"I also seem to want to be a magical girl. In this case, maybe I can become stronger and be able to help Sasuke in the future!!!" In the world of Naruto, Sakura also yearns for it.

After all...if the magical girl can be ranked third in the list of characters in the world, her potential should be very strong!

If she becomes a magical girl, she will definitely be of greater use in the future against Kaguya Otsutsuki or Madara Uchiha!

"Soul gem? Why do I think that creature named Kyubey has a conspiracy..." In the world of death, Aizen frowned, feeling a little weird in his heart.

Become a magical girl and gain power...

And can you make a wish? ! !

This is too friendly, it's just pie in the sky!

And why did Homura Akatsuki, who became a magical girl, pursue Kyubey?

All of this seems extremely weird!

"Hmph... It's just a wish. Can it make yourself invincible all of a sudden?" In the Dragon Ball world, Vegeta couldn't help but snorted, with some disdain on his face.

In his eyes, wishes are just that!

What kind of immortality, gaining great power...

It’s just a trail!

Only when you are strong can you truly stand at the top of the world!

After all...the God of Destruction and King Quan don't care if you are immortal or not, they will destroy or erase you in one fell swoop!

In the perfect world, the Immortal King-level powerhouses at this moment have their eyes fixed on the picture, unwilling to miss the slightest detail...


The power given to them by the characters on the previous cover was so shocking! ! !

If I could peek even a little bit...

It is even possible for them to peek into or touch the legendary realm! ! !

Not only them, but even the Immortal Emperor-level beings looked at it with great interest at this moment, feeling a little interested in this Circle God who had taken a new path! ! !

No matter strong or not...

At least it is an existence that has reached the same level as them or is close to them, and it is worthy of their serious watching! ! !

At the same time, in Madoka Magica, the cold gaze and strong killing intent in Akatsuki Homura's eyes continued to permeate the air...

That hateful guy...

He actually started to seduce Madoka again! ! !

Madoka and Madoka, who were watching the scene, also felt so excited at this moment that they almost became magical girls on the spot...


They just saw this scene yesterday, it was so exciting! ! !

Now, as long as they watch the video and decide what wishes to make, they can sign a contract with Kyubey! ! !

As the scene continues to play, Kyubey reveals to Madoka that she is the most talented magical girl candidate he has ever seen. As long as she signs a contract, she will definitely become an epic magical girl a hundred times stronger than Tomoe Asami! ! !

So...the only question left in Madoka's mind was what wish she should make! ! !

Tomoe Mami also talked about the situation when she became a magical girl, because Kyubey came to her door when she was about to die in a car accident...

So she had no choice but to continue her life...

And considering that the magical girl has a tough physique that can withstand torture under the blessing of the soul gem, this wish is simply a loss of blood! ! !

Therefore, Tomoe Mami told Madoka that this wish must be treated with caution to avoid regretting it! ! !

So... Madoka, who usually lives a carefree life, racked her brains for this wish, but Sayaka has a clear wish...

It was her childhood sweetheart, Kyousuke Jojo, who she had a crush on. He was once a talented violinist who attracted much attention. Unfortunately, his left hand was disabled and he may not be able to play again in this life! ! !

And she wants to use Kyubey's wish to heal Kyousuke's left hand! ! !

In response, Kamijou Kyosuke couldn't help but be moved when he watched the scene, and felt guilty for this childhood sweetheart...

Since his left hand became disabled, his attitude towards Sayaka has been very unfriendly... and he even often vents his anger on her! ! !

But Sayaka didn't dislike herself like this and kept encouraging him...

Now, he actually wants to use his own wishes to restore his left hand...

This made him feel guilty like never before! ! !

In the scene, Tomoe Mami reminds Sayaka that it is okay to make wishes for others, but it must be clear whether you are really doing good for others, or whether you want to be the benefactor of the other person! ! !

If you seek fish by chance, you will surely reap the consequences! ! !

In this regard, Sayaka also understood Tomoe Mami's good intentions, so she did not make a rash decision...

As the picture continues to change, time flies by...

A few days later, Madoka and Sayaka came to the hospital to visit Kyousuke, and the two accidentally discovered a witch hatching nearby...

And once the witch is allowed to form a barrier here, it will not be so easy to find her, but neither of them has Miss Tomoe Mami's phone number...

And to protect Kyosuke. Sayaka volunteered to stay here with Kyubey, and asked Madoka to continue looking for Tomoe Mami's help...

After Tomoe Mami arrived, she quickly located and entered the barrier through the brain communication network set up by Kyubey...and that Xiaomi Homura followed her again! ! !

"I told you, I don't want to see you again!!!"

Looking at Xiao Meiyan's figure, Tomoe Mami's face was a little unhappy, and her sweet voice had a slight chill.

"I will capture the prey this time, please stop!!!"

Xiao Meiyan didn't care about Tomoe Mami's attitude and said with a very calm face.

"This is not possible, I have to pick up Miki-san and Kyubey!!!"

"I will ensure the safety of those two people!!!"

"Do you think I will believe you?"

As Tomoe Mami's voice fell, her palm suddenly stretched out towards Xiao Meiyan, and then a strange power suddenly emerged, and two red ribbons wrapped with energy suddenly broke out on the ground, and in an instant, Xiao Meiyan's body was tied up, making her unable to move! ! !

