without any action.

It wasn't until Yalan got closer that he knocked Yalan back with one palm.

"Let's go on the road with peace of mind." The emperor horse made preparations to attack, and when Yalan saw him like this, he rushed over with his sword in both hands.

Originally, everyone thought that the emperor horse would fight back and solve Yalan with one move, but the truth was the opposite of what everyone thought.

The emperor horse not only did not attack, but stood there and let her attack.

Ya Lan stabbed a sword into the drive of the emperor rider, it was obvious that the emperor horse was deliberately attacked by her, his strength is so strong, there is no problem in dealing with so many Kamen Riders, how can he not dodge this blow?

This is no longer a release of water, this is a direct release of the Pacific Ocean!

Yalan was stunned after stabbing this sword, normally the other party should have dodged it.

The drive of the emperor horse was destroyed, and he himself was seriously injured, so he lifted his transformation and fell to the ground in the next second.

Yalan's whole body was stunned, and the sword fell from her hand.

After dissolving the transformation, Hikaru Natsumi walked to the side of Monyaki step by step.

"Why... Don't dodge my attacks? "

Instead of answering her question, Menyaji said something else.

"Those knights who were destroyed by me, you have to remember them."

"What? Remember? Guang Xia Hai didn't understand what he meant at all.

Monyaji handed the card in his hand to Mitsukai: "The only way I can communicate with the knights is to fight. "

"It's great that you were the last to knock me down..."

"Taxi! Don't die! "

At this time, Haidong Dashu also rushed over, but unfortunately it was too late.

After the death of Monyaji, the world suddenly changed, from day to night.

Guangxiahai and Haidong saw Hongdu, and Hongdu said to them.

"The story of the knight, which was meant to disappear with the passage of time, is now left in people's memories because of the battle with the imperial horse."

"It keeps the story going."

"Story?" Guang Xia Hai asked suspiciously.

Hongdu unfolded the aurora curtain, Hikaru Natsumi and Haito saw the various knight worlds, and the pictures of one world after another flashed, and Yusuke Onodera and the other Kamen Riders who were defeated by the emperor horse returned to their world.

All the knights' worlds have been restored to their original form.

"Creation can only be born from destruction, and the story of the knight born of destruction becomes eternal."

Hongdu's explanation is already clear, and it also makes everyone understand why Kamen Rider Teijo is the destroyer of the world.

He is indeed a world destroyer, only, his destruction is to recreate.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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