That's his teacher. He's extremely powerful.

In the past, I have killed countless powerful men. Even the supreme giants have not been killed. Even existences of the level of the butcher have not been hardened! ! !

But now they are unable to suppress Huang, which is incredible! ! !

Not only He Youdan, but also the kings and giants themselves frowned, with fear emerging in their hearts.

Huang, he is too strong...

Even the strongest person in their world couldn't suppress the other party. Doesn't that mean that the foreign land can't do anything to him from now on? ! !

"The giant, that is the supreme giant. He can be called one of the strongest people in the history of the foreign land. Even in the fairyland, only a few people such as the Supreme Immortal King can compete with him. I didn't expect that he was defeated by In Huang’s hands!!!”

"It's incredible. Huang is really terrifying. He first killed three great immortal kings, then killed Chi Lao. He killed one person and escaped under the siege of a dozen immortal kings, and now he defeated the giant again. , how far does he want to go against heaven???"

"Among the Immortal Kings, Huang is already invincible. Even beings like the Slaughter Master can't suppress him!!!"

In the perfect world, the powerful immortal kings of all the ancient worlds were shocked. Even the many kings of the world sea were palpitating at No. 10's defiance.

In the foreign land, the expressions of the immortal kings became gloomy, especially the giant in the Immortal Refining Pot, whose expression was extremely ugly and murderous.

He was actually defeated by Huang, and even fled back to a foreign land in embarrassment. This was really a slap in the face! ! !

"Huh? There are such methods in foreign lands?!"

Located in the Immortal Realm, the kings looked at the scene in front of them, their expressions changed greatly, and their hearts were extremely horrified.

Not only them, but also the kings of the Realm Sea, the Ancient Realms such as the Burial Realm, and the powerful Immortal Kings felt frightened and were shocked by the methods of the foreign realm! ! !

Just relying on the Dark Immortal King, he can sweep away many kings, he is almost invincible! ! !


Chapter 498

This scene made the audience from all over the world very angry, and they wanted to go up and slap that giant! ! !

As everyone expected, the first thing No. 10 did after returning was to question him, and then he even took action forcefully, blowing up the giant and suppressing it into the thunder pool.

"Okay, okay... Well done, this old man is so hateful, so good at killing him!!!"

"Haha... You dare to offend No. 10. You are simply seeking death. Not to mention you are a giant. Even if you are the supreme giant, No. 10 can still kill you!!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, poor giant, you actually offended No. 10 for the sake of those old men in Ao City. This road has come to an end!!!"

Many viewers felt very comfortable with this scene and applauded the giant's ending.

This scene also made the kings of the major ancient worlds feel cold in their hearts, and they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

You know, that is a giant! ! !

It was so easy to be exploded by Huang Gan. What kind of terrifying strength is this? ? ?

At this moment, many strong men secretly swore in their hearts that they would never provoke Huang in the future! ! !

" is this possible?!!"

Located in the boundary sea, a giant looked at the scene in the picture and couldn't help but scream in horror, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

The giant in the picture is clearly him...

"Damn it...I actually offended Emperor Huangtian in the future. Are you kidding me? Those guys in Aocheng are really damned, bastards!!!"

At this moment, the giant couldn't help but curse loudly. His impression of the Immortal King of Oucheng and others dropped sharply, and he even wanted to kill the three of them.

"Hiss... the great reckoning in the future is indeed terrifying. If it weren't for Emperor Huang Tian, ​​I'm afraid we would have died!!!"

"Killing a dozen Immortal Kings and killing several giants with force, this level of combat power is truly terrifying!!!"

"Sigh... Even with Luang existing, the kings of our realm still have suffered a lot. We cannot live without Huang in the future. He is too important, more important than any other giant!!!"

"Fortunately, the Supreme Immortal King stopped Oucheng and the others before, otherwise it would be really difficult in the future!!!"

"This is not the most serious disaster, there are more serious disasters waiting for us, don't forget the future of the fairyland being destroyed!!!"

In the perfect world, the powerful Immortal Kings of all major ancient realms were filled with emotion, and the kings of the Immortal Realm were even more grateful and agreed very much with the actions of the Supreme Immortal King.

If there is no No. 10 in the future, I am afraid that the kings of the Immortal Realm will lose more than half! ! !

Even giants are at risk of falling! ! !

"Hiss... she actually took the initiative to be eroded by the darkness, abandoned her body, and allowed it to be eroded by the darkness, giving birth to a new soul. And her own real soul was heading towards the ultimate place. This is really too bold. !!!”

"You are so magnificent and magnificent!!!"

