In response, An Lan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone hanging in her heart finally fell.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. If Chi Lao is the vanguard, at least he will be safe and his life will not be in danger.


However, Chi Lao, who was in Nirvana, was no longer calm. He couldn't help but uttered a curse word, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.


This Huang is so ridiculous. Why does he meet the other party first every time?

"No, I want to find another place to achieve nirvana!!!"

Along with Chi Lao's muttering to himself, he stayed away from his family's land overnight and went to the ancient land in the deepest part of the foreign land. He wanted to undergo nirvana there, and he didn't want to be contaminated by the big grudge No. 10! ! !


Chapter 492

"Sigh... Speaking of which, we owe Chi Lao an explanation. In the past, we used to deduce secrets and eliminate all the unstable factors that threaten our world. We didn't expect that Chi Lao would suffer such a big karma!!!"

"There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Chi Lao is in charge of time and has complete control over time and other fields. It is naturally the most reasonable thing for him to take action. Although it is true that many living beings were wiped out, in the end, we encountered desolate..."

"There is no way to stop Huang's rise. That attack directly caused Chi Lao to suffer heavy losses and even nearly fell. Although he was a blessing in disguise and was able to attack the quasi-immortal emperor realm, we still owe him a debt after all!!!"

In the perfect world, located in a foreign land, many immortal kings spoke. They couldn't help but sigh, and they naturally understood what all this was about.

Emperor Huang Tian was the destabilizing factor that they had jointly deduced back then, and could threaten the instability of the foreign land. When Chi Lao was transforming, he would be bumped into by Huang, and he would even have half of his body chopped off.

There is also a high probability that Chi Lao is so unlucky because of the backlash of cause and effect! ! !

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... It's really interesting. If Huang can really kill Chi Lao, it would be really interesting!!!"

"Haha, those who play with time and cause and effect will eventually be played by time and cause and effect. Chi Lao's fate can only be said to be that he deserves it!!!"

"When a giant falls, even if it's in a foreign land, it's going to be painful, right? I'm really looking forward to that scene!!!"

Many powerful Immortal Kings in various ancient worlds showed playful expressions, looking forward to the moment when No. 10 killed Chi Lao.

After all, they don't have the slightest fondness for foreign lands. If the other party dies to a giant, they will just applaud! ! !

Chi Lao and those people are so audacious that they dare to travel through the long river of time and interfere with the future time. This kind of cause and effect is not ordinary! ! !

You must know that although the Immortal King can travel through the long river of time, go to the past and the future, and occasionally interfere with some small things, he must never touch things that are too big! ! !

If the long river of time is a surging Yangtze River, then the powerful Immortal King is just a little fisherman. He can sail in the big river with a boat, or he can use a fishing net to net some small fish...

But if you encounter a really big fish, it is very likely that the boat will be destroyed and everyone will be killed. Obviously, this was the case with Chi Lao back then! ! !

He traveled in the long river of time and indeed killed many geniuses, but in the end he met an unparalleled emperor like Huangtian Emperor, who was as powerful as the Immortal King and could only capsize! ! !

"Haha... I'm just an ant. If you dare to interfere in the past and future, you simply don't know what to do!!!"

Located in the ultimate ancient land, the old man couldn't help but sneered, his tone full of disdain.

You know, even a quasi-immortal emperor would not dare to interfere in the past and future easily, because the relationship is too great, and if you are not careful, it will lead to huge cause and effect. Not only will that time and space suffer huge cause and effect, but also the whole itself. You will also fall if you are not careful! ! !

And a little Immortal King dares to be so bold. In the eyes of these quasi-Immortal Emperors, this is simply looking for death! ! !

"Hiss...he punched through Chi Lao Lu with one punch. He is worthy of being Huang. His combat power is really terrifying!!!"

"Hey... Chi Lao actually has a second Immortal King Weapon? That big bell is much scarier than Chi Lao's stove!!!"

"Chi Lao is hiding quite well. I even suspect that he is not far from the supreme giant!!!"

"If he can transform successfully, even if he does not become a quasi-immortal emperor, he will definitely not be inferior to the Slaughter Master and the others!!!"

"What a pity. This is destined to be impossible. Emperor Huangtian has risen, and this cause and effect is destined to be repaid!!!"

At this moment, looking at this scene on the screen, many powerful immortal kings were marveling at the power of No. 10, and were even more frightened by Chi Lao's methods.

They have already seen how powerful No. 10 is...

But Chi Lao's methods really frightened them. Chi Lao was even more powerful than they imagined. If he could really transform successfully, he might not be a quasi-immortal emperor, but a being on the same level as the Butcher! ! !


Chapter 493

At this moment, when the golden spear appeared out of the sky, the audience in all dimensions were excited, looking forward to the man's appearance.

They were already extremely familiar with this golden spear. It was the weapon of the Immortal King of a foreign land, and it was called the Red-Edge Spear! ! !

It is the weapon of Wang Anlan, the best talker in the world! ! !

