Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 160 . meet my brother (1)

Eun-woo and Bori were on their way to daycare.

“Dog-meong (Yellow and Black-eyed?)”

“Now it’s cachoding. Contribute.”

“Dog-mong (Okay, I wonder what kind of cat it is. Is it a cat that remembers a previous life?)”

“A giant like that would be rude.”

“I wonder if there are other animals other than me that can remember past lives. If there were such animals, they would understand me.”

Eun-woo seemed to understand Bo-ri's feelings.

‘I feel lonely because there is no one who remembers my past life and my previous life. If someone had the same experience as me, I would be able to share my feelings with that person.

Sometimes I feel lonely because I feel like I'm the only one living with a big secret.

Would you feel the same way with Barley?

Still, I really like the barley. Animals and humans are different, but because I can tell Bori that I remember my past life.’

The reason why Bori wants to go to daycare is because she wants to see Yellow and Black.

Eunwoo was worried.

‘If yellow and black were just cats, barley would be very disappointed.’

Changhyun stopped the car at the daycare center.

“Aye, I’ll be fine.”

“Dog-meong (Thanks for taking me)”

Eun-woo greeted her bravely and went into the daycare with Bori.

He opened the door and entered, Jung-woo greeted Eun-woo.

“Hey, come on? Oh, puppy!”

When Jung-woo saw her for the first time, she couldn't take her eyes off her.

“It’s a puppy raised by a baby. My name is Eboy.”

“It’s so helpful.”

“Dog-meong (It’s true that this guy is popular wherever he goes.)”

Bori turned her head to the sky 45 degrees and then lifted one of her feet and gave it to Jung-woo.

“Dog-meong (Please tell me that this body will greet you in person.)”

“Jungwoo. Boy said hello Get your hands on it.”

Jung-woo grabbed Bo-ri's front paw and greeted him.


“Dog-meong (looks cute. Baby. Let’s be friendly.)”

Yellow came to see Eun-woo, but when he saw Bo-ri, he stopped.

Yellowy raised the hairs all over his body and crouched down to make his body appear larger.

Jungwoo was surprised to see Yellowy and said.

“Hyeah, the yellow hedgehog is stinky.”

“Dog-meong (Yellow must have been surprised. Does he hate dogs? I didn’t do anything. I can’t help it, I have to avoid it.)”

When Bori went into another room to avoid Yellow, Yellow hid behind the slide.

In the other room, Hyunjeong was making something.

Eun-woo asked Hyun-jeong.

“Hyunjeong-ah, what is that?”

"antenna. It will send a signal into space.”

Jung-woo admired what Hyun-jung made.

"Wow. It sucks.”

“Dog-mong (If you attach a disposable plate to a piece of chopsticks attached to it, will it send a signal to space? The shape is similar to an antenna. It would be possible with an artificial satellite to send a signal from space to where living things live.)”

Eunwoo sometimes thought that Bori was too smart and too realistic to be a puppy.

Eun-woo thought that what Hyun-jung needed was comfort.“Made well. What signal are you sending?”

Hyeonjeong closed her eyes and said as if memorizing a spell.


However, Eun-woo thought that it was fortunate that Hyun-jung had become much brighter.

Jungwoo memorized a wish next to him.

“I won’t let you go to the dentist. How's the dentist? I'll keep a little jelly."

“Dog-mong (Is that a magic lamp that grants all wishes? Then, let me meet only one person who has been reincarnated as an animal with only one wish.)”

Hyerin came into her room.

“I bought this. Shall we do this?”

Hyerin held a small machine in her hand.

what machine is that? ' thought Eunwoo.

“This is a cat translator. If you put it on your neck, it will tell you what the cat is saying. Will it be fun?”

“Dog-meong (every life, he makes all sorts of things. But is that credible? Isn’t it the same shape as Hyeonjeong’s antenna?)”

Yuna, who came next to me, said.

“It’s fun. Come on, let’s do it.”

