"What about the Emperor Rider?" Hikari Natsumi thought of the monyaji who had just died.

"Emperor Ride? Emperor Rider has no story. "

Although what Hongdu said was cruel, it was indeed a fact, and every world here did not belong to the emperor horse.

Obviously, Guang Xia Hai couldn't accept this matter, but when she wanted to go up and question, the world returned to its original world.

Hikari sorted through the previous photo album and thought of a photo that Menyaki had taken, and she wanted to find the photo that could prove his existence.

But the people of the Shuka Organization have already begun to wreak havoc in this world, and Haidong has blocked those enemies, giving her the opportunity to find the photo.

Mitsukai took the film he found and decided to re-develop it.

"As long as there is anyone who remembers the taxi, he should still have a place to stay." Mitsukai thinks so.

"I will never forget the taxi." Onodera Yusuke said.

"I can't forget that hateful face..." Haidong said silently, obviously he was just hard-mouthed, he didn't want Menyaishi to disappear completely.

"Shihe is here." Hikari held up the photo and said firmly, even though there was nothing on the photo.

Yusuke Onodera and Kaito also grabbed the photo together, and the beliefs of the three of them, as well as the Kamen Riders who had known Monyaji before, everyone's memory of Monyaji seemed to have a miracle.

The original photograph of no portrait shows the appearance of Monyaji.

Suddenly, ten aurora curtains appeared, and a figure walked through the curtain, and each time he walked through a curtain, a story related to Menyashi and that world emerged.

Until the end, Menyaji appeared in front of everyone.

In this world, as long as someone remembers him, there is a place for him, then there is his story, and with a story, then he will always exist in this world.

Seeing this, people from all over the world were silent, they did not expect the truth of the matter to be like this.


W World.

"I know! It turns out that the emperor rider did those things for this reason, but he alone has borne too much, right? If it were me..."

"If it were you, you would definitely solve all the problems silently alone."

Philip snatched the words over.

"Well, well..." sighed Sashotaro, in other words, he did.

So he can now understand what the emperor horse did.

"And I found one thing." Philip suddenly spoke.


"The story we just watched should have happened before the last time we fought together, which is also an understanding of what he has experienced before."

"Huh? That's how it is, it's a pity! If only I could continue playing, wouldn't you be able to see my handsome figure? "


Philip didn't know what to say about this sentence.


Armor World.

World Tree Consortium.

Wu Dao Guihu stared at the video in front of him, watching the barrage that everyone had brushed, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"First destruction, then creation?"

Their world is now also facing the problem of destruction, and he wonders if it is possible for them to recreate?

The current countermeasure is to save some people as much as possible so that they can survive in the future world, but this can only ensure the survival of some human beings.

Is there really no other way to save their world?

The matter of the emperor riding gave him some inspiration, maybe he could change the way.


Moon Ride World.

Hongdu looked at the scene in the video suspiciously, he felt that this matter was a little strange, and when he first saw that the shapeshifter of the Moon Rider was a child, he realized that it was also a parallel world.

But the problem was that he himself appeared in that world, and it was clear that he was not the same person as that moon rider.

"Moon Bat, do you think that person is me?"

"This... At present, there is no way to determine whether it is true that there should be people who look exactly the same in this world, right? "

It is also difficult to say about this matter, mainly according to the video, the parallel world that the emperor rider shuttles through does not have people who look exactly the same as the original world.

"Hmm..." Hongdu shook his head, it seems that he still can't be too entangled, whether that person is him or not, maybe he will know in the future.

So Hongdu turned his attention back to the Knight Terrier Encyclopedia, where everyone was discussing the video they had just seen.

[Dorothalos: I didn't expect this guy to be so... Alas, it is not easy for him too, in fact, what problems can be said directly! 】

[Shoichi Tsugami: Well, sure enough, the situation of this world destroyer is similar to what I thought. 】

[Ge Ye Qi: I didn't expect the emperor to be like this, so he eliminated those knights, in fact, to save the world where those knights were? ] 】

[Tomari Jinnosuke: This is really great, he didn't count himself in it from the beginning, and the end result of this is definitely that he will disappear. 】

[Shijima Gang: Fortunately, the result is not bad, if he really disappeared like that, it would be a pity. ] 】

[Commander: That's right, as long as there is still memory, time will not disappear, as long as someone remembers the emperor ride, his story can continue forever. 】

[Igarashi Kazuki: It's okay, don't we all know the emperor rider now? 】

[Kiryu War Rabbit: @门矢士所以这种情况刚刚为什么没有解释呢? In fact, everyone will believe what you said. 】

[Nautaki: Of course that's because he has a ghost in his heart! ] What you saw is not true, otherwise why would he have hit that Tokiwa Shogo and Gates just now? 】

[George? Kasaki: I know! Well...... But it doesn't seem appropriate to say it now? 】

[Mishin Kaga: @Tokiwa Shogo @Gates.



After Kaga Mishin took these two people, the barrage instantly quieted down, but everyone waited for a long time, and they didn't react at all.

[Kaga Mijin: Strange... Aren't people there? But the video is still playing? 】

[Kamiyama Hibiha: Maybe something happened, right? How about we wait? 】

[Peacharas: Hey, hey! Are you all not interested in that ancestral form? The video is on! It should be this time, right? 】

Everyone reacted when they heard the reminder of Tautaros, and they all shifted their attention back to the video.

In the video, Kamen Riders are fighting the army of Shuka.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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