DC world. hell


"Hahaha! What a surprising name~"

"Michael, your expression now must be very interesting~"

Lucifer Morningstar's mood became happy again as the name appeared....

Michael, have you seen it?

In another world, you are also an archangel who is good at playing tricks~

What taunting words should you use when you see him next time~


I'm really looking forward to it more and more~......

Wrath of Bahamut World


"There is no way I could pull off such a sinister plot!"

Michael was stunned. He didn't recognize such an insidious archangel as him!

It was simply a naked slander against him!

He would never bear the blame!......

Reincarnate into the slime world. northern land

"Sure enough, the core of sanity was born, and it really fits the name of an angel...."

Qi Yi looked understanding....

The King of Justice alone would not do so many plans!

But is he just trying to resurrect Star King Dragon?...

But Star King Dragon died voluntarily...

He doesn't think there is anything in this world that can destroy him...

Rimuru, how should you deal with Michael next?.........

【Screen continues】

【After the Demon King said Michael's name...】

【As if something happened inside Rudra's body, some unspeakable red substance flew out....】

【Like a soul, but broken...】

【But even so, the broken soul still surrounds the scorching dragon lying in a pool of blood....】

【As if protecting her...】

【"That is! Rudra!"】

【The Searing Dragon, who was watching the battle in the imaginary space, became excited instantly!】

【She would never mistake Rudra's aura!】

【That was indeed her broken soul!】

【"Calm down!"】

【Rimuru grabbed her forcefully, and now she is likely to be controlled by Michael again....】

【It will be really troublesome then!】

【"Let me go! His soul is disappearing!"】

【The Scorching Dragon was so anxious that he almost cried. Maybe this was the only chance to see him again!】

【"Quiet...There is a possibility..."】

【Ciel's words calmed the searing dragon a little....】

【"If you can accept my ability to change..."】

【Ciel's demonic whispers...】

【The Searing Dragon took the bait, as long as her wish could be fulfilled!】

【a moment later...】

【The Searing Dragon's Savior King was cut off, and then integrated with the Oath King, successfully evolving into a new ultimate ability - the Fire God King!】

【This is precisely to guard against the third power of the King of Justice - to control all angelic skills.!】

【What happened at this moment left the Scorching Dragon completely confused....】

【Even the brain went down temporarily...】

【Her ultimate skill was cut off at will and then upgraded?!】

【How on earth did she do such an exaggerated thing?!】

【Infinite doubts lingered in her heart...】

【This feeling of powerlessness is like facing her big brother...】


【Why would she forget such an important thing?】

【It is precisely because the eldest brother Xing Wanglong can control them at will that they have no power to resist....】

【As long as it is the ultimate skill of the virtue system...】

【This is why the King of Wisdom made frequent mistakes in previous battles...】

【But now because of Ciel, the interference loop has been cut off...】......

Golden Township


"If there is such a thing, then I will be dominated too!"

Leon was immediately stunned. Is he also under Rudra's control?"...

He possesses the King of Purity, which is a virtue skill no matter how you look at it!

Is it possible that he has already... wrong...

He has never met Rudra. No matter how perverted Michael is, it is impossible to control him from such a distance....

Probably not...

Leon became irritated unconsciously.

He didn't want to lose his mind before seeing Chloe!

The land of the north

"How could I have forgotten such an important thing?"

Bai Binglong suddenly thought of something. Her ultimate skill, King of Patience, is also a virtue type!

"Chiy...I'm probably already dominated..."

Bai Binglong's words made Qi Yi fall silent....

But after a while his expression returned to normal

"Don’t worry, Michael can’t use you against me!"

He will not let others take away his most important companion!......

【Screen continues】

【Zhong Erlong sat obediently to the side without any chance to say anything....】

【The Searing Dragon reacted completely after hearing Ciel's words. Why did his elder brother's skills appear on Rimuru's body?】

【Is he the eldest brother?】

【That's not right! I can't detect the aura of elder brother on him...】

【What the hell does this happen?】

【This dragon species that has existed since ancient times was confused....】

【Rimuru was also confused. How could he give up such a terrifying ultimate skill as the King of Oaths?!】

【"There is no problem!"】

【Ciel has created a new power - the King of Feng Rang, and he will inherit the essence of the King of Oaths!】

【As the core of her mind, it would be no problem for her to create a new ultimate skill!】

【Scorching Dragon:"Ah this...There is no problem!"】

【The only one who can edit ultimate abilities at will is the God of Creation, Wang Lung...】

【Then, Ciel sang loudly with a majestic voice...】

【Gentle light enveloped the scorching dragon, and new power was born within her....】

【Rudra's remaining soul is bound to her...】

【Now she can go find Rudra!】

【"Come on!"】

【"elder sister! Just got it! If it doesn't work, come back!"】

【Zhong Erlong, who finally got in the conversation, smiled and showed off his brilliant teeth....】


【Rimuru and the others looked at this stupid dragon speechlessly, they were still the same idiots as before!】

【Ah...What a stupid and cute little brother....】

【But it's enough to be safe...】

【Subsequently, the Searing Dragon embarked on the road to find Rudra...】......

Reincarnate into the slime world.

Many strong men were directly stunned!

In their eyes, Ciel's behavior was like a fantasy!

"Is this reasonable?!"

"That is the ultimate skill! Not Chinese cabbage!"

"Haha, monster!"

"With Ciel here, who else is the opponent of the cute king?"

"Is it possible that he wants to become the God of Creation?!"

It's numb, it's numb.

Such a comparison.

They are simply inferior to novices.

The ultimate skills of the strong in their lives are just things made by others at will....

This sense of gap prevents them from having the slightest idea of ​​resistance....

With him in the Kingdom of Monsters, who else would covet it without the foresight?

Jura Forest

"Long live Lord Rimuru!"

"Yaho~ As expected of Lord Rimuru!"

The little brother cheered loudly, and the cheers in the center of the square were earth-shattering!

Only their masters in the world can be so unreasonable!

"We have to work hard!"

"We must not hold back Rimuru-sama!"

Benimaru and others smiled at each other, they can't embarrass their master!

In the imaginary number space

"Brother Yu, what do you think of what I said before?"

The Scorching Dragon crossed its legs and looked at Zhong Erlong who was reading a comic.

"But he doesn’t have the aura of a big brother!"

"What if there are fragments of brother’s soul?"

For a moment, the second dragon was speechless.

But apart from the same skills, Rimuru and his elder brother had nothing in common!

"Don't even guess...Wouldn't it be nice to see it until the end!"

Ifrit pointed to the light curtain above his head. It was quite uncomfortable for him to be sandwiched between the two dragons.

When can they get out!......

The world of the wise man's grandson

"You can actually create ultimate skills at will..."

Sean has never been able to create an ultimate skill...

His moves are pure destruction, but this is not what he wants...

"Ahhhh!!! So envious!"

Sean roared up to the sky, how come Rimuru can acquire such a powerful ultimate skill!

He is so bitter!......

【Screen continues】

【In front of the Rudra battleship, Benimaru and others are trying their best to launch a fierce attack on Rudra...】

【But it's useless, it can't even break the defense...】

【"Hahaha! You are so powerless!"】

【The demon king looked at them sarcastically...】

【He aimed at the gap between everyone's attacks and launched a fatal blow!】

【A golden lightning ball condenses in front of him...】

【But before he was released, he was swallowed by an invisible force....】

【Demon King:"???"】

【Where are his balls that big?】

【I saw Rimuru's figure slowly appearing in front of them....】

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