Shiu also ran.

“Let’s do it with Bori first. Do you know what to do with the dog?”

Jiho agreed.

“Joe is so young. Let's do it for Bori."

“Dog-meong (Why me all of a sudden? Am I an experiment?)”

Barley was crying.

Eun-woo comforted Bo-ri and attached a translator to Bo-ri's neck.

“It will be fun. Look. Feel good.”

“Dog-meong (Isn’t it really fun? It looks like a baby’s toy. Does it really work?)”

Hyerin looked at the translator. In her translator she started translating into Korean.

"[I'm hungry. Give me rice.] Eunwoo, when did you eat barley?”

“I’m staying in Achime.”

When Yuna heard this, she went to find her material.

“Yogi, yellow, and black mustard.”

Yuna scattered the food she had grabbed in her hands on the floor.

“Dog-mong (Why do you feed your dog cat food? But what is this savory smell?)”

Barley sniffed and ate a cat food.

'what? How about this unexpected taste? It tastes better than dog food. I like the meat a lot. After all, life is meat.’

Barley was excited and ate a lot of the feed that Yuna had brought.

Bori didn't know that cat food had a higher protein content than dog food, so it tasted delicious.

Barley wags his tail in excitement.

“Dog-meong (Dog translator is good. Let’s continue.)”

“It’s okay. hey boy. I don’t know if I will.”

Eun-woo patted Bo-ri's head and said excitedly.

Hyerin looked at the translator.

“You say [I’m bored and want to play]? What do you like to play with?”

“I’m good at putting together barley puzzles.”

“Bring the puzzle.”

Yuna brought a large puzzle.

Bori was excited.

“Dog-meong (You can do puzzles. They don’t do well with me at home because it takes time. Is it my birthday today? The dog translator is so good. It’s like a magic lamp. ”

Eunwoo spilled the puzzle on the floor.

Cinderella picture puzzles were scattered on the floor.

“My heart is pounding at the thought of using my hair.”

Barley barked excitedly when she found the first puzzle.

“Dog-meong (This is the first puzzle. Let it go.)”

Eun-woo placed the puzzle that Bori found in the corner.

“Dog-meong (again, I found it. Second puzzle)”

Yuna placed the second puzzle after Eunwoo's puzzle.


“I’m leaving.”

Eun-woo and Bori returned from daycare in Chang-hyeon's car.

Baek Soo-hee and Baek In-soo welcomed Eun-woo.

“Eunwoo is here. Come on, let's wash our hands."

“Congratulations on winning 1st place Eunwoo. My grandfather bought me a present.”

Eun-woo greeted Baek-soo by holding his leg in delight.

“Haview. It's sad to see you."

Bori greeted her by waving her tail.

“Dog-mong (Is this a party today? You’ve been lucky all day from daycare)”

While Eun-woo was wiping her hands, Baek Soo-hee placed cakes and fruits in the living room.

Baek Su-soo decorated the wall with balloons.

The words [1st Anniversary] were engraved on the wall with sky-blue balloons.

Eun-woo found his favorite ice cream cake and jumped in excitement.

“It’s an ice cream cake. It’s mint chocolate.”

Baek In-soo lit a candle on the ice cream cake.

Changhyun exclaimed.

“Turn out the fire.”

The electric light went out and Eunwoo stood in front of the candle.

Baek Soo-hee said with a smile.

“Eunwoo, make a wish.”

The white man continued.

“I won 1st place on a music show, do you have another wish?”

Baek Soo-hee answered.

“Eunwoo is a world star, so he might have another wish.”

Eunwoo closed her eyes and made a wish.

‘I want to meet my brother. I'm living happily like this, but I'm really worried about how my brother is doing. Was she still alive? Where is my little brother Chemigisha? ’

Eunwoo blew out the candle.


Baek Soo-hee said with applause.

“The candle went out at once. Wow. Eunwoo's wish is about to come true. what wish did you make? Eunwoo.”

