Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 159 . 1st place on music shows (2)

The terrifying Eun-woo, covered in ketchup blood, shouted.

“It’s hard for zombies.”

Baek Soo-hee started looking for her music on the watermelon app on her smartphone.

“This is it.”

What Baek Soo-hee found was the title song [I Zombie] of the famous zombie drama [The Curse of Zombie].

When Suhee Baek turned on her music, her room was filled with tension.

[Tattoo dat da da da da da da da da daan dadan dadan]

Myungseok exclaimed with his arms outstretched in front of him.

“My heart is pounding because I’m scared.”

Eunwoo shouted with his head tilted 45 degrees.

“Nya is a zombie. Uh-huh.”

Barley raised his left front paw and barked.

“Dog-mong (I am a zombie puppy. If bitten by me, everyone turns into a zombie. Are you afraid?)”

Baek Soo-hee said while covering her eyes.

"scary. Zombie. Help me."

Eunwoo Zombie said.

“I will save you. Get some chocolate chips instead. How is it that you are hungry?”


“Bring some jelly, too.”

“Yes, Zombie.”

Eunwoo and Myeongseok were dancing a zombie dance.

Eunwoo wrote the lyrics and sang the song.

[We are baby zombies. The most mushy baby zombie in the world.

When we show up, we all run away.

Don't underestimate me as a baby.

We are zombies.]

Myung-seok mimicked the steps of a zombie and walked forward to Eun-woo's song.

The point was to pretend to be dead by raising his arms forward and shaking his head.

Bori, too, with her head tilted to his left, raised his left foot and walked slowly.

“We are the scariest baby zombies in the world. If we bite you, you are a zombie too. If you are afraid of us, give all your food. In particular, offer meat.”

As Baek Soo-hee was bringing chocolate and jelly, she saw the scene and took out her smartphone.

‘It’s so cute, I have to take a picture of this.’

Baek Soo-hee started recording video with her smartphone.

Eun-woo found Baek Soo-hee and she slowly walked in front of Baek Soo-hee.

“Where is the chocolate?”

“Here it is. baby zombie. Please save my life. I don't want to be a zombie.”

Baek Soo-hee gave Eun-woo chocolate.

Eunwoo opened the plastic and put the chocolate in his mouth.

“The wordman. I'll save you some chocolate chips. Thank you so much for the chocolate.”

"thank you. chocolate sir. You saved me. Please do well next time.”

Myung-seok came to the front of the screen.

“Jelly? Where are you?”

Baek Soo-hee gave the jelly bag to Myung-seok.

Myung-seok was looking for the biggest king jelly in the jelly bag.

“Where is King Jelly? I can't see King Jelly."

King Jelly is a baby's favorite because there is only one jelly per bag.

When Myeong-seok also ate jelly, he would find the king jelly first and proudly eat it while stretching it.

Baek Soo-hee opened the jelly bag and found the king jelly.

“Here it is. king jelly. Please eat king jelly and quench her wrath.”

Myung-seok pulled the jelly and stretched it.

“It’s a word. I'll forgive you. Say goodbye to Jelly.”

“Thank you, Jelly. Thank you for saving me. Please do well next time.”

Barley, who had not eaten anything, cried.

“Doggy (I? I? I’m also a puppy zombie. Give me something to eat.)”

Eun-woo understood Bo-ri's words and shouted to Baek Soo-hee.

“Even barley zombies are tired of going.”

Barley performed a growling performance, revealing her teeth.

“Child, I’m scared. We'll bring it. Barley zombie.”

Baek Soo-hee brought barley snacks from the chest of drawers.

“Here is the chicken breast and yellow lobster treat. What can I give you?”

Bori growled and cried.

“Mongmong (Put it in a rice bowl so I can eat a lot.)”

Eun-woo said to Baek Soo-hee.

“Let there be two muggles of barley, you. 👌👌👌”

Baek Soo-hee poured the chicken breast treat and yellow pollack treat into a bowl of barley.

Bori was excited and struck her tail.

“Dog-mong (My wish was to eat as many snacks as feed, but it came true. Long live the zombies.)”

Barley was excitedly jumping in front of her rice bowl.


Momo, an office worker at a travel agency, got a phone call from the subway on the way home from work.

“Momo, about the group tour of Shinwoo, which will depart tomorrow. That said, the departure time has to be changed. What time can you change it to?”

“Are you leaving tomorrow?”

Momo-san felt like an earthquake was going on in her head.

'Please don't call me after work. I’m not a 24-hour person.’

Momo quickly organized her thoughts, unable to spit out the words that came up to her throat.

'First, call the tour bus company, and then call the lodging company. Are you glad it's not an airplane though?'

Momo got off the subway and frantically dialed the phone here and there.

She resolved all the cases and called the rep again.

“As you said, we have adjusted the departure time. It's not a 9am departure, it's a 1pm departure. I hope you have a pleasant trip.”

"Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Momo. After all, Momo-san does a really good job.”

After hanging up the phone, I let out a long sigh.


She looked at her watch and an hour had passed.

'You're talking on the phone for an hour on the subway. I can’t even go home, and I’m in good shape.’

Momo, who has liked to travel since college, was very excited when she first joined a travel agency.

'At that time, she thought that working for a travel agency would be fun and travel for the rest of her life. So she often worked overtime and didn't know that she would be contacted by the company.

Healing travel is healing for consumers, but not healing for travel agents.’

When Momo got a job at a travel agency, his fantasies about his travels were shattered.

It was tougher than it looked for him to become an office worker.

Momo came home after a long workday.

A yellow cheese tabby cat potato welcomed Momo.


Momo seemed to cry at the potato greeting.

