Chapter 280 Shocks the world, comparable to the power of a super dragon!

At this moment, listening to the voice in my mind, not only Shikamu Madoka in the picture, but also many viewers thought it was an auditory hallucination...

Until the sound rang again! ! !

"help me!!!"

In the picture, as the sound sounded again, Madoka involuntarily walked towards the direction from which the sound came.

"Who...who is it???"

As a door opened and following the voice in her mind, Madoka came to the blocked decoration floor...

Bang! ! !

Suddenly, the window in the ceiling suddenly opened, and a soft and cute creature that was covered in bruises and looked like a cat but not a cat suddenly fell in front of Madoka.

And this... is surprisingly the Kyubey who signed a contract with the magical girl! ! !

"is it you?"

Seeing this, Madoka couldn't help but pick it up and asked it if it was asking for help just now.

The camera turns...

A chained figure appeared in front of them.


Facing the murderous Xiaomi Homura in front of her, Madoka's face couldn't help but look a little dull, and she didn't understand why she met her here...

"Leave this guy, this has nothing to do with you!!!"

Holding the chain, Xiao Meiyan's voice was extremely cold, and her violent killing intent could not help but chill many viewers.

"What...what is going on with Xiao Meiyan? Why did he kill such a cute animal!!!" In the world of Conan, Sonoko's face was a little unhappy, and her opinion of Xiao Meiyan continued to plummet at this moment. .

Originally...she had quite a crush on this long, straight black girl, but she never expected that this guy actually had a tendency to abuse animals. It was so abominable! ! !

"Why are you hurting Kyubey? Kyubey is obviously so cute..." In the world of Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat looked at Kyubey in the picture and couldn't help but frowned.

And similar situations are constantly happening in all major worlds...

For women and some men who naturally like soft and cute creatures, hurting such a cute Kyubey in front of them is simply unforgivable! ! !

She should be punished! ! !

In response to this, many lewd men couldn't help but smile excitedly...

if you can...

Please leave Xiao Meiyan to them! ! !

They will definitely make Xiao Meiyan change her ways and become a good and obedient child! ! !

In the scene, Sayaka, who was coming, saw Akatsuki Homura coming menacingly. After using a fire extinguisher to stop the opponent, he took Madoka and ran away together! ! !

However...just when Xiao Meiyan was about to give chase, a sudden change occurred! ! !


In an instant, a random force suddenly enveloped the entire area. The surrounding space became extremely dreamy at this moment. An evil aura spread over the surface, causing the expressions of many righteous people to change...

"But at this time..."

Xiao Meiyan looked a little unhappy at the sudden change.

And most of the audience knows what happened...

If my guess is correct... the witch should have appeared! ! !

And it looks like...

This beautiful girl with long black hair, Homura Akatsuki, is probably a magical girl! ! !

Although they have seen Madoka in her dreams before, most viewers are still not sure...

After all, I don’t know if it was a dream or what...

"What's going on with that guy? This time he's cosplaying but becoming a murderer? And... what is that?"

In the screen, Sayaka kept running while looking at the creature in Madoka's arms and asked, "It's not a doll... it should be a creature!!!"

"I don't know, even though I don't know, I must save this child!!!"

Madoka is not sure about this, but her intuition and the kindness in her heart do not allow Xiaomi Homura to kill the creature in front of her.

And as the two of them were running...

Suddenly, the surrounding space also changed, and the two entered a nightmarish maze...and there were various strange creatures and strange sounds around them.

"Are you kidding, I must be having a nightmare, right Madoka?!!"

Holding Madoka tightly, Sayaka's voice was trembling, and an unprecedented fear kept filling her heart.

Regarding the scene in front of me...

They have never seen it before, not even in some scary ghost videos...

They are far less terrible than one percent of this scene! ! !

However... just as the two were panicking, a chain suddenly fell at their feet, and then a strange energy suddenly crashed down. While not hurting the two of them, it destroyed the surrounding people in an instant. Strange creatures are instantly wiped out! ! !

"It's really dangerous, but it's okay!!!"

This is, a sweet voice came from behind the two Madokas.

I saw... the person who came was a beautiful young girl with long golden curly hair. She was wearing the same school uniform as Madoka and the others, and she also held a golden light in her hand, and a strange power kept coming. Spread out...

The person who none other than Miss Tomoe Mami! ! !

"Oh, you saved Kyubey! Thank you, this child is my most important friend!!!"

Walking in front of Madoka and Madoka, looking at Kyubey in Madoka's arms, Tomoe Mami couldn't help but smile.

However, at this moment...the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and countless plants rose into the sky instantly, surrounding the three of them...

"It seems... Before we can talk, I need to finish a piece of work!!!"

Buzz! ! !

As the sacred and solemn music sounded, Tomoe Mami's body suddenly started to dance, and then she placed the golden egg-like object in her hand...

And this golden egg-like object is the magical girl’s soul gem!

boom! ! !

In an instant... a burst of colorful light burst out from the soul gem, and a strange energy continued to spread out at this moment...