"Stupid... stupid, now is not the time to do such a thing!!!"

Under the powerful force of the red ribbon, Xiao Meiyan's face became a little painful, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Of course...I don't intend to hurt you, but if you make too much noise, it will be difficult to guarantee!!!"

"The witch this time is different from the previous guys!!!"

"If you are honest, I will let you go when you come back!!!"

Tomoe Mami didn't take it seriously for Akatsuki Homura's warning, and then called on Madoka Shikama to continue moving forward.

To know...

She became a magical girl until now...

But he has never encountered a witch who can make him fight hard! ! !

And this witch has just hatched, she hasn’t taken it seriously yet! ! !

Moreover...this rebellious magical girl is causing trouble with Kyubey in an attempt to prevent Madoka, who has extraordinary self-control, from becoming a magical girl and to occupy the resources of the Seed of Lament...

If she is selfish to this extent, there is no need to give her any face! ! !

"Well done, this guy has been unhappy for a long time!!!"

"Hmph...isn't that just Madoka's qualifications? What a selfish guy!!!"

"Are you okay now? Are you really treating yourself like an onion by giving me some thin noodles???"

Looking at the scene in front of them, many spectators from all over the world also cheered loudly.

You know, they have long been unhappy with Xiao Meiyan! ! !

Just because you have some good looks, do you think you can do whatever you want? ? ?

Do you know it's wrong to tie you up now? ? ?

If it weren't for the fact that the picture couldn't teach you a lesson, a few big mouths would have slapped you! ! !

The scene continues to play. On the way to the location of the witch, Madoka tells Asami her wish...

Madoka is not willing to settle for ordinary daily life, and hopes to live another version of herself, fighting to save others just like Miss Tomoe Mami! ! !

Therefore, as long as you become a magical girl, this wish will naturally come true! ! !

In this regard, Tomoe Mami couldn't help but dissuade Madoka, saying that she was not as glamorous as she appeared on the surface. She was always alone, and she could only cry secretly when she was sad! ! !

And Madoka also told her senior sister that she would no longer be alone in the future, and he would face it with her! ! !

At this moment, Miss Tomami Mami realized that she finally had a close friend...

Then, as if to reflect the warmth of the moment, a sky full of blue and white pills fell all around... And Asami Tomoe also cried with joy! ! !

Tomoe Mami then said that since Madoka's wish is to become a magical girl, Kyubey's wish should be considered as buy one, get one free. If after the end of this witch crusade, Madoka has not decided on her wish, then let Kyubey turns into a big cake and everyone celebrates together! ! !

In order to prevent herself from becoming a foodie magical girl, Madoka has to think harder about her wishes! ! !

At the same time, Kyubey's voice also appeared in Tomoe Mami's mind, and the witch's hatching was completed! ! !

"OK, I understand, let me make a quick decision today!"


As she transformed into a magical girl, the senior who had settled her worries became full of fighting spirit, her body felt lighter, and countless carved firearms continued to bombard the witch's apostles! ! !

From now on, she is no longer alone, and she no longer has to fight alone. Now she has nothing to fear!

Fight your way to the witch's room to meet up with Sayaka, and this time you have to deal with the candy witch!

"Sorry, I have to finish you off in one go!"

As the words fell, Tomoe Mami took the opportunity and started a wave of stunning and ferocious operations. Amidst the laughter and laughter, the witch had no power to fight back...

Chapter 282 Headless Tomoe Asami, the end of the magical girl!


At this moment, not only the audience, but also Sayaka in the picture shouted that she had won.

Smiling sweetly at Sayaka, Tomoe Mami took out her magic cannon, and terrifying energy continued to fill it...

You know, so far there is really no witch that this trick cannot solve! ! !


As Tomoe Mami's voice fell, the magic cannon instantly blasted out a red ribbon, tying up the Candy Witch in mid-air.


When the Candy Witch's body was tied tightly, the sudden change frightened everyone present and countless spectators from all over the world...

See! ! !

The Candy Witch who was hit by the magic cannon and bound was not only not destroyed, her mouth suddenly opened wide, and a huge clown-like head stuck out from her mouth, and the huge head penetrated the atmosphere. In an instant, he arrived in front of the stunned Tomoe Mami...

In everyone's horrified eyes...


In an instant, the huge clown head opened its mouth, splitting Tomoe Asami's head and body into two...

And because the soul gem was on Tomoe Mami's head... so when the head was swallowed into the witch's mouth, Tomoe Mami was left cold! ! !

"Fuck...fuck, what the hell is going on?!!!"

"Nah... Nima, what did I see? Why did Tomoe Mami's head disappear all of a sudden!!!"

"Hahahahaha... I was eating breakfast and it almost made me throw up!!!"

Seeing the sudden change in front of them, the expressions of countless spectators in the world suddenly changed, and some ordinary people who could not bear it even vomited.

this moment...

No one is clamoring to be a magical girl anymore! ! !

What kind of Gou Ba thing is this? The powerful Miss Tomami Mami... was actually bitten off by this candy witch in one fell swoop! ! !

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