Talent Absorption From the Age of 0

Chapter 191 . in brother's name (5)

After the presidents of Zambia, Tanzania and Congo visited, Father Tae-seok Lee and Nancy became busy.

Father Tae-seok Lee said.

“Now that we have cows, we can start farming. That’s ten.”

Nancy answered.

“In Africa, cows are really useful. We can carry more water and we can farm. But first, I think the cow needs a place to stay. I'll find someone who can build a barn."

“Nancy, I think the orangutans also need a place to stay.”

“I think it would be better to build it far away from the barn. It's going to be stressful if we stick together. But what about orangutans? I don’t think the cost of food will be too high if we raise them.”

“That’s right. It is difficult to take care of children, but I think orangutans need someone to take care of them. First of all, I have nowhere to go, so I need to teach the children to take care of orangutans.”


Eunwoo and Chemigisha were excited about the confectionery shop.

“I have never seen such a large confectionery shop. That is really cool."

Eunwoo tore the chocolate doorknob and gave it to Chemigisha.

“Kemigisha, ah.”

“Heh heh heh. tasty."

Chemigisha laughed as she ate the chocolate.

The children of the camp gathered around Eunwoo and Chemigisha.

“Wow, what about the jelly over there?”

“I want to eat the umbrella-shaped candy that hangs on the edge of the roof.”


One of them spoke to Eunwoo.

“Eunwoo, can we eat a little too? I will eat a little.”

“Yeah, just a little bit.”

“Thank you, Eunwoo.”

At Eun-woo's words, the children of the camp surrounded the sweets shop.

“It’s a cola flavored candy.”

“It tastes like a banana.”

“Wow, there are almonds in the chocolate.”

The children smile happily while holding the roof and windows of the confectionery shop.

Chemigisha said to Eunwoo.

“I think only good things happen after you come. Sometimes I feel so happy that I think this is a dream.”

“No, Chemigisha. This is not decoration.”

Eunwoo grabbed Chemigisha's hand tightly.

Two orangutans followed Eunwoo.

Chemigisha said to Eunwoo.

“I think the orangutan likes you. Orangutans are so funny.”

“Give us a name for our orangutan. How about an orang?”

“Then what about the other one?”



The orang made a cry near the confectionery shop.


When Utan heard the sound, he wept along and beat him in the chest.


Eunwoo looked at him and said.

“Why are you doing this?”“Is it because I’m hungry?”


Eun-woo gave Orangi and Utan-i the cookies they had removed from the confectionery shop.

After Orang ate the cookie, he seemed to be in a good mood, wandering around Eun-woo and back and forth.

Utan turned over his lower lip and let out a cry.

“Uh huh hee hee hee. hee hee hee hee hee.”

Eunwoo took another cookie and gave it to Orang, and Orang took the cookie. Utan also held out a palm.

“Heh heh heh heh. Borigata.”

Eunwoo remembered the barley he had left at home.

‘Is the barley okay? would you like to see me I want to talk to Bori, but I don't have a cell phone, so it's inconvenient. It would be nice to have a video call, but because I don't have a phone, it's impossible to have a conversation with Bori alone. I want to see the barley.’

Eun-woo thought that one day he would like to bring Barley to Africa.

While Eun-woo went to a restaurant with Chemigisha for lunch, children from the neighborhood near the camp came to hear the rumors about the confectionery shop.

“Wow, look at this. So many candies.”

“It’s like jelly.”

“The roof is chocolate. I want to eat chocolate.”

The hungry children gathered one by one and began to open the confectionery shop. The children's mouths were smeared with chocolate and full of cookie crumbs.

“So delicious.”

“I couldn’t eat anything yesterday, but I’m so excited to eat so much delicious food today.”

“My dream has come true. You have so much to eat.”

The children started to open the confectionery shop in a frenzy.

A kid at the camp stopped the neighborhood kids.

"No. This is Eunwoo's gift. I'd say Eunwoo. You have to eat with Eunwoo’s permission.”

But the neighborhood kids didn't listen.

Among the few children in the camp, there was a defector.

“I want to eat more. They eat it too, so why can’t I eat more?”

"I'll eat it before it's all gone."

At the hands of the children, the confectionery shop quickly collapsed, leaving only the skeleton.

Eun-woo, who returned with Chemigisha after lunch, burst into tears when he saw the pastry shop that had disappeared.

“My candy house. crying."

Tears like chicken poop fell from Eunwoo's eyes.

'It was the sweets shop of my dreams. I was trying to eat it slowly for a month, sparingly.’

Chemi Gisha patted her on the shoulder as if she understood Eunwoo's feelings.

“Don’t be too sad. Eunwoo. I'll make it again later."

"Nevermind. I'll probably stay because I'm hungry. I know and I know everything. I keep rolling my eyes.”

The village children apologized to Eunwoo's tears.

"Sorry. Eunwoo. It was because I was so hungry. Sorry."

“No, I am not crying because you are upset.”

Eunwoo thought.

‘If there was a candy store like that in front of me when I was in Paddy, I would have eaten it too. Hunger must have come before the thought of asking someone. I understand it with my head, but the sad feeling doesn't go away. If I cried, the neighborhood kids would be embarrassed. I should stop crying.’

Tears continued to flow from Eunwoo's eyes.

said a child from another town.

“Eunwoo, I’m sorry. All the sweets are gone. I didn't think of your mind. sorry. Instead, we'll build a tree house for you. The tree house is nice.”

The other children agreed.

“If you build a house on a tree, it is safe for cheetahs and hippos to come. And it will be cool and fun to play with friends.”

“A tree house?”

Eunwoo stopped his crying.

“Since there are several of us, we can do it. We'll build a tree house for you as an apology."


Eunwoo smiled brightly.

