Talented Genius

Chapter 1009: Pass

Chapter 1009

Seeing the words "Guardian Huaxia", Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun's eyes were all stiff, and they were all unbelievable.

Even Wu Lingshuang didn't expect that Ye Tianlong had such a brand on him. Many of them were high-level members of the system, so they naturally knew what it meant.

This is a pass to enter and exit the Ditian Small Courtyard. With it, you can enter and exit freely. Without it, thousands of troops and horses cannot enter.

It indirectly proves that the owner has a close relationship with Zhao Ditian.

Who is Zhao Ditian?

It was a Chinese legend like a god, with unfathomable skill and loyalty to the crucian carp who crossed the river. At the peak, his will was equal to the national will of China.

Right now, in the highest power center of China composed of the Seven Representatives, except for the five members with one seat each, the remaining two seats are related to Zhao Ditian.

Moreover, the two seats of lone ministers are very important and have a higher power, which is of decision-making significance.

Therefore, even though Emperor Zhao was thin and dying, the five people still did not dare to offend easily, and at most put on the cold world of people walking with tea.

Wu Junao knew that Zhao Ditian was about to hang up, but when he saw Ye Tianlong's pass, his eyes were still shocked, and he couldn't figure out that the **** had this thing.

"Oh, low-key, low-key, how can you show off your pass?"

Ye Tianlong picked up the pass and put it in front of Madam Wu, Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun while speaking low-key, so that they could see clearly.

The words "Guardian Huaxia" flooded into everyone's eyes again clearly, and the official seal on it was completely water-free.

Wu Junao felt his mouth dry, and then reacted and shouted:

"Why do you have this thing?"

Jin Xuejun also narrowed his eyes: "Did you steal it?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "stolen it? Did Jin Shao praise my supernatural powers, or ridicule the Zhao family's weakness and incompetence? Can I steal the communication permit?"

Jin Xuejun was speechless, no one could steal things from the Zhao family, and no one could take advantage.

"Oh, sorry, I scared everyone."

Ye Tianlong shook the pass in his hand, and then asked with a dull look: "Just, is this thing very powerful?"

Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun didn't speak, and they didn't know how to answer. They said they weren't terrible. That was provoking the Zhao family, saying terrible, slap their own face?

Seeing that no one responded, Ye Tianlong asked again: "Is this thing a good identity? Is it higher or lower than you?"

Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun felt that Ye Tianlong was owed, but they didn't dare to clamor as before, they were afraid of this pass.

Before the relationship between Ye Tianlong and the Zhao family was understood, a big fight would cause countless troubles for the family, so they all gritted their teeth.

At this time, the guns of more than a dozen guards were all lowered, and no one dared to point their guns at the person holding the "Guardian Huaxia" brand.

The representative of this brand is Zhao Ditian. Behind him are a bunch of lonely ministers, a bunch of loyal ministers, and Chinese sons and daughters who have remained steadfast to the motherland.

Madam Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, the initial rage and killing intent had long been replaced by a touch of depth.

"Don't tell me, it must be noble than you."

Seeing that everyone was silent again, Ye Tianlong smiled, leading Wu Lingshuang forward, walking in front of Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun and smiling:

"In other words, I am a little higher than you."

Ye Tianlong was holding the pass, slapped them on the cheek unceremoniously, and slapped, "I'm high class, are you qualified to step on you?"

Compared with Confucius Zixiong and Kong Polang, he is particularly disgusted with these two people who like to talk about qualifications and status.

At least the Kong brothers didn't say anything grandiose, everyone tore their skins and just rolled up their sleeves and started to work, not as high as Jin Xuejun.

"Ye Tianlong!"

Jin Xuejun and Wu Junao couldn't dodge, they were beaten three times on the cheeks by Ye Tianlong, and shouted angrily: "Don't deceive people too much."

They were humiliated like this for the first time, angrily wanting to shoot Ye Tianlong, but in the end reason made them decide to settle accounts after autumn.

Mrs. Wu straightened her face: "Ye Tianlong, don't shame the Zhao family."

Wu Lingshuang also pulled Ye Tianlong's sleeves, indicating that he was just enough to avoid tearing his face, and Bai Shuangshuang was also puffed up, and Ye Tianlong looked white.

"Okay, give Lingshuang face, I don't care about you."

Ye Tianlong pulled Ling Shuang and went straight out: "I just hope you don't get in my way anymore."

Ye Tianlong swaggered out, Wu Lingshuang glanced at his mother apologetically, and followed Ye Tianlong obediently.

Jin Xuejun roared: "Ling Shuang!"

Wu Lingshuang paused, but did not stop, and followed Ye Tianlong silently.

Jin Xuejun subconsciously wanted to raise his gun to defend his dignity, but was hugged by Bai Shuangshuang and signaled him to stop impulsively. The result of this shot was unpredictable.

What if Ye Tianlong goes crazy and stabbed him thirteen times?

Ye Tianlong ignored Jin Xuejun, but was polite to the people in front: "Please let me!"

The guard and Wu's nephew looked at each other, and finally gave way. The sign guarding Huaxia can pass through the Emperor Tianju, so naturally they can enter and leave here.

Compared with the embarrassment of the guards, Wu Junao and Jin Xuejun felt anger, but humiliation that could not be described in words.

Wu Jun was so arrogant that her hair was about to stand up, and her face turned into pig liver color, which made people worry about whether she might have a cerebral hemorrhage and fell to the ground.

Jin Xuejun vowed that Ye Tianlong must be thwarted.


When he walked to the door, Ye Tianlong looked at the injured guard outside and his voice came out calmly: "I'm sorry for trespassing today."

"Perhaps from your point of view, it is a heinous thing for me to hurt them, but you can think about it from another angle. My hurting is also a good thing."

"The soy sauce in Shao Jin's mouth, and the green onions in your mouth, that is, I, alone in the Sanchong courtyard, don't you think the security is too bad?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "If someday, a green onion, which is bigger than me, enters the small courtyard of the Wu family like me, wouldn't the Wu family be bloodbathed by the opponent?"

"Instead of being killed and bloodshed in the future, it is better to be warned by me now to improve the security system of the Wu family."

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Wu and them all changed their faces, and their anger and killing intent were reduced a little. Although they still hated Ye Tianlong, they had to speak reasonably.

Yes, Ye Tianlong came in with a gun alone, and he would upset the Wu Family. If it weren't for his mercy, or replaced him with his opponent...

The consequences could be disastrous!

Ye Tianlong took out a business card from his pocket: "If Auntie wants to improve the security system, she can find Mingjiang's top security group."

"They, you can definitely make your place solid."

Ye Tianlong was shamelessly promoting the Dragon Bu, but what made Wu Lingshuang laugh or cry was that his mother took the business card.

"Sister, Ye Tianlong, wait a minute!"

When Ye Tianlong was pulling Wu Lingshuang to leave, a beautiful figure ran over from the wing opposite the lake, Wu Ningbing in uniform.

"Ye Tianlong, the old lady wants to see you."

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