"Well... that dark willow tree is really extraordinary, and its strength is estimated to have reached the level of a giant. It is worthy of being a strong man born from the body of the ancestral sacrifice spirit!!!"

In this regard, the powerful men from all the ancient worlds were amazed. They were shocked by Liu Shu's courage and felt admiration in their hearts.

to be honest...

It is extremely rare to have such a powerful person in ancient times. It is even rarer to break into the darkness with this method! ! !

"Huang...he is going to hit the Godless Realm?!"

Looking at this scene, the immortal kings from all the major ancient worlds were extremely shocked. At the same time, they were also looking forward to witnessing the scene where No. 10 impacted the Godless Realm! ! !

If successful, it will be of great help to their spiritual path! ! !

"Haha... I still have a lot of poor foundation. If I attack easily, I'm just asking for death!!!"

Located in the ultimate ancient land, the quasi-immortal emperor couldn't help but sneer and looked at the show indifferently. He didn't think No. 10 could succeed because his background was too far behind! ! !

boom! ! !

Then, under the watchful eyes of countless spectators from all over the world, No. 10 began to attack the Godless Realm, which is the domain of the Taoist Ancestor and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor! ! !


Chapter 499

"Hiss... Such an amazing aura. Such power, even in the realm of the Immortal King, is invincible!!!"

"It's so unbelievable. He is only over a hundred years old. He is actually about to embark on the road of defeating the king and becoming an emperor. It is really unbelievable!!!"

"Perhaps it is because of his defiance that he will be called the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, and he will be arbitrary for eternity in the near future!!!"

"Now, is he invincible among the Immortal Kings? Even these people who are contaminated by God's light are not necessarily his opponents, right???"

"I don't know, but as long as it doesn't involve the emperor's level, Emperor Huangtian has nothing to fear!!!"

Looking at this scene, the kings couldn't help but be shocked. Some even had goosebumps all over their bodies and couldn't help but tremble.

Number 10 is really terrifying. Such terrifying power has far surpassed the giants and reached the pinnacle of the Immortal King realm! ! !

At the very least, in their knowledge, they have never seen an Immortal King who is more powerful than Number 10. Even those beings who are likely to touch the threshold of quasi-Immortal Emperor may not be able to compete with Number 10! ! !

"It's a pity that my background is still a bit poor. If you want to defeat Wan Chengdi in this situation, even you can't do it!!!"

Located in the blood-colored sacrificial sea, Brother Di Gu whispered to himself softly, with some regret in his tone.

As a supreme being like the Lu Jin level Immortal Emperor, his vision has reached an extremely broad level. At this moment, he naturally understands Huang's state. It is still a little early for this level to reach the realm of quasi-immortal emperor. , it is impossible to succeed! ! !

"Alas... Huang failed. Even someone as defiant as him failed to pass the test!!!"

"If it weren't for the existence above the Immortal King that appeared in the previous inventory video, I would almost doubt whether the so-called Emperor Realm really exists!!!"

"There is no need to doubt this. The future Emperor Ye Tian and Emperor Huang Tian have both achieved sacrifices. There are several Lu Jin level Immortal Emperors, not to mention quasi-immortal emperors. However, this field is too unpredictable. Even if they are as powerful as Emperor Huang Tian It’s impossible to succeed easily!!!”

Looking at this scene on the screen, the kings of all the ancient worlds were disappointed. Some immortal kings' voices were full of despair, but some others opened their mouths to comfort them, because they had already seen more powerful existences.

"It failed. It seems that it is really difficult to defeat the king and become the emperor!!!"

"Indeed, when Emperor Ye Tian and others attacked the Quasi-Immortal Emperor before, they also experienced a narrow escape. Even if they are as strong as Duan De, they will be the most powerful Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the future battle!!!"

"It's not that easy to become a quasi-immortal emperor, even the Huangtian Emperor. Judging from the introduction of his life, it seems that he will have to rely on the power of many immortal kings in the future!!!"

"Sigh... If possible, I really don't want Emperor Huang Tian to use that method. Even though I know he will succeed, the process must be ten thousand times more difficult!!!"

"Besieged by a group of powerful immortal kings, if you are not careful, you may completely fall. I have to say that Huang is too bold to be able to come up with such a method!!!"

Countless viewers in the world are also very disappointed. Although they don't have much understanding of the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, from Ye Fan's inventory video, they still know how difficult it is. ..

Now, even Emperor Huangtian, who is so talented, has spent a hundred thousand years without success. In the end, he has to rely on such cruel methods to defeat the king and become the emperor. This really makes them a little worried! ! !