“It’s Bimi. Hehe heh heh.”

“I think I know what kind of wish I made. I hope Eunwoo’s wish will come true. Will my wish to meet someone born as an animal come true someday?”

Baek Soo-hee brought a plate and served her ice cream cake.

“Mint chocolate. Mint chocolate.”

"okay. Eunwoo. Snowna remembers everything.”

Baek Soo-hee put Eun-woo's favorite mint chocolate flavored ice cream on her plate.

Eunwoo ate mint chocolate flavored ice cream.Baek In-soo said while eating cherry tomatoes.

“Turn on the TV. Let’s see our Eunwoo 1st place again.”

“Dad, you’ve already seen that a lot.”

“It makes me proud to see you. Come on, play it.”

Baek Soo-hee, unable to overcome Baek-soo's torch, turned on her TV.

On the screen, Eunwoo was singing [I'm So Cute].

Baek In-soo admired Eun-woo on the screen.

“Who’s hand is so cute?”

Eunwoo said as he dug into Baeksoo's arms like a puppy.

“Havuji Sonja.”

"then. grandpa grandson. Our Eunwoo.”

Baek In-soo hugged Eun-woo tightly and sat him on his lap, then watched TV.

The song moved on to [Tattata].

Baek In-soo sang along to the song.

[Dah ha-am. wow. Tta ta ta ta ta tta tta tta tta tta ttat.]

When Baek Soo-hee heard Baek In-soo's song, laughter broke out.

"dad. what is that how. It was a dance song when Eunwoo sang it, but when my dad sang it, it became a song like an exclamation while sitting in the bathroom and shouting ‘Ah, it’s warm’.”

“How about that? Is it good? Is there a law that says that my grandson sings well?”

Changhyun hit the ball.

“You are wonderful. father. It's like the pansori I heard on TV and it's like the sijo chang. I like [tattata] that my father sings better.”

“Look. Changhyun says he likes my songs better.”

“Heh heh heh. I also like Harvuji songs.”

“Everyone is on my father’s side except for me. Aigoo, Eunwoo. it's snowy Please listen to your eyes.”

Eunwoo gave a heart to Baek Soo-hee and said.

“I love you. snow.”

“After all, there is only Eunwoo.”

An advertisement appeared in the middle of Eunwoo's video.

Baek Soo-hee cried while watching the advertisement.

“This advertisement. Pay for premium, right? Should I apply for a premium now?”

White people agreed.

“What is this while listening to Eunwoo’s song? Go ahead and apply for a premium. your mac is broken Mac. All my excitement will be gone.”

Eunwoo stared intently at the advertisement.

In the advertisement, an African child was staring at the screen with white eyes.

[Kemigisha, who lives in Africa, worries about one meal today. Kemi Gisha's parents were she died in a civil war when Kemi Gisha was three years old. Her one and only older brother, gleaning gold all day long, fed Kemi Gisha, but even her older brother died when Kemi Gisha was five years old.

Kemi Gisha, who is left alone, is barely surviving her diet with the help of her Save the World.]

On the screen, a middle-aged female actress Heo Hee-ra appeared in a stylish suit.

[For 30,000 won a month, children like Kemigisha can eat rice. Empower Her Alone Chemi Gisha

The cup of coffee we love can be the future for our children. Sponsorship number is 070-1544- ○○○○]

Eun-woo's heart seemed to sink when he saw the advertisement.

‘It’s Chemigisha. It's Chemigisha. Why are you there?’

Eun-woo got down from Baek-soo's arms and approached the TV screen.

Eun-woo caressed the screen as if it were the face of Chemigisha, whom he had missed for a long time.

'She was still alive. My little brother. My brother I wanted to see.

thank you. thank you. The gods didn't forsake us.

thank you. Thank you very much.'

Tears flowed nonstop from Eunwoo's eyes.

His runny nose was dripping from his nose.

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