Reincarnation in the Slime World

"How unpleasant!"

The Demon King showed resentment. That was his strongest power! He was eaten by Rimuru just like that....

"Michael, what should we do now?"

The Demon King turned his attention to Michael on the throne. He seemed to be thinking about something at this moment....


"Nothing, I just thought of something impossible..."

He has been guessing about Rimuru's true identity... if he is his own master...

Then Michael immediately shook his head and put this unrealistic idea behind him....

He would not mistake the aura of the Star King Dragon!......

【Screen continues】

【"You finally came out, don’t you plan to continue watching??"】

【Michael's frivolous tone seemed to have already noticed Rimuru's presence....】

【He looked at Rimuru with a sarcastic expression, he had been waiting for him to appear....】

【Rimuru didn't pay attention to what he said...】

【He came here with only one purpose, and that was to end this war...】

【Rimuru didn't hide anything, he directly revealed that he already knew all his powers....】

【"Yeah? Shouldn't be your enemy..."】

【However, even if Michael really regrets it, he will not be safe...】

【Because he is the enemy of the Monster Kingdom!】

【He won't let the tragedy happen again!】

【"Is this so?...Then retreat for now~"】

【Michael chooses the best way, since the other party already knows his power...】

【Then there is a way to deal with him, and even if not, he will not take such a risk...】


【Before anyone could do anything, Michael disappeared in front of everyone with the Demon King....】......

The world of the wise man's grandson

"Is it over?!"

"I thought there was going to be a fight...."

Sean's face collapsed with regret. He also wanted to learn stronger magic....

They actually stopped fighting?

"Sean, you've changed..."

Sisili felt that the boy in front of her was a little strange. His nature seemed to have changed in order to pursue power....

If this continues, he might become a clown like Clayman!

Kleiman:"I feel like you’re scolding me, but I have no proof..."......

Over-lord world

"Wise choice."

Lao Gu didn't despise Michael's escape at all....

If he were in a situation where all his information was exposed to his opponent, he would have run away long ago....

Even if you have absolute confidence in your own strength...

However, they should have a battle sooner or later...

I just don’t know what the outcome of this war will be.

Is it disillusionment?

Or a new student?

No matter which one it is, it will affect the whole world!......

【Screen continues】

【Rimuru led everyone back to the Monster Federation...】

【Although there was flames of war outside, fortunately Piggy protected him and did not suffer much damage....】

【At the banquet, Ramiris felt a headache when she recalled the unreasonable second sister from Zhong Erlong....】

【The upper levels of the maze were blown away by her!】

【However, Rimuru discovered that Dino, whom Guy had sent beside him, disappeared....】

【At the same time, he noticed the breath of the scorching dragon in the depths of the maze. What was going on?】

【With these doubts, Rimuru learned what happened from the people's mouths....】

【It turned out that when he was conquering the empire,...】

【The demon king led the crowd to attack the maze...】......

Jura Forest


"This is not fun to fight!"

Ramiris, who was happily chewing biscuits, was stunned....

She didn't expect anyone to attack the maze....

And it’s still the old guy!

"Master, come out and help me!"

Ramiris hurriedly flew in front of Rimuru...

She didn't want to just send it. northern land

"Oh ho? That guy actually grabbed Ramiris's attention?!"

"Demon King, oh no..."

"I should call you the Seven Original Angels!"

Qi Yi finally remembered what happened at the beginning of the world....

If the Demon King hadn't appeared, he might not have remembered this memory....

But has he become twisted as well?

Is it possible that he also wants to resurrect the Star King Dragon?

"Star King Dragon, you really left me with a big problem...."

Qi Yi smiled helplessly.

It seemed that the reason for all this happened was because of his disappearance....

What a big scam!......

【Screen continues】

【This sudden change made Ramiris panic....】

【She doesn't have any power now. She is really a loser....】

【Ramiris:"Are you polite?"】

【At this time, the person who stayed in the maze stood up...】

【The Demon King used Rudra's power as the King of Justice to dominate the brave Kroyer....】

【And asked her to kill Zheng Xin who was fighting the demon commander...】

【However, what the Demon King never expected was that Zhengxin had awakened the ultimate skill - the King of Heroes!】

【It was Croyer's beauty that triggered this change....】

【At the same time, because of Zhengxin's awakening, the Searing Dragon found him...】

【Zheng Xin is Rudra...】......

Empire of the East


"No, is there another way?!"

"Is there something wrong with this Zhengxin’s brain?!"

The Demon King was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Zheng Xin to awaken so hastily!

Is it possible that there are no beauties in the empire?

This bastard!...

"this is me?"

"No, why am I Emperor Rudra?!"

Zheng Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he had to accept the fact, and then he felt flustered....

The Searing Dragon loves Rudra deeply, if she knew that she awakened because of seeing Kroyer's beauty... hiss...

It's better to run quickly...

Jura Forest

"Will I hurt Rimuru-sensei's family?!"

Kroye, who was still young, panicked and was so anxious that he didn't know what to do....

In the future, she will be dominated by the enemy...

If she kills monsters, will Rimuru-sensei hate her?...

When she thought of this, her face became paler...

"I don’t want the King of Hope anymore!"

You don't need this ultimate skill!


【Screen continues】

【On another battlefield...】

【Dino is fighting Beretta and the Insect Queen...】

【Because Dino fished for a long time, his fighting nerves were slightly weakened....】

【Facing the opponent's attack, it seems a bit difficult...】

【"Have I changed my mind?!"】

【Dino couldn't believe how embarrassed he looked....】

【He is also the Eight-Star Demon King after all, and he can't even defeat high-ranking demons....】

【Is this reasonable?】

【"Still in a daze! ?"】

【Beretta didn't expect that he could still wander during the battle....】

【"Hahaha! finally come!"】

【Dino felt the power swelling in his body. The power he had accumulated for a long time was finally full....】

【"Just lie down for me!"】

【As Dino shouted, a purple aura enveloped the two Berettas....】

【The Insect Queen looked at herself suspiciously, but she was not injured....】

【But then a wave of sleep came over...】

【Just when Dino thought it was over, Beretta suddenly appeared in front of him and raised his right fist to hit him in the face....】


【The fist cuts through the air, mixed with a harsh sound】

【Dino turned his head subconsciously and dodged the blow!】

【Precisely because Beretta had been hit by this skill before...】

【That's how to be prepared...】

【The same move is useless against demons!】

【Beretta plans to kill the Bug Queen and resurrect her to remove the Sloth's powers...】

【But Dino won't let her succeed...】


【He's getting serious!】......

Saint Seiya.

Five Xiaoqiang

"good! The same move cannot be effective against a strong person a second time!"

Ikki has no doubts about this.

That's what they, the Saints, are like!......

Reincarnation in the Slime World

"Why would I take action against Ramiris?!"

Dino was a little confused. With his lazy personality, there is no way he would do such a troublesome thing!

He must have been dominated!


"Qi Yi is not going to destroy me!"

Dino, who was still sleepy, suddenly woke up....

He will not allow anyone to take action against Ramiris...

"Ramiris, please don’t let anything happen...."

"And I don’t want anything to happen to me...."

Dino could only pray that he wouldn't do anything stupid...

Otherwise, his life will really be lost....

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