Talented Genius

Chapter 1010: You are very good

Chapter 1010

Ye Tianlong followed Wu Ningbing to the house opposite the lake.

Compared to the place of house arrest destroyed by Ye Tianlong, this half of the small courtyard is much quieter and more complete, and all the way forward, there are green gravel winding paths.

"Asshole, you really came to the Wu Family."

On the road where the breeze was blowing, Wu Ningbing cursed in a low voice, "You are really not afraid of death."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "Of course I am afraid of death. I cherish my life more than anyone else, but there are certain things that I always do."

Wu Ningbing snorted, "Did you know that you will die under a random gun every minute?"

Feeling the care in the woman's words, Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "I know, but I'm lucky, and I'm still alive now."


Wu Ningbing spit out Ye Tianlong unceremoniously: "It's not that this lady gave you the architectural drawings, you are now a corpse."

"I'm really not a thing, eat inside and out, help you deal with the Wu family."

Then, she knocked her head in annoyance: "You have hurt so many guards. My mother and aunt knew about it. I guess I was broken my leg."

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

Wu Ning gave him a white look: "But this lady feels guilty. If I knew you hurt so many people, I won't give you architectural drawings."

She thought that Ye Tianlong came to the martial arts house and died just sneaking in and finding her sister without hurting others, but she didn't expect him to rush in.

He still wounded someone with a gun. More than fifty people fell under his gun. Wu Ningbing felt uncomfortable when seeing those familiar guards injured.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Ye Tianlong saw what she was thinking, and smiled and threw out: "Their injuries, without life-threatening and sequelae, will heal in one month."

"And what about your sister? It has reached the most dangerous point. If I don't come in, your sister may be ruined."

"Don't you realize that her eyes are full of sadness and despair?"

Ye Tianlong calculated this account for Wu Ningbing: "It is worth paying back your sister's life for the minor injuries of more than fifty people."

Wu Ningbing was startled slightly, and then subconsciously nodded: "It makes sense."

Ye Tianlong added the last sentence: "Also, I will take responsibility for today's affairs."

"I will give you a check later, two million, which is considered the guard's medical expenses."

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to say that he had discovered a security loophole in the Wu Family, and the Wu Family should be grateful to him in turn, but forget about Wu Ningbing's irritability.

Wu Ningbing's eyes lit up: "This is what you said, two million."

The Wu family does not lack this little money, but this is Ye Tianlong's attitude and a way to maintain the Wu family's face, and Wu Ningbing will naturally not let it go.

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, I will give you a check later."

"What you did today not only offended many people in the Wu family, such as my mother and aunt, but also made Jin Xuejun and the Jin family completely hate you."

Wu Ningbing didn't forget to remind Ye Tianlong: "Especially for the matter you slapped him in the face just now, he will retaliate at all costs."

"He is a human being and doing things, and he is a lot more shady than Kong Polang and others. You'd better be careful when you enter and leave.

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Thank you, I won't let him succeed."

Wu Ningbing stopped talking, and walked deep with Ye Tianlong.

Passing through an open corridor and turning around a verdant bamboo forest, Ye Tianlong finally stood in front of an arch, with the fragrance of flowers flowing.

Wu Ningbing stepped back two steps, and whispered: "You go in, I am here waiting for your old lady to see you alone."

Ye Tianlong didn't speak, but just nodded, and then stepped into the archway. Suddenly, a small garden appeared in front of him.

At the end of spring, the scenery is high, the sun is getting brighter, the white clouds in the sky are condensed into flocs, and their postures are varied.

And the garden in the field of vision, with hundreds of flowers blooming, riotous and colorful, undulating with the wind, like a poem like a song, it is unspeakable and refreshing.

"So beautiful!"

Ye Tianlong uttered a sincere admiration. This place is really amazing. Under the cold expression, there is a joy and a blur.

This garden does not have the solemnity and dignity of the Ditian Attic, but it has a vibrant and beautiful charm.

At this moment, it is the time when the sun is pouring, the sun shining on the water drops of the flowers, reflecting colorful light, making the entire garden look very bright.

Ye Tianlong couldn't help but walked into the garden, admiring the dazzling flowers, wishing to become a flower and bloom with them.

Walking to the middle of the garden, Ye Tianlong found that his eyes and ears were sharper, as if he could feel the changes and the sound of flowers blooming.

For a time, Ye Tianlong was both happy and confused.


At this moment, the little red in Ye Tianlong's sleeve trembles slightly, like a sharp sound of warning, destroying the blooming situation in front of him.

Ye Tianlong's gradually addicted mind was suddenly awakened, and he suddenly felt that he was in danger without knowing it.

He was almost bewildered by the beauty of Baihua.


Ye Tianlong bit his lip and gave himself a bit of pain, resisting the temptation of the spread of the soul, and at the same time closed his eyes almost in pain.

When Ye Tianlong opened his eyes again, the flowers in his field of vision were still bright and brilliant, but for Ye Tianlong, they had lost that attraction.

"Not bad."

At this moment, a voice of vicissitudes sounded slowly, with an undisguised approval:

"Although I have received some help, my mind is as strong as strength, and I can resist the temptation. No wonder he can enter the Wu Family Triple Courtyard at a young age."

Ye Tianlong was shocked, there are still people hiding in this garden? He looked sideways at the sound source.

I saw a white bench where the flowers bloomed, on which was an old lady in 80s plain clothes, her clothes swaying in the wind, fluttering and ecstatic.

With her thin fingers, she was holding a yellow flower lightly at the moment, and the broken petals trembled in the wind, giving birth to a hint of vigor.

The old woman is old, but she still gives people a kind of elegance, a kind of bright, a kind of beauty, even if she dies, she will die like a peacock.

Among the petals, the old woman's eyes looked at Ye Tianlong, neither sharp nor deep, there was only a kind of peace, the peace of the morning breeze.

Seeing Ye Tianlong looking over, the old woman smiled kindly: "Ye Tianlong, you are very good."

This old man is probably Mr. Wu, right?

Ye Tianlong made a judgment, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect the old Taijun Wu to look like this, which was completely opposite to the old man imagined.

"Ye Tianlong, you broke into the martial house without permission, hurting countless people, and hit me in the face."

The old woman suddenly sat up on the bench, her amiable eyes changed: "If I were to kill you and protect the face of the Wu family, what would happen to you?"

Her voice was still vicissitudes of life, as if there was no emotional fluctuation, but Ye Tianlong was startled by the meaning of her words.

At the same time, the murderous spirit in the park is very strong.

In the flowers, there are at least six strong people. Although their aura is hidden, their killing intent is swept like a huge wave.

The entire garden is instantly like an ice cave.

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