At this moment, Brother Emperor Gu couldn't help but whisper to himself. He thought of the final battle he saw in Ye Fan's inventory video. In the next two days, the Emperor's true form turned into seeds, but he didn't know where those two seeds were now... .

As for the unfinished battle in the end, he believed that Emperor Huangtian would not die so easily in the future, and would definitely end the source of darkness! ! !

Because, that is a peerless fierce man that even he cannot compare with. No one can stop Emperor Huangtian, not even the ten ancestors of the plateau! ! !

"Hiss... It's so outrageous. Emperor Huangtian killed Chi Lao, and under the siege of a dozen immortal kings, he conveniently took off the head of another immortal king and returned to the fairyland with force! !!”

"Tsk tsk tsk, An Lan still doesn't dare to fight after all. Even if three immortal kings can come together, they don't dare to fight!!!"

"Sigh... The king of gossips is destined to come to an end. I originally thought he could say some flirty things, but I didn't expect that he would run away in despair after all!!!"

"Haha, when Huang becomes emperor, that will be the day when the foreign land is destroyed. That scene will not last long. An Lan is destined to pay a heavy price for his past actions!!!"

Countless spectators in various dimensions were excited, marveling at the power of No. 10, and at the same time mocking An Lan and the foreign kings.

"'s too much to bully others. This Huang is really too arrogant. Do you really think he is invincible???"

"This Huang is destined to be the enemy of our domain in the future. We must kill him in advance. Otherwise, by the time he rises, it will be too late!!!"

"Yes, we can't just sit back and wait for death. Even if we destroy the entire Immortal Realm, we must kill the wilderness in advance!!!"

In the perfect world, all the foreign kings shouted at this moment. They were frightened by No. 10's terrifying combat power, and felt unprecedented anger and heart palpitations.

In front of their kings, they killed a giant and an immortal king in their chassis. This was simply a slap in their face! ! !

Moreover, Huang's terrifying combat power has no choice but to frighten them. He has risen too fast. They must eradicate him as soon as possible in order to end their serious problem! ! !

Compared to the idea of ​​​​a foreign land, most of the powerful Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm were very excited. They were impressed by No. 10's combat power and felt admiration in their hearts.

Except for the few strong men who had a big enmity with him in the future, the rest of the strong men were looking forward to the day when No. 10 would rise. Even if some people had some hostility towards No. 10, they had all disappeared at this moment.

With such a peerless Heavenly Emperor existing, their Immortal Realm will definitely be able to survive that disaster in the future, and their kings will definitely be able to survive under the leadership of the Huangtian Emperor! ! !

"Huang Nai is the hope for the future of our domain. If anyone is his enemy, he is my enemy. I don't want any strong person to embarrass Huang!!!"

As a result, many powerful Immortal Kings spoke, and loud voices rang out in the Immortal Realm.


Hearing this, the Aocheng Immortal King and others were silent. They naturally knew in their hearts that those powerful men were warning them. If they really wanted to have their own way, not only the Supreme Immortal King would take action, but most of the Immortal Kings would take action! ! !

"Sigh... Now we can only find an opportunity to make up for the consequences in the future, otherwise we are destined to have difficulty surviving!!!"

At this moment, Oucheng Immortal King and others completely lost their temper, and the murderous intention towards No. 10 was silenced in their hearts.

Originally, if the Supreme Immortal King took action, maybe they could fight to the death, but now that most of the powerful Immortal Kings have spoken, they really have no hope. If they really try their best, the net will be broken, but the fish will be broken. Won't die...

The only hope now is to see if they can make up for the mistakes they have made in the future. If there is such a glimmer of hope, it is not impossible for them to keep their heads down! ! !

"Hiss... the ancient artifact of origin? What on earth is that thing? It has just been illuminated, but it actually has such terrifying potential, the potential to become the Burial King!!!"

"Foreign lands also rely on ancient artifacts of origin. What exactly are the so-called ancient artifacts of origin? Why are they so mysterious???"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that ancient artifact of origin is really amazing. I wonder how amazing the contents inside will be? Is it possible that we could have been able to become the Immortal Emperor long ago???"

"Who left this thing? I'm afraid it was at least Lu Jin level immortal emperor. After all, quasi-immortal emperors may not have such power!!!"

"No wonder the immortal kings of the strange realm still have to find that rotten wooden box even if they forcefully attack the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They originally wanted to use it to open the so-called ancient artifact of origin!!!"

At this moment, after hearing the conversation, the audience from all dimensions were shocked, shocked by the secret of the so-called origin of the ancient artifact.

"The key to unlocking the ancient artifact?"

In the great world of the Holy Ruins, Brother Di Gu couldn't help but look strange, and was speechless for a moment.

As the originator of the rotten wooden box, he naturally knew what was inside. Unexpectedly, the kings from foreign lands actually wanted to find the rotten wooden box in order to open the so-called ancient artifact...

That ancient artifact has nothing to do with the rotten wooden box he left behind! ! ! .

