Talented Genius

Chapter 1016: Ask for an explanation

At 6 o'clock the next morning, the Beijing Golf Course was sunny and the morning breeze was intoxicating.

Confucius, who is fond of golf, came to the green course early and played golf alone.

He originally asked Kong Polang to come and exercise together, but his ineffective brother was emptied of alcohol last night, and now he can't get out of bed.

Confucius mourned his misfortune and angered him, but he couldn't wake up the person who pretended to sleep.

"It's really a shame to the Kong family!"

Thinking of his decadent brother, Confucius swung a shot fiercely, hitting a white ball, and the ball fell into the hole with a swish arc.

"it is good!"

There was cheers all around, and several Chinese men and women applauded: "Kong Shao is great."

Old Ghost Li also nodded secretly, Kong Shao's level getting higher and higher.


At this moment, a jeep honked its ear-piercing horn and crashed into the golf course, shocking many guests and caddies running away.

In the distance, more than a dozen security guards came with batons and yelled. Obviously this incident attracted the attention of the audience.


The jeep did not stop, but still sprinted forward like a rainbow. At an intersection, the steering wheel turned and rushed towards Kong Zixiong's area.

"Stop, stop!"

More than a dozen Kong's bodyguards wanted to block the convoy, but the driver was completely fearless and rushed directly.

The unrestrained speed of the river stunned the bodyguards to dodge on both sides. Judging from the speed of the car, if you continue to block the way, the opponent will definitely knock them into the air.

So the Kong family bodyguards, while frightened, also drew out their weapons and aimed at the jeep together, yelling:

"Stop! Stop!"

"Otherwise we would shoot!"

Although I don't think anyone would dare to deal with Confucius, these Confucian bodyguards still dare not care about Confucius' safety.

While they were holding firearms tightly, Old Ghost Li waited for a few personal bodyguards, and also guarded Confucius in the middle.


The jeep did not respond to their deterrence, and ruthlessly turned the two bodyguards armed with guns over with the rear of the car, leaving the grass in a mess.

Then, it stopped silently berating and pulling the bolt, the car door slammed open, and Ye Tianlong in casual clothes got out.

He ignored his gun at his Confucian bodyguard, stretched his waist and said to Confucius and the others: "I'm sorry, the brakes didn't work, it scared you."

Old Ghost Li had already identified who it was, and his face was heavy and he shouted, "Ye Tianlong, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Confucius raised his head and looked at Ye Tianlong who had broken into the stadium. He narrowed his eyes slightly: "Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to Confucius and smiled: "Kong Shao, good morning."

Although they met formally for the first time, the two had already fought countless times, so the eyes at each other were not unfamiliar.

Before Confucius could respond, Old Ghost Li