"Haha... It's best to fail. That's the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. How can you succeed so easily? Even if you are as powerful as the Huangtian Emperor, it's not that simple!!!"

"Sigh... What a pity. He will succeed in the end in the future, and it is very likely that he will still have the help of us!!!"

"If Huang successfully enters the quasi-immortal emperor realm in the future, it will be the end of our world at that time!!!"

Located in a foreign land, the group of immortal kings were also very nervous. However, when they saw No. 10's failure, some immortal kings sneered and felt happy in their hearts.

Of course, some immortal kings had ugly faces and could not help but feel a little pessimistic, as if they had seen the scene where all the kings from foreign lands were killed by Huang! ! !

Even Wang and others couldn't help but fall silent at this moment. A terrifying pressure made them breathless, and their hearts were extremely solemn.

"In the future... we will all die!!!"

"Time is ruthless and will eventually bury everything. Even if you are a proud man of heaven, a giant, or a peerless beauty with a stunning face, as long as you do not become an immortal, it will all be vain!!!"

"Alas...why do you want me to see all this? This bleak future is so desperate!!!"

In the perfect world, those powerful people, the so-called leader giants, and even the monks in the eight lower realms in places such as Sanqian Daozhou and the eight lower realms all feel a sigh of relief in their hearts at this moment.

They saw that their future was destined to be ruined in these ruthless years, which made their hearts feel cold, desolate and unwilling.

If possible, does anyone in this world really want to die?

No one wants it! ! !

"Times are ruthless, we will eventually pass away, only Emperor Huang Tian can coexist with the world!!!"

At this moment, many powerful people sighed with emotion, their expressions were very complicated, and they looked at No. 10 in the picture, their eyes full of envy.

In the vast world, countless creatures have been buried, but only one person can survive forever, spanning the past, present and future! ! !

"Huang...What does he want to do? He actually wants to see the origin of the ancient artifact?!"

"Well...Huang is very unusual. In the future, if our world shines the light of the ancient artifact on him, it will be of no use at all. It is as if he has resistance!!!"

"Thinking about it, he probably wants to use the ancient artifacts from the burial ground to reach the realm of quasi-immortal emperor!!!"

Located in a foreign land, many immortal kings also became a little solemn. One giant guessed the slightest intention and understood what he wanted to do.

Because all the immortal kings know that the ancient artifacts of origin may very well contain the secret of becoming an emperor, and may be able to create a quasi-immortal emperor! ! !


Chapter 500

"Hiss...what is this?!!"

"What a terrifying origin of darkness. This surpasses all the darkness I have ever seen before. Is this the truth about the origin of ancient artifacts???"

"It's incredible. Could it be that this is the true origin of dark creatures? Such unparalleled darkness seems to have reached the imperial realm!!!"

The powerful Immortal Kings from all the ancient worlds felt a sense of shock, their faces were a little pale, and their hearts were palpitating.

Although they didn't feel it personally, they could still see the horror of the imperial crown through the pictures. The origin of darkness in it was too terrifying, and it might even involve the legendary Godless Realm! ! !

"This... this is not a chance at all, this is a fatal situation!!!"

Located in the Burial Domain, the group of kings were almost frightened to death, and they couldn't help but feel an unprecedented fear in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that the Ancient Origin Artifact might contain a great secret, and could even make someone defeat a king and become an Emperor. However, what they never expected was that the Ancient Origin Artifact contained such a terrifying danger! ! !

There is no doubt that this is a real sure-kill situation. Even the supreme giant, the invincible existence at the top of the Immortal King, cannot escape and will be easily killed by the nine-color divine light blooming from the imperial crown! ! !

"Damn it... this is a trap. Even No. 10 was almost unable to resist it!!!"

"The supreme opportunity to go to hell is totally a scam. Which vicious guy arranged these methods? Is it the handiwork of the four quasi-immortal emperors in the future???"

"What a terrifying divine light. Do you want to know how powerful Emperor Huangtian's body is at this moment? That body is comparable to the Immortal King's weapon. As a result, under the illumination of the nine-color light, it cracked in less than a few seconds. coming!!!"

Located among all the heavens and worlds, countless spectators felt terrified at this moment. They couldn't help but feel palpitations in their hearts, and there was an unprecedented chill deep in their souls.

No one thought that the ancient artifacts contained such terrifying dangers. This was really terrifying! ! !

Of course, there are also strong people who have guessed that this is most likely the work of the four quasi-immortal emperors in the future, who want to use this to harm some unparalleled geniuses! ! !

"Hiss... That white bone crown is actually going to be rooted in Huang's body. If it is really rooted in his body, something unimaginable will happen, right?"

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