After a while.

"Shikame Madoka...isn't that your name, Madoka?"

Sayaka couldn't help but swallow her saliva as she looked at Madoka who was stunned.

no doubt...

When they saw the introduction and Madoka's name, the three of them understood in an instant that the world they were taking stock of this time was their world!

Moreover, the person taking inventory is actually Madoka Shikama next to him!

"Yes... it's my name, but... I don't know what the principle of the circle is... and what the multiverse is..." On the side, Madoka also came to her senses, her face is full of confusion.

In response to this, Miss Tomoe Mami on the side also looked confused, shocked by the picture and introduction in her mind!

Although she knew that Madoka would be very strong when she transformed into a magical girl, she didn't know that she would be so strong!

The first issue of the inventory of characters from all over the world TOP3...

This is a ranking higher than that Kakarot!


She doesn't understand what the multiverse is...

Just when the three of them were full of doubts, Kyubey appeared and explained the multiverse...


Kyubey was more impressed by Madoka's talent!

He even once again offered her an olive branch to become a magical girl!

However... Madoka refused, saying that she planned to watch the inventory video before deciding.

after all...

In the introduction just now, he said that in order to save the magical girl, he became the principle of the ring, Shikame Enkami!

Maybe Kyubey is hiding something from them!

At the same time, magical girls all over the world were shocked by this scene. Madoka's parents, classmates and teachers even widened their eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of them...

Magical girl?

The ultimate infinite multiverse level existence?

The principle of the circle in the concept, Shikamu Enjin?

What's going on?

Isn't Madoka just an ordinary middle school student? !

So... with many people confused and countless viewers watching with bated breath, the picture played slowly.

I only see in the screen...

In a certain city, a girl was born...

His parents gave him the name Shikame Madara...

As the scene continued to change rapidly, Shikama Madoka also grew up rapidly, and her parents gave birth to a younger brother. Time flies like an arrow...


Madoka reached the age of being in the second grade of junior high school, and started a warm campus life, until one day Madoka met a mysterious and cute creature named Kyubey, and then... Madoka's life began to change drastically!

"That...that's the scene from when I was born until I met Kyubey!"

In the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Madoka Shikama looked at herself in the picture and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

On the other side, the transfer student Xiao Meiyan's eyes suddenly shrank, and a murderous intention continued to surge into her heart...

if you can...

She really wants to kill all the Kyubeys!

In this case...

Maybe Madoka won't become a magical girl...

As the camera turned, Madoka appeared in a strange world. This was an illusory world. The whole world was covered in black and white. Because the black and white grid like a track was reflected in all directions, Madoka's Figures kept running in it...


After she opened a door...

At this moment, the eyes of countless spectators suddenly shrank, the expressions on their faces were extremely shocked, and their whole bodies could not help but tremble!

I saw...

In the picture, as the door opens, what everyone sees is an extremely bleak world. Everything is turning into dust at this moment. The high-rise buildings in the city have already collapsed... And there is a weird magic circle in mid-air, and a huge dark shadow!

A scene like the end of the world appears in everyone's mind!


At this moment, in the world of Madoka Magica, Miss Tomoe Mami and countless magical girls could not help but open their mouths, with extremely horrified expressions on their faces.

Because...the witch in front of me is too powerful!

Countless times more powerful than the witch they encountered!

"What a strange creature...what the hell is this?"

In the world of death, Aizen raised his eyebrows, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

Although the creature in the picture didn't give him the feeling of being particularly powerful, he had never seen this kind of creature before... and he didn't even know what its composition principle was! ! !

But...if my guess is correct, this should be the witch mentioned before, right? ! !

In this regard, many people also judged what the creature in front of them was...

However, the strength of this creature seems to be quite average...

Why does this review video rate that girl so highly?

In the picture, in Madoka's eyes, a very beautiful girl with black hair reaching her waist is rushing towards the witch in mid-air, with a small round shield in her left hand.


Madoka and others who watched the scene recognized this person's identity...

This girl is a transfer student from their school, and her name is Xiao Meiyan! ! !

"how so..."

After Xiao Meiyan saw herself in the picture, her pupils suddenly shrank.

She was naturally extremely familiar with this scene, because this was what she had experienced in previous reincarnations! ! !


If Madoka knew about this, I'm afraid...