Then, Tomoe Mami's body suddenly changed, and her clothes became extremely gorgeous... the magical girl form! ! !

In mid-air, as Tomoe Mami threw the gun in her hand, the silver long-handled gun turned into thousands of them at this moment...

The next second...

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! !

Along with the sound of countless firearms, bullets filled with terrifying power continued to pour out, falling in the surrounding area...

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

In an instant, all the surrounding plants filled with evil auras were wiped out, countless dense fogs continued to rise, and the entire ground continued to shake at this moment...

The nightmare... was blown away by Tomoe Mami's powerful magic attack at this moment! ! !

This scene also amazed many viewers.

Of course...that's just a small part! ! !

After all, in the eyes of countless powerful people in the world, an offensive of this level is nothing more than child's play! ! !

To know...

In the previous scene, Kakarot's combat power as a child had far surpassed that of the magical girl in front of him! ! !

In the picture, after the nightmare was over, Xiao Meiyan stood in front of the three people again. And she seems not to let Kyubey go yet...

Involuntarily due to the presence of Tomoe Mami, Akatsuki Homura could only retreat...

After that, Tomoe Asami thanked Madoka and the others, and then introduced Kyubey to them...

In addition to a marshmallow-like feel and a cute appearance that looks more like a cat than a cat, Kyubey also has a profound ability to speak without moving his mouth! ! !

And the most important thing is, no matter how much you toss it, it won’t shed any hair! ! !

And this also made many viewers feel very fond of Xiao Meiyan, and their image of Xiao Meiyan once again dropped a notch...

In fact, some people continued to insult Xiao Meiyan and even her whole family and eighteen generations of ancestors on the barrage! ! !

In this regard, Xiao Meiyan, who was watching the scene, did not have any emotions at all...

after all...

She doesn't have the time to talk nonsense with these keyboard warriors! ! !

The only thing she wants to do is to kill all the Kyubeys and prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl! ! !

"Thank you, my name is Kyubey!!!"

In the picture, after saying thank you. Kyubey, the most powerful cute pet in history, extended an invitation to Madoka and Sayaka: "I hope you can sign a contract with me. Become a magical girl!!!"

It turns out... Asami and Homura Akatsuki are both magical girls, and Kyubey will find suitable women to make contracts, and will also grant them a wish! ! !

And it can be any wish, as big as being ranked to overcome the tribulation, as small as world peace! ! !

No matter what kind of miracle, Kyubey can achieve it for them!

In response, viewers from all over the world said that Kyubey's ability is similar to that of Super Dragon!

This is too cool!

You must know that the Super Divine Dragon is comparable to all kings, and even superior to them!

As a price, these women will receive soul gems, become magical girls, and take on the responsibility of defeating witches!

The witch is an alien who hides in the barrier to spread despair and corrode people's hearts. The maze that Madoka and the others entered by mistake is the witch's lair!

However, destroying the witch also has a direct reward for the magical girl, and that is...the Seed of Lament!

As the magical girl's battles and daily activities continue to consume magic power, the soul gem will gradually become turbid. At this time, the soul gem must be purified again with the Lament Seed to smooth out the deficit!

In this way, you can enjoy the conveniences of being a magical girl for a long time!

The senior sister warned the two of them that fighting the witch is no joke. If you are not careful, you will die!

In order to let Madoka and the others have a real experience and carefully consider whether to become magical girls, Tomoe Asami asked Madoka and Sayaka to watch her fight...

Then, in addition to performing a series of bondage scenes that are indispensable in all magical girl stories, Tomoe Mami easily took out countless carved muskets from under her skirt and bombarded the witch and her apostles to the ground...

After dealing with the witch, Tomoe Mami was still able to drink coffee gracefully and smile at Madoka and Madoka!

After Asami Tomoe's demonstration, the work of a magical girl seems less difficult and dangerous, and instead her heroic appearance fascinates Madoka and countless other women from all over the world! ! !

"So... so handsome. I really want to be a magical girl!" In the world of Conan, Sonoko couldn't help but her eyes shone with great yearning in her heart.

Not only Sonoko, but Ayumi, Xiaolan and others were also instantly stunned! ! !

If possible, they would also like to become magical girls! ! !


Chapter 281 The Immortal Emperor’s strong man’s attention, Madoka’s wish! (Please give me some flower monthly ticket evaluation votes)

And this scene continues to play out in many dimensions. Countless girls have become fans of Tomoe Mami, even magical girls in some worlds, such as Magical Girl Sakura, Magical Girl Illya, Magical Girl Nanoha, etc. The heroines of this world also kind of admire Tomoe Mami! ! !

And some male viewers were ready to move at this moment.

after all...

It doesn't matter whether they make a wish or not, the main thing is that they want to be a magical girl! ! !

"I also want to become a magical that I can wish for a lot of money..." In the pirate world, Nami's face was extremely excited, and her eyes were filled with the light of money! ! !

"Magical girls... seem to be very interesting, but Nami, you are not a girl anymore, so there is no way you can be one..." Usopp on the side couldn't help but strike.

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