‘How can it take you so long to get back to my room in room 1.5?’

Momo lay on the floor with his bag next to him.

‘I don’t want to do anything. I really don't want to do anything. I don't even want to change clothes. I don’t want to eat and I don’t want to do anything.’

Momo thought maybe she had burnout syndrome.

'I'm starting to hate doing everything these days. I used to like to put on makeup and look pretty, but now I wear the same clothes every day. I just want to rest.’

Momo turned on her tablet without changing her clothes.

‘I should watch Eunwoo’s video. On a day like today, I need Eunwoo.’

When I connected to You Tube, You Tube recommended Eunwoo's [Your Song] 1st place video to Momo.

'It seems Eun-woo took first place. Let's see.'

Eunwoo was singing [I'm Too Cute] arranged on the screen.

Momo was talking to herself without realizing it.

“I really like the arranged song. Babies on stage are so cute.”

Momo burst into laughter at the scene where the baby on stage said that her toes were cute.

Cat Potato leaned flexibly, grooming her hind paws.

Momo looked carefully at her feet.

‘Are my feet cute too?’

Momo found a sticker for pedicure in a drawer after a long time and put it on.

A cute panda was drawn on Momo's toes.

'It's cute now. I like cute toes.’

On the screen, Eunwoo was lying on the floor and dancing an earthworm.

‘Eunwoo Earthworm is so cute.

Eunwoo is so pretty that she is innocent.

There was a time when I was as innocent as Eunwoo.

The world was so happy back then.’

Momo got out of bed, lay on the floor of the room, and started dancing the earthworm.

A potato came to Momo's side and cried a little."Meow."

“It’s a potato. I'm dancing the earthworm Today, I will live as Eunwoo, not Momo.”

Momo thought about the dinner menu.

“What are you eating today? I'm on a diet, so should I eat salad?"

Eunwoo in his heart answered.

"jelly. hamburger. Stay happy.”

Momo turned on the delivery app and ordered chicken and pizza.

‘I have to eat until my stomach explodes.’

An hour later, chicken and pizza arrived at Momo's house.

Momo took a picture and posted it as a star.

#Living as Eunwoo for just one day #Burnout Syndrome #I am happy to live as Eunwoo. Like #Eunwoo, try to live without thinking.


The HO Entertainment office was in a festive atmosphere as Eunwoo ranked first.

Taehyung said to Kang Raon.

“Finally, Eunwoo took first place. The president’s prediction was correct.”

“How nervous you were. [To You Who Takes a New Challenge] received a better response than I expected, so I really regretted not putting it on the album.”

“Still, the results were good.”

“I didn't expect this at all. It's like [Tattata] running backwards. [I’m Too Cute] wouldn’t have been in first place without [Tattoo] Back Run.”

“[Tattata] The reverse run was really exciting. I never thought the fans would take it as a game.”

“[Tattata] was the number one contribution that the parody video and choreography video raised the rankings.”

“The parody video was really fun. In the movie [Light], which was released this time, an advertisement using Eunwoo's song appeared, and the album is naturally being promoted. Thanks to this, foreigners also get to know a lot of [Tattata]. In foreign countries, [Tattoo] is more popular than [I’m too cute].”

“Perhaps because the hook is easier and more intense.”

“These days, Eunwoo games are popular among office workers.”

“Are you playing with Eunwoo?”

“Burnout workers spend the day like Eunwoo. I was thinking about what to do with Eunwoo. It is said to relieve stress and is good. flat.”


Raon Kang searched for [Eunwoo Play] in the green window.

When he clicked on the first blog post, a review came up.

┗ I am in my 5th year as a public official. I keep slipping in exams and my self-esteem is low. I cut off all personal relationships because I didn't want to keep in touch with my friends who kept asking me about my acceptance. I grew depressed and lethargic and couldn't tell my parents, but I didn't go to school for a week, and I played games alone in a gosiwon like a bad guy. I did a search and it turns out I have burnout syndrome.

So, after living like Eunwoo for a week, I felt very good. After much deliberation, I finally passed the civil service exam and got a job at a small and medium-sized company. This decision was made because stability is important, but the happiness of the present is more important. I'm going to work tomorrow. Please support everyone.

┗ I was so depressed after breaking up with her girlfriend. I thought about suicide so many times that I went to a psychiatrist and received antidepressant medication. After taking the antidepressant medication, the suicidal thoughts disappeared, but I had no desire to do anything, so I was locked up in my room alone and dazed.

Then, I recommend the Eunwoo game that I discovered. Now, not often, but sometimes I laugh. Eunwoo in my heart is like that. If I don't love you, nobody will love me.

┗ I did 5 internships. It's called a rest intern, right? Even knowing that, I couldn't help but work hard. I think that's an opportunity. I drank coffee, did a lot of copying, and did a lot of cleaning.

One manager asked me to do homework for his child. He worked hard too. I wanted to become a full-time employee. But as it kept falling, depression came. No matter how hard you work, you cannot become a full-time employee.

I didn't fill out the application after being rejected for an internship last month. I started a part-time job at a convenience store. I feel at ease. And I started playing Eunwoo. Like Eunwoo, I lived every day without worries.

I didn't know that, but as I endured it like that, it seemed that what I suppressed became poison. I don't want to be an intern anymore. Instead, I opened a smart store in a green window with my favorite dog products. It's a job to buy and sell things on a Chinese site, but the number of regulars is gradually increasing. Please support me.

Taehyun read the article and said to Kang Raon.

“It’s great. Eunwoo play. I want to try it too.”

“Eun-woo is definitely something I can’t predict. I mean, people like it so much.”

"of course. Eunwoo is healing itself.”

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