In the picture, looking at the figure of the witch, Xiao Meiyan suddenly stepped forward and rushed towards the direction of the witch, but was suddenly hit by the building thrown by it... and then was hit by waves of... The red energy like flames kept chasing, and the situation suddenly fell into a disadvantage! ! !

“That’s too much!!!”

In the distance, Madoka looked at this scene and couldn't help but said worriedly.

"There is no way, the burden would be too heavy for her alone, but she is also ready to wake up!!!" Kyubey said slowly from the side.

"This is too much, there is no such thing!!!"

Looking at Xiaomi Homura who was locked in a fierce battle in the distance and being constantly ravaged, Madoka's voice was trembling, feeling extremely sorry for Xiaomi Homura.

"If you give up, that's the end of it..."

Under Madoka's hesitant gaze, Kyubey then spoke: "But...if it's you, you can change your destiny!!!"

Hearing this, Madoka's eyes were filled with hope again.

"The inevitable destruction and sighs, just subvert them all, you also have the power to do it all!!!"

"Really? Can a person like me really do anything? Can I change this ending???"

Madoka couldn't help but look forward to Kyubey's words.

Because... she wanted to save Xiao Meiyan, and didn't want her to face all this alone! ! !

"Of course, so make a contract with me and become a magical girl!!!"

As Kyubey's voice fell, just when Madoka was about to nod...

Suddenly, the camera suddenly turned! ! !

On the bed in the room, Madoka suddenly opened her eyes and realized that everything just now was just a dream...


In response, countless spectators in all the worlds couldn't help but booed in unison.


I took off my pants...

Are you going to show me this? ? ?

However, it is undeniable that many viewers are also looking forward to the scene when Madoka Shikama signs a contract and becomes a magical girl! ! !

Since it can be ranked in the top three of the inventory...

Then I'm afraid Shikama Madoka's strength will not be inferior to Kakarot, and may even be much more powerful! ! !

Moreover, they are also very interested in multiverse-level existences! ! !

Thinking about that scene, it must be very shocking! ! !

The scene continued to play. After washing and dressing up, Madoka also set off for school, and met her classmate Sayaka on the way. The warm daily life seemed to make people forget what just happened in the scene.

After arriving at school, Madoka's teacher in class introduced the transfer student Akatsuki Homura, a beautiful girl with long straight black hair...


Madoka recognized the girl in front of her as the girl in her dream!

In this regard, many viewers also felt something strange.

I had obviously dreamed of the girl in front of me before, but I met her in the blink of an eye!

Obviously... all of this seems to be premeditated!

"Shikame Madoka, do you think your life is precious? Do you value your family and friends?"

In the scene, Xiao Meiyan took advantage of Madoka to take her to the health room and asked Madoka.

In this regard, Madoka Shikame's answer is naturally extremely important. After all, family and friends are everything to her!

"Really? If it's true, never want to be a different version of yourself, otherwise you will lose everything!"

Under the confused looks of Madoka and many viewers, Xiao Meihan continued: "You just need to live as Shikame Madoka. I think it will be the same as before, and it will be the same in the future!"

After saying that, Xiaomei Homura walked away alone... leaving a confused Madoka and the audience behind!

After that, Madoka told Sayaka and Hitomi what happened with Akatsumi Homura, and Sayaka even complained directly. She originally thought Akomi Homura was a beautiful girl with both civil and military talents, but she didn't expect that she turned out to be a psychowave girl. ..

"Madoka-san, is it really your first time meeting Xiaomei-san?"

"Well... from a common sense point of view, yes, but I really want to see that girl in my dream last night..."

Hearing this, Sayaka and Hitomi couldn't help laughing, which made the troubled Madoka a little shy...

"It's not wrong, this is the cause and effect of the previous life. You are the companions of destiny who met across time and space!" Sayaka couldn't help but smile.

And this sentence also made Xiao Meiyan's eyes suddenly shrink while watching the scene, and inexplicable emotions could not help but emerge in her heart...

Is it the cause and effect of past lives...

Although it's not necessarily right...but it can't be said to be wrong either...

No matter how many times I travel through time and space, I will never let Madoka become a magical girl! ! !

The picture was like the warning against Akatsuki Homura. When Madoka and Sayaka were visiting the CD store, a voice suddenly sounded in Madoka's mind...

"Help me, Madoka!!!".

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