Now, as the talkative king appears again, many viewers are excited, looking forward to hearing his dirty talk from An Lan's mouth again! ! !

However, compared to the reaction of the audience, the creatures in the foreign land were all in a state of disbelief at the scene where Chi Lao was killed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could the ancient Chilao ancestor be killed???"

"That's the invincible Chi Lao. He once killed the giant Immortal King of Jiutian. He also defeated all the Immortal Kings in the ancient world. He even killed more than one Immortal King. How could he be defeated???"

"Sigh... Emperor Huangtian is so unbelievable. He rose up in such a humble world, and now even the Chilao tribe has been killed. It's really unbelievable!!!"

At this moment, the entire foreign land was shaken. Countless monks and creatures were shocked, and their hearts were filled with fear and disbelief.

That was Chi Lao, a giant who shocked all the ancient worlds! ! !

Even in a foreign land, he is one of the most powerful Immortal Kings, and there are only a handful of existences that can overwhelm him! ! !

However, such a powerful giant was suppressed and defeated by Huang in a battle with the same realm, and even the Immortal King's weapon was broken! ! !

"Chi Lao...that was a top giant. He was actually killed by Huang, and even his head was held in his hands. It's simply unbelievable!!!"

"It's really unbelievable. That's Chi Lao. How can Huang be so powerful? He has just become a king and he actually has such terrifying combat power!!!"

"Although Huang has just become a king, he has already achieved the feat of coming from behind. He is at the pinnacle of the realm of the Immortal King. In the vast world, how many strong people can compete with him? Perhaps only a few people such as butchers and counterfeit medicine sellers can compete with him. I can crush one of them!!!"

"Invincible Immortal King, not long after entering this realm, you already have the qualities of invincibility!!!"

Located in the major ancient worlds, many powerful Immortal Kings were filled with emotion. They were all frightened by No. 10's heaven-defying combat power.

A creature that had just reached the realm of the Immortal King had such terrifying combat power. He even entered a foreign land alone and beheaded Chi Lao. How unbelievable is this? ! !

"Emperor Huangtian is awesome, unrivaled in the world!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, first I killed the three great Immortal Kings of Ao City, then I entered the Realm Sea alone to kill two top Immortal Kings, and now I went to a foreign land alone to kill the giant Chi Lao. How many people from all walks of life can match this amazing achievement? Comparable???"

"It's so outrageous. Such a peerless evildoer, if he were of the same generation, would definitely make all the geniuses feel despair. He is destined to suppress the entire era!!!"

Located in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the giants of the sects, the supreme human beings, and the ancestors of the immortal orthodoxy were all amazed and could not help but be filled with emotion.

Emperor Huangtian

It is so incredible. How many people in the past and present can compare with it? ? ?

"A giant Immortal King was actually suppressed like this. Is this Emperor Huang Tian? And when facing the kings from foreign lands, he didn't even panic at all. It's really scary!!!"

"This is the real peerless battle. The terrifying power is so terrifying that we can only admire it!!!"

"The Immortal King... is such a desirable state. I wonder if we can reach this level in the future..."

In the world of One Leaf Covering the Sky, the ancient supreme beings who were in the restricted area of ​​life felt extremely admired. At the same time, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, full of yearning for the realm of the Immortal King.

In the past, their goal was to enter the Immortal Realm and then become an immortal! ! !

But their goal has changed now. The realm of Immortal King is their pursuit. Only by achieving the realm of Immortal King can they overlook the eternity and become the overlord in the realm of immortality! ! !

"Great, well done. As expected of my good brother, not only did you suppress those old men in Aocheng, but you also chopped up that bastard Chi Lao. It's really great!!! "

Located in a certain star field, Wu De couldn't help but cheer continuously. The aura of chaos was lingering around him, and the aura of Wu Que's great emperor level could be seen at a glance. His face was full of excitement and excitement.

“Tsk, tsk, it’s exactly what I expected. This red guy’s end must be miserable!!!”

On the other side, Ye Heishou couldn't help but marvel. He felt a little sympathy for Chi Lao's experience and smiled a little in his heart.

When he saw Chi Lao speaking rudely to the empress before, he had a premonition that Chi Lao's fate would definitely not be any better in the future...

Sure enough, retribution came so quickly. First, he was chopped into pieces by Emperor Huang Tian, ​​causing Emperor Lu to miss him again, and now he was killed abruptly. Even Ye Heishou felt sympathy for this kind of experience.

It's so tragic that the mighty Immortal King has fallen to this end! ! !

"Huang...his cultivation in the realm of Immortal King is not enough. If he practices for millions of years, it will probably be even more terrifying!!!"

"Yes, but even now, his combat power is already terrifying enough. Not long after he became the Immortal King, he has such terrifying combat power. Even in heaven, there are only a few dozen people who can compare with him. !!!”

"It's scary. The key is that he can still be stronger and is far from reaching the final state of the Immortal King!!!"

In the distant sky, a group of powerful immortal kings spoke, and even the quasi-immortal emperors were sighing.

