Talented Genius

Chapter 1008: Something dropped

Chapter 1008

"Your woman?"

Ye Tianlong ignored Wu Lingshuang's involvement in the clothes, and his tone changed with a gloomy tone: "Jin Xuejun, what qualifications do you have to say that she is your woman?"

"She was coldly spoken by her family, and she was still detained in this small room. As her man, why don't you stand up and take her away?"

He looked contemptuous: "You watched Ling Shuang being wronged and ignored, so you are ashamed to say that it is her man?"

Jin Xuejun's cheeks blushed: "You don't need to worry about what I do, I have a sense of measure."

When Jin Xuejun's face sank, Ye Tianlong looked around at the influx of Wu family members, old and young, with a firm voice:

"Ling Shuang is a person, your relative, not an animal. This time under house arrest, I can understand that you let her cultivate her character."

Ye Tianlong said with a warning: "There will be another time..."

"Don't say Ye Tianlong is rude, I will come in again to find her, but that time, I will take her out of the Wu family directly."


At this time, there was another soft drink from the door, and everyone quickly stepped aside. Soon, a woman in Chinese clothes who was less than 40 years old appeared.

He was dressed in Tsing Yi, with long hair high, and looked very proud, but his left foot was injured, and he came in on crutches, which made the gorgeousness a little discount.

Wu Junao, Wu Lingshuang's aunt, a high-level China Security Department.

Jin Xuejun stepped forward and helped Wu Junao come in. Wu Junao came to Ye Tianlong, staring at Ye Tianlong glaringly, and Guan Wei shouted:

"Boy, this is the Wu family, it's not your turn to be wild."

Her yelling brought a lot of sympathy, and the crowd was turbulent, and her eyes were bad.

"That's right, dignified martial artist, you don't need to teach you."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just scrap him, let him know that we are great."

A group of people yelled and screamed at Ye Tianlong. If it hadn't just demonstrated their intrepid skills, they might have been beaten up by the Wu family.

Wu Junao scolded again: "Ye Tianlong, it's not your turn to tell me about the Wu family."

She also looked at Wu Lingshuang ferociously: "You like men without tutors like this, Lingshuang, you really disappoint us."

Wu Lingshuang was very direct: "I like it!"

Madam Wu also stared at Ye Tianlong and hummed, "Ye Tianlong, you may not be able to leave here alive today, so you dare to threaten us what to do?"

"You are in the water, do you really think you are a Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommitantly: "No one can stop me under the sun."

Wu Lingshuang was very calm: "I will go with you."

Wu Junao's crutches slammed, and shouted to Wu Lingshuang: "Lingshuang, get out."

Wu Lingshuang shook his head: "No, I want to be with Ye Tianlong."

Wu Junao has always been a arrogant person, and his temper is bigger than that of Mrs. Wu. He said no two. Seeing Wu Lingshuang like this, he immediately became angry!

She lifted the cane in her hand and drew it at Wu Lingshuang: "White-eyed wolf, the Wu family has really raised you for nothing."

Mrs. Wu's eyelids twitched and her fingers moved slightly, as if she wanted to stop, but finally held back.


The crutches whizzed towards Wu Lingshuang, but Ye Tianlong raised his hand to fend off as soon as he arrived on the way: "You can scold me, but you can beat Lingshuang."

"Block my crutches?"

Wu Junao immediately went crazy on the spot: "There is no rule, I will teach you for your parents."

Stare angrily!

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold, and he grabbed the cane that Wu Junao had hit again, and he snapped it off!

The scene was dead silent.


Wu Junao was like an erupting volcano. He roared hoarsely: "Ignorant child, I want you to pay."

She is Wu Lingshuang's aunt and an important backbone of the martial arts family. She is more popular than her sister-in-law. She is the person who can cause movement by stomping in the capital.

Who saw her, didn't he nodded and bowed, was polite? Even Jin Xuejun must respectfully address her aunt.

But now, Ye Tianlong dared to break her crutch without mercy in front of everyone!

Wu Jun was about to vomit blood arrogantly, his face flushed, and he smashed half of the crutches out of his hand.


Ye Tianlong caught it, clicked again, and broke the crutch into two again.

"I respect you as Ling Shuang's family, so you have to bear it again and again."

"But you have to make an inch of it and do it directly."

Ye Tianlong yelled unceremoniously: "Who gave you the right to beat people? Who made you act so recklessly? You are the real recklessness."

It was the first time that Wu Junao was reprimanded like this, and he almost fell out of anger when he swayed. Fortunately, he was held back by Jin Xuejun in time and didn't fall down.

"Ye Tianlong, you really do not live or die."

Jin Xuejun scowled and shouted, "Even Aunt Ling Shuang dared to scold and beat, do you know her identity?"

"Identity, identity, identity again."

Ye Tianlong's face showed a touch of anger: "Is there no identity, I will be lower than you?"

"Do you have status, you are more noble than me, and more like people than me?"

He directly scanned the crowd and cursed: "Since I entered the gate of the martial house, you have been talking about identity and qualifications. Do you really think you are awesome?"

When Mrs. Wu looked thoughtful, Wu Jun furiously furious: "Yes, if you have an identity, you are noble and higher than you?"

"You are a little mercenary, you are not qualified to be wild here."

Wu Jun stared at Ye Tianlong arrogantly and fiercely: "Don't think it's unfair, your ancestors will only eat and wait to die, without giving you a future."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Looking at you like this, I don't think I need to take someone away next time."

"I'm going to take Ling Shuang away today, otherwise, I will suffer all the cold and violence of you."

He turned his head to look at Wu Lingshuang: "Lingshuang, will you leave with me?"

Wu Lingshuang nodded: "Okay, I listen to you."

Jin Xuejun clenched his fists subconsciously, his eyes filled with endless anger, he really wanted to kill Ye Tianlong with a single shot.

Wu Jun Ao heard the words and pressed his hands, the Wu family's nephews and nephews all stepped back, and a dozen guards stepped forward, all pointed at Ye Tianlong with eerie muzzles, full of power:

"I want to see how you took people out today."

Standing in front of Ye Tianlong, Wu Lingshuang stretched out his hand and shouted, "If you want to move Ye Tianlong, kill me first."

"Ye Tianlong, aren't you a **** guy?"

Wu Junao stepped forward, pointing at Ye Tianlong and cursing: "Why do you have to rely on women to block guns now?"

Jin Xuejun pushed his glasses: "Coward!"

"I, Ye Tianlong, of course don't need women to block guns."

Ye Tianlong pulled Wu Lingshuang to his side and looked at Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun with a smile: "Leaving here is like playing."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Wu Jun proudly shouted, "Come here, take him down."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong took out the Ditianju pass from his arms, threw it on the table with a bang, and then shouted out in surprise:

"Oh, why did my pass fall out..."

The pass, instantly, gathered everyone's attention.

Guarding China, the four words, like needles, pierced Wu Junao's eyes...

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