Chapter 495

"Hiss... Huang is really domineering. The clones of those supreme giants actually want to use them as elixirs to make elixirs!!!"

"Haha... If this guy wants to engrave Huang's Dao Fruit, he will definitely suffer. But if he can really engrave Huang's Dao Fruit, the medicine seller really has hope of defeating the king and becoming an emperor!!!"

"Hey...what's going on? Huang wants to refine the supreme treasure pill?"

"Hmm... I guess he was trying to resurrect people, they are two powerful Immortal Kings!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, it's unimaginable that that extremely precious Sansheng Medicine was actually treated as rotten wood. Huang's luck must be so good!!!"

Looking at the scenes in the picture, the kings in the Immortal Realm couldn't help but sigh with emotion, marveling at the various methods of No. 10.

In the perfect world, looking at this scene in front of them, the true immortals in the Immortal Realm looked at a loss. They didn’t understand why the second person knew No. 10.

You must know that the Second Dragon Clan was originally an important branch of the dragon clan. It once competed with the real dragon for hegemony. Although it was defeated by half a move, its strength was unparalleled and it was definitely a top immortal king! ! !

However, in No. 10's life experience, they have never seen No. 2 appear before? ? ?

What's happening here? ? ?

Not only the kings of the Immortal Realm, but even No. 10 himself was very confused. Looking at the terrifying Immortal King Dragon in the picture, he was sure that he had never seen it, let alone known it! ! !

In this regard, the audience from all major dimensions were equally confused and didn't know what was going on. Some female viewers couldn't help but feel a chill at the dragon's somewhat lewd look, and they clamped their legs and hugged their arms. .

"Holy shit... is this second bird? What's wrong with this world? There is such a super boss in a virtual world???"

"Nima... not only does Bird have this status, but also, he is actually a Taoist?!!!"

"Come on... In a small virtual god world, there are actually two powerful souls of immortal kings hidden in it. Isn't this incredible?"

"I never would have imagined that those two wretched and cheating old men could actually be powerful men at the level of Immortal Kings. This is simply unbelievable!!!"

"Well... although their identities are a bit unexpected, this is a good thing. After all, if they are two strange strong men, they may not necessarily help No. 10 obediently. Now it is these two old guys , it’s also a good thing for No. 10 and the others!!!”

"Yes, after all, their strength is real. One can fight the real dragon, and the other is difficult to impress even the powerful immortal kings. They can be regarded as very powerful help!!!"

In all the worlds, countless spectators were in confusion, and even many strong men cursed. They couldn't believe that the two old guys from the past were actually the strong Immortal Kings.

Of course, in the end, most people accepted this world and thought it was a good thing. After all, they had all met No. 10 and could help him guard Heaven! ! !

"Damn...those two old immortals are actually powerful Immortal Kings? How is this possible???"

"Nah... I still remember that they tricked me a lot. I didn't expect these two old guys to have such a terrifying background!!!"

"Oh my God...what is going on in this world? How many heaven-defying figures are there in our lower world? This is really terrifying!!!"

Located in the eight realms of the lower realm, countless creatures were shocked and stunned by the identities of these two old men. Then some people even counted the terrifying existences in the lower realm. Unexpectedly, they were only existences at the level of immortal kings. , there are actually five of them! ! !

This is simply incredible, beyond their imagination! ! !

However, many strong men from the family reacted at this moment and quickly ordered their clansmen to enter the False God Realm and began to look for Jingbi and Bird, hoping to curry favor with them. They hoped that these two strong men could be promoted after their recovery in the future. them.

"The lower realm that we regard as a captive place actually has so many terrifying existences..."

Located in Sanqian Daozhou, many sect leaders and giants were dumbfounded. Huge waves arose in their hearts, and they couldn't help but be dumbfounded for a moment.

A small lower realm actually has such a terrifying existence. This really shocked and frightened them...

Good guy, so many existences that could easily destroy them were actually raised and treated as livestock by them. I'm afraid they didn't even know how they died that day! ! !

But at the same time, many sect leaders have also begun to take action, arranging their disciples to go to the lower realm, hoping to make friends with Master Jingbi and Master Bird in advance, hoping to get a little blessing from them! ! !


Located in Stone Village, No. 10 was silent, his eyelids kept beating, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, feeling a little messy for a moment.

The identities of these two immortals are too scary, right?

They obviously look like ordinary old men, but at most they are a little bit special. But if you say that they are supreme immortals, it is not unacceptable, but they are actually immortal kings? ? ?

When did the Immortal King start walking around? ? ?


Chapter 496

"There are actually dark creatures existing in the Immortal Realm? How is this possible? Aren't they all subject to strict scrutiny?!"

"'s not impossible. If there is a strong alliance with the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm, then the dark creatures will naturally be able to enter the Immortal Realm!!!"

"Damn it, the dark creatures have actually penetrated into the Immortal Realm. We must clean them out, otherwise there will be big trouble in the future!!!"