Of course, although No. 10's expression was amazing, it wasn't to the point of shocking them...

After all, although this kind of combat power is very strong, there are still people in the sky who can do it. It is far less amazing than having the charm of Dao Ancestor in Hongchenxian, and it cannot shock them too much.

"Emperor this the path to his rise?"

"This being who disappeared for unknown ages actually reappeared through the inventory video and recorded his rise experience. It is really incredible!!!"

"It's an unprecedented system. It's completely different from the Pollen Road. This is a system created by Emperor Huang Tian. It uses the body to plant seeds without the help of external objects. It's really amazing!!!"

"Desolate Heaven Emperor... this man who once cut off all the ages with one sword in the distant past, blocked all darkness and isolated it in the past. We can actually witness such a living legend with our own eyes!!!"

Located in the great world of the Holy Ruins, in various worlds such as the heavens, the underworld, the underworld, the fallen fairy world, etc., countless powerful people are filled with emotion. They can actually witness with their own eyes the rise of the emperor who has been dictatorial for eternity. road! ! !

Not only that, they also witnessed the rise of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​which was incredible! ! !

"Haha... Emperor Huangtian? Even if he goes against the will of heaven, we will still be able to kill him in the future!!!"

"Even if the two emperors of Huangye join forces, it will be difficult to compete with our clan, but I didn't expect that we would lose five ancestors in the future. The price is really high!!!"

"Since we know the future in advance, we naturally cannot let things like that happen. We must minimize the losses!!!"

Located in the endless plateau, the ancestors spoke, although they were afraid of Emperor Huang Tian and Emperor Ye Tian.

But it has not reached the point of fear. Since they have known the future in advance, they naturally want to minimize future losses! ! !


Chapter 494

Located outside the worlds, in an endless bloody ocean, there are countless waves rolling there. Every wave is a broken world, and countless waves are countless worlds.

And every broken world contains countless broken stars in the universe, which are endless and truly boundless. Its size is difficult to measure! ! !

Moreover, these waves contain all kinds of destructive power, which can corrode the strong ones at the level of quasi-immortal emperors. Even the Lujin-level immortal emperors must be afraid! ! !

This place is called the Sea of ​​Immortal Emperor's Sacrifice. It is countless times scarier than the Boundary Sea, and the dangers in it are countless. Even a Luju level Immortal Emperor will get lost if he enters it! ! !

At this time, in this bloody ocean, a road-level immortal emperor is stepping on the emperor's bones. He is crossing the sea and looking for a way back to the world! ! !

It's just that the worlds are really far away from here. They are separated by an endless distance, which is a distance that even the powerful people at the level of Immortal King can't reach. Coupled with the mysterious and terrifying power of this sacrificial sea, even if It is difficult for this extremely powerful person to return to the world in a short period of time! ! !

"Hahaha... As expected of you, Emperor Huangtian, you are truly unparalleled in the world, and you are much more terrifying than I was back then!!!"

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor Yiba, who is at the end of his journey, is looking for his way back to the world while watching the inventory video.

When No. 10 crossed the foreign land and broke out from the encirclement of the kings, he couldn't help laughing, with a little excitement on his face.

old days

He once had a battle with Emperor Huang Tian. As the Dark Immortal Emperor who looked down on the world and was the only one who could stop the journey, he was suppressed by Huang Tian Emperor and was eventually killed! ! !

However, Emperor Huangtian gave him a second chance and woke him up again, otherwise he might have fallen into darkness forever and never had a chance to recover! ! !

And his identity is none other than the former Emperor Bone Brother! ! !

"Tsk, tsk, witnessing your rise reminds me of me at that time. I guess I'm still in a deep sleep stage now, right? I didn't expect that I could actually see the original battle between you and me in the inventory video. It's really amazing. What a missed time!!!”

At this moment, Brother Digu whispered to himself, showing a nostalgic expression, but his eyes were filled with endless coldness.

I don’t know how many epochs have passed since the Ancient Era. If it were measured in billions, it would have been unimaginably long. At that time, he was still in a deep sleep, separated from his soul, and was in a state of half-death. state! ! !

In addition to him, there are four quasi-immortal emperors. Together with the four quasi-immortal emperors, he formed the so-called source of darkness, causing unimaginable catastrophes in countless eras! ! !

Of course, compared with the so-called real source of darkness, they are far from qualified! ! !

And the reason why he fell into darkness in the first place, leading to that half-dead state, was that the Dark Immortal Emperor, the source of the strangeness, took action when he became emperor, causing him to have an accident! ! !

But now, he has taken revenge. He has personally joined that weird clan and killed the Immortal Emperor of Darkness. Now that he has returned with the emperor's bones under his feet, he is destined to shock the world! ! !

"I have returned with the bones of Emperor Treading. Where is your true body, Emperor Huangtian? The battle in the future is coming soon, but I believe that even if we all pass away, a vicious person like you can still survive. , and destroy the source of darkness!!!"

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