“Children, let’s go get a tree.”

The children of the neighborhood and the children of the camp went out together.

Father Tae-seok Lee, who watched the scene, said to Nancy.

“Nancy, maybe we should help the kids in the neighborhood, right?”

“The kids here are always hungry. They will walk all day if you give them something to eat. I have a lot I want to give, but I always lack what I have.”

“I have to buy the land nearby. If those children started farming with the will to build a tree house, wouldn’t it be good for farming?”

“Farming here is an effective way to feed the children. It’s a place where factories can’t even be built.”

“It hurts to have to work at a young age, but it’s better than starving, so I need to create jobs for the children as soon as possible.”


The next day, Eun-woo woke up to the sound of an orang crying.

“Orang, how are you showing up?”


The orang cried and pointed towards the kitchen.

“Oh, are you hungry?”

When Eun-woo took Orangi's hand and went to the kitchen, Baek Soo-hee was preparing breakfast.

“Orangi likes Eunwoo.”

“I keep following you.”

“Do you know that this is a gift the President gave you? Miraculous."

“Achime wakes up and I’m surprised because I’m crying.”

“Orangutans have hands, so they can open doors and there’s nothing they can’t do. Maybe it’s different from Barley.”

“Ah, Matt. What about Sony?”

Baek Soo-hee gave Orang a banana.

"eat this. Oh my.”

The orang smiled, showing his teeth, and began to peel the bananas.

Eunwoo was surprised to see that.

“Wow, the banana slices really well.”

Utan appeared out of nowhere and begged Baek Soo-hee for a banana.

“Utan too.”

Utan bit a banana with her teeth.

“Wow, Saragata.”

Eunwoo was surprised by Orangi and Utani's actions.

Chemigisha entered the kitchen.

"did you sleep well? Eunwoo?”

"Huh. The orang came and woke me up right away. Don't you play Chemigisha games?"

“After I ate at the confectionery shop yesterday, I reduced it a bit. Come to think of it, playing with my friends is fun, and now I have cows, orangs, and Utans, so I’m going to try to reduce it little by little.”

“How are you? Chemigisha.”

“Eunwoo, would you like to go out with me?”

A tree house was completed where Chemigisha took Eun-woo's hand and led it.

Neighborhood kids and camp kids applauded.

“Eunwoo, thank you. You did a lot for us.”

“I’m sorry yesterday. Were you upset that we ate all of our precious sweets?”

“Eunwoo, let’s have fun together here.”

A ladder was placed next to the tree to get up to the tree house.The entrance to the tree house was about the height of Kemigisha.

Chemigisha helped Eunwoo climb the ladder.

“Go up first, Eunwoo.”

Eun-woo, who entered the tree house, exclaimed.

“Hey. Too lazy.”

It was a cool and nice house. It seemed like fun and new ideas would come to mind when I was in it. I could also hear the birds chirping.

“Fairy tale soge jibgata.”

Eunwoo really liked the tree house.

Chemigisha also climbed up to the tree house and admired it.

“Wow, I want to sleep here. I think it will look good.”

“Bring pranks here, no tea. Chemigisha. Let’s use it as our secret hideout.”

"great. Eunwoo.”

Eun-woo, who went down to the ground, thanked his friends.

“Don’t lose to make a wooden jibble for me. You're really fat gibbie. Sorry for crying yesterday. Stop being so upset.”

Neighborhood kids and camp kids applauded.

“What are you sorry for? Eunwoo. We are more sorry.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I was really sad that you were upset.”

“Building a tree house is not a job. I can make a few more.”

Eunwoo and Chemigisha went to pick up toys.

Eunwoo took the dinosaur transforming robot, fairy tale books, and crayons from the room and brought it to the tree house.

Chemigisha brought the stationery she received from Eunwoo to the tree house.

When she came to the tree house, she thought that she wanted to paint.

‘I need a picture for an exhibition in New York, so it’s been a while since I drew it.’

Eunwoo took out a sketchbook.

The tree house was completed at the tip of Eunwoo's crayons. Next to the tree house, the children who built the tree house were smiling brightly.

'It's a moving moment in my life. A special experience that money cannot buy.’

Eunwoo wanted to remember the smiles and love of the children he saw today.

Chemigisha opened her mouth when she saw Eunwoo's drawing skills in front of her eyes.

'I drew very well on the card that was sent to me, but it's amazing to see it in reality.'

Eunwoo finished one picture and started drawing another.

It was a picture of Eunwoo and Chemigisha playing together in a swimming pool.

'The two moments I want to remember in my life. Going to the swimming pool with Chemigisha and having fun. I’m sorry that I was the only one to go to a good pool in Korea, but I was so happy that I was able to show the pool to Chemigisha as well.’

Eunwoo started drawing the next picture.

Eunwoo and Kemigisha are having fun eating cookies together in front of the confectionery shop.

Orangi and Utan begging for more cookies next to them.

'All are happy memories. I never really thought I would get a candy store. It was a sweet memory just thinking about it.’

Eunwoo smiled softly while drawing.

Chemigisha also started drawing next to Eunwoo.

‘You should draw Eunwoo and me. As a happy family.’

Kemi Gisha started painting her family photos.

‘Mom, dad, me, hyung, and Eunwoo.’

Eunwoo was added to her family photo drawn by Chemi Gisha.

She boasted to Eunwoo of the finished painting by Kemi Gisha.

“Eunwoo, I drew this. It’s a gift.”

Eunwoo shed tears while looking at Chemigisha's painting.

‘Kemigisha, I couldn’t tell you, but you were feeling it too. Yes, we are a family. unchanging family. Let’s be together for a long, long time.’

Eun-woo thought that when he returned to Korea, he should hang the painting that Chemigisha gave him as a gift in his room.

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