Located in the Immortal Realm, the faces of the kings changed drastically. They were shocked by the words of the Dark Immortal King. Then the giant spoke, guessing that there was a traitor in the Immortal Realm, and he wanted to completely clean up the Immortal Realm! ! !

"Hmph...Have dark creatures infiltrated in? Now that you are here, don't leave. I think those dark creatures will definitely show up in the future, and then it will be your death!!!"

At this time, Wushang spoke, with a bit of coldness in his voice, expressing his incomparable hatred for the dark creature.

"Let's see. Which dark creatures have infiltrated? You should be able to see clearly through the inventory video. But if someone wants to escape early, don't blame me for being ruthless!!"

On the side, a giant spoke, a powerful aura spread out, the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Now that this situation occurs, if someone wants to take the opportunity to leave the fairyland at this time, then these people are likely to be dark creatures that have infiltrated! ! !

Those who can escape their pursuit must be at the level of Immortal King. If a powerful Immortal King forces him to leave these days, they will definitely not show mercy! ! !

"Hey... isn't this He Dan? He has actually become the Immortal King, and his temperament is even more sacred than the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I still remember that He Dan had a battle with No. 10 in the past, and they both died together in the end. Speaking of which, He Dan can be considered a character!!!"

"Haha... He Dan was indeed very strong at that time, but it is no longer what it used to be. Now No. 10 is comparable to a supreme giant. He Dan has just become the Immortal King and is destined to fall. !!!”

"Sigh... It's a pity. It would be great if such a handsome man could warm my bed!!!"

"Hmph... Isn't Brother No. 10 good? He's just a blond man, much worse than Brother No. 10!!!"

"That's true, but Emperor Huangtian is beyond our reach. Even fantasizing about him feels like blasphemy against him!!!"

In all the worlds, many viewers recognized He Dan's identity and remembered that he once competed with No. 10 for the Immortal Sutra, and even fought in that strange place until they both died.

However, it is obvious that there is a huge gap between Hedan and No. 10 at this moment. They are not rivals at all. This also makes many strong women feel pity. After all, Hedan is still quite handsome, and they are greedy. Very.

"It's over... Master Hedan actually encountered that monster, and it's over now!!!"

"Oh my god...Huang Ke killed the ancient ancestor Chi Lao in the future. Under the siege of a dozen immortal kings, he killed an immortal king with an invincible attitude and escaped from a foreign land. Now Master Hedan meets He may be in trouble!!!"

"Run away, Lord Hedan, you can't beat him, that's a monster!!!"

In the perfect world, the creatures in foreign lands, the supreme emperors and the immortals were all panicked. They were so frightened by this scene that some even shouted for He Dan to run away.

"Damn it... Hedan actually encountered Huang in the future. I'm afraid he won't have a chance to escape!!!"

On the other side, an immortal king spoke and couldn't help but curse. He was very annoyed by this scene.

Huang is simply too powerful. Although He Dan has become the Immortal King in the future, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him, and there is no chance of even escaping! ! !

no doubt

He Dan has a very high chance of dying in battle, and even if he doesn't die, he will be captured alive by the opponent! ! !

"The opponents who once died together are no longer qualified to be Huang's opponents!!!"

"Yes, in this battle, He Dan is far inferior to Huang!!!"

"When Huang and Hedan fought for the first time, Huang was able to perish with them just by virtue of his incomplete world cultivation. Now that he has perfected the foundation of the Dao, Hedan naturally cannot be his opponent!!!"

"Not only that, Huang cultivates the Complete Immortal Sutra and created a new system. The gap between the two of them has become wider and wider. They are not on the same level at all!!!"

"It took He Dan an era to become the Immortal King, but it only took Huang only a million years. Now he is already the Immortal King. There is no way to compare the two!!!"

Located in the Immortal Realm, the kings were filled with emotions, but they were not too surprised by this battle.

Although He Dan is amazing, he has become an immortal king in one era, and he has the qualifications to become a giant in the future, but compared with No. 10, the gap is a bit big! ! !


Chapter 497

"Hiss... I didn't expect Huang's combat power to be so terrifying. Even the giants couldn't take him down. They couldn't even suppress him!!!"

"Hey... this sword is really weird. It can't even crack the Immortal Refining Pot, and the power it releases is no less powerful than the Immortal Refining Pot. Isn't this a leftover from the imperial weapon of the past? ? ?”

"Well...this sword fetus is indeed extraordinary. I'm afraid its origin is not as simple as we imagined, but even so, Huang's combat power is indeed unparalleled!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, even the giants couldn't take him down. I think even the butcher and others may not be able to suppress him!!!"

In the perfect world, the powerful immortal kings from all the ancient worlds were filled with emotion. They were shocked by the scene in front of them and marveled at No. 10's heaven-defying combat power. At the same time, some people noticed the extraordinary power of Da Luo's sword embryo.

"How is it possible...even the teacher can't do anything about it???"

Being in a foreign land, He Youshan couldn't help but widen his eyes. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

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