Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 190 . in brother's name (4)

third holiday.

Eun-woo went to the camp to meet Chemigisha.


Eunwoo got out of Gildong's car and ran to Chemigisha.


Chemigisha hugged Eunwoo.

“Let’s play for fun today.”

“I found the game on the phone you gave me, and it’s so much fun.”

At the words of Chemigisha, Eunwoo began to regret whether it was a good thing to give Chemigisha a cell phone.

‘Even at daycare, Junsu was addicted to games. He gets addicted to gaming and he tries to play games every day. He doesn't even eat when he eats, he just plays games. what to do Chemigisha. Your brother led you down the wrong path.’

Kemi Gisha said with her red eyes.

“I slept only three hours while playing a game yesterday.”


Eunwoo took a deep breath.

Baek Soo-hee saw this and started to laugh.

“Eunwoo, you look like an old grandfather. A five-year-old kid sighs as if the world is over. It doesn't quite fit."

Eun-woo's heart fluttered at Baek Soo-hee's words.

‘Sister, that’s Grandpa. If you add up all three episodes of life, you’re older than Baek In-soo’s grandfather.’

Kemi Gisha looked at her phone, she said.

“I want to do it again. Eunwoo, won't you join us too? It's really fun. The battery drains so quickly that I have to keep my phone plugged in all the time, but it’s so much fun.”

"eye patch. It's funny, but you can't just play games, Sister Maria Kim, you're like that."

“Sister Maria Kim?”

“Sister Nimiya of the daycare center I attend, you too will go there if you go there.”

Eun-woo became happy as he imagined going to daycare holding hands with Chemigisha.

Then a large, black car and a truck loaded with cattle lined up into the camp.

As soon as Gil-dong saw the car, he had an intuition that the president would be there.

‘Suddenly, I got a phone call from the secretary of the President of Zambia, the President of Tanzania, and the President of the Congo, and I was surprised. I didn’t think it would be good if it interfered with the filming, so I asked him to come on a holiday, and he did a good job.”

Zambian President Kounda and Prime Minister Sata got out of the car.

Eunwoo recognized Counta at once.

“President Havuji.”

“Eunwoo, your face has become cuter.”

“Hehehehe, hello to Harvuji.”

Eunwoo also greeted Sata.

Sata burst into laughter at Eunwoo's greeting.

“Thank you for saying hello first. My name is Sata, Prime Minister of Zambia.”

“Havu-ji, but who’s the swordsman behind me? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Conspiracy oh oh oh.”

Eun-woo suddenly imitated the sound of a cow crying.

The counter smiled and replied.

“These are cows brought from Zambia to give Eunwoo as a gift after hearing the news of Eunwoo’s donation.”

“Are you like that?”

Eun-woo knew what position the cow had in Africa because of her memory of Padwa.

‘A house with cows never went hungry. Even when Mom and Dad were alive, our family couldn't buy cattle. Because there were only two houses with cows in our village.’

The sudden appearance of ten cows made Eun-woo feel strange, and he burst into tears without knowing it.Chemigisha saw Eunwoo crying and asked.

“Eunwoo, why are you crying? Having a cow is a good thing.”

“It’s too tight.”

Eunwoo believed that if Mom and Dad were looking at her in the sky, they would pat her on the shoulder and praise her for doing well on a day like today.

'mom and dad. Are you looking good? I worked hard. To protect Kamigisha. I couldn't keep all of those promises when I was a Paddy, but as Eunwoo, I'll be sure to keep those promises.

Now, cows, livestock, and chemi-gisha will go to Korea and live happily every day.’

Counta wiped Eunwoo's tears and said.

“There is also a plaque of appreciation. Eunwoo. Sata, please prepare for the presentation.”

“Yes, President. Prepare for the presentation.”

Then the attendants standing next to them spread a red carpet on the floor.

Next to the carpet, the attendants lined up.

Sata handed Counta a plaque of appreciation.

Sata read the words on the plaque of appreciation.

“I present this award because Eunwoo Lee, with his great love for Zambia, dedicated himself to the children of Zambia and donated large sums to help make Zambia a prosperous country.

On May 12, 2021, the Zambian Presidential Count.”

The attendants and the babies in the camp clapped.

Counta bowed his back and presented Eunwoo with a certificate.

“I’m sorry. Harview. I will work harder.”

“Eunwoo, thank you so much for coming to Korea. Thank you so much for giving our children hope.”

Suddenly two black limousines and a huge cargo truck entered the camp.

Counta asked Sata.

“Who is that? Who else is coming but us?”

Sata answered Counta in a whisper.

“Looking at the flag on the car, it looks like the President of Tanzania, John, is coming.”

“John? no way? Just to show our appreciation.”

“Probably so.”

President John got out of the car and looked around to find Eun-woo.

Gildong greeted John first.

"Hello. President. My name is Kim Gil-dong, manager of Eun-woo, who I received the phone call from.”

“Ah, nice to meet you. This is the President of Tanzania, John.”

"Hello. President Harvey. I am Eunwoo Lee.”

“You are Eunwoo. It's much prettier than the picture. I came here because my grandfather had a present he wanted to give me, so why not take a look? Drop off the sweets for Eun-woo.”

More than ten attendants whimpered and unloaded the confectionery from the cargo truck.

“Wow aaaaaa. Are all these sweets?”

Chemigisha also exclaimed next to Eunwoo.

“There’s candy and there’s jelly. Eunwoo. I will be full for the whole month.”

“Hansel and Gretel Gatta. hehehehe Let's go to that house later and play with some sweets. Instead, you have to play a little game.”


Tanzanian Prime Minister Masenggo, who was standing next to him, said to John.

“Shall we prepare for the President’s presentation?”


“The attendants, prepare the presentation ceremony.”

As Majeenggo's horse fell, the attendants laid a red carpet on the floor.

The attendants with trumpets on either side stood in a line and blew the trumpets in time for Eun-woo's appearance.

Majenggo began to read the text.

“Eun-Woo Lee took great interest in the difficult lives of African children and helped them both physically and mentally, so we present this certificate to commemorate this. This certificate proves that Eun-Woo Lee can enter Tanzania without a visa until his death, and his stay is not fixed. In addition, Eun-woo Lee can use the desired tourism products for free in the Serengeti Grassland. If you have a family you want to use together, your family can use it for free too. This certificate is for life.”

John bent his knee and gave Eunwoo a prize.

“Eunwoo, come to Tanzania to play. The people of Tanzania will welcome you.”

“Gamshahamni. Have a look.”

When Eun-woo returned from receiving the award, Chemigisha said to Eun-woo.

“Wow, Eunwoo is really amazing. I got two awards from the president's grandfather. You can also go to Serengeti. It’s really cool.”

“Aren’t you comparing the game garton? Worth it later.”

Eunwoo grabbed Chemigisha's hand tightly.

The President of Zambia, Kunda, whispered to Sata.

“No, why didn't we think of that? Looking at Eunwoo’s expression, I think he likes the gift over there.”

Sata was also furious inside, but couldn't admit it.

"no. President. Seven out of ten cows we gave Eunwoo are cows, and three of them are pregnant. It will be different when the cow gives birth. So we gave 13 cows in total.”

“Then be sure to tell Eun-woo before we part.”

Sata nodded his head.

Several vehicles were entering the camp.

The counter was annoyed.

“What country are you talking about this time?”

Sata lowered his voice and answered.

“Looking at the flag, it looks like the President of Congo, Shima, is coming.”

“Until Shima.”

Counta's expression darkened as his plans seemed to go awry.

‘Actually, the presidents of other countries can’t help but think of their own children. However, since the country where Eunwoo first started volunteering is Korea, it would be great if he would give the most support to Korea.’

Shima got out of the car and recognized Eunwoo and asked for a handshake.

“Hello, Eunwoo. I am Shimaranda, President of Congo. I saw your music video yesterday, and you sing really well.”

Shima started singing while performing Eunwoo's butt dance.

[I'm so contributing.

When I leave my career, Seatl sees me.

Sister, Jonah, Habuji, and Grandmother.

It's disgusting to me.]

Counter said to Sata.

“When the hell did Shima even practice dancing? I should have prepared more thoroughly.”

“Next time, I will cover all the songs on Eunwoo’s album.”

Eunwoo applauded Shima's song.

“Wow, you are so dumb.”

“Thank you for the compliment. But it's nothing compared to Eunwoo. Eun-woo, the people of Congo prepared a small gift for Eun-woo, won't you accept it?"

“Sunmori. wow.”

Chemigisha whispered next to Eunwoo.

“I’m envious of receiving a lot of gifts from Eunwoo. Today is like Eunwoo’s birthday.”

“Heh heh heh. Received a prize and a sunmu like this. Only dream.”

Shima said to the attendants.

“Bring the orangutan.”


The attendants picked up the orangutan from the truck.“Eunwoo, this is a present for you. It is an orangutan that lives only in Korea.”

Eunwoo looked at the scared orangutan's eyes.

‘You left the country for me and came a long way. Poor.'

Eunwoo said to Shima.

“Havuji, can you help me loosen the chains that hold the orangutan balmoge?”

“Then the orangutan might run away.”

“Do you open? It will hurt.”

"I get it. Release the chains of the orangutan.”

The attendants released the orangutan's chains.

The orangutan touched the ankle where the chain had disappeared and started chasing Eunwoo.

said Chemigisha.

“Is it because I’m hungry? I used to follow people asking for something to give me when I was hungry. There was no one to give.”

Eun-woo asked Baek Soo-hee.

“Nunna, how about a Muggle?”

“I’ll go to the restaurant and get it.”

Baek Soo-hee went to the restaurant, brought apples and bread, and gave it to the orangutan.

The orangutan started eating bread and apples in a hurry.

“But, Eunwoo, can an orangutan eat something like that?”

“President Habuzi, do you want to buy an orangutan?”

“I live by eating fruit. I like bananas.”

"iced coffee."

The orangutan smiled satisfactorily as if it was full and followed Eunwoo.

Chemigisha started mimicking an orangutan because it was strange to see an orangutan for the first time.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.”

Chemie Gisha turned her lower lip upside down and raised her one arm up and her other arm down to make her cry.

The orangutan looked at Chemigisha as if embarrassed.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

Chemigisha saw the orangutan and cried.

Eun-woo's playfulness was also activated and he began to imitate an orangutan.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh”

The startled orangutan began to run away.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

Chemigisha and Eunwoo looked at each other and smiled.

Prime Minister Bahati, who was standing next to President Shima, said.

“You have to give the honorary citizenship card.”

“Oh, yes. Attendants prepare for the ceremony.”


A red carpet was spread, and the attendants beat the drums to Eun-woo's footsteps.

Bahati began to read the text.

“Lee Eun-woo has had a positive impact on the lives of the Congolese people with his deep interest and love for Congo. He also did many good deeds that were difficult for even his own people to do with his love of service and humanity, which he couldn't believe he was a foreigner. The people of Congo confer this honorary citizenship certificate to Eun-woo Lee in gratitude.”

“It’s Shahamni.”

Eunwoo gave a belly button greeting.

Gildong thought as he looked at today's situation.

'This is the casting war, go away. Now, wherever I go in Africa, I will be treated as a state guest. Eunwoo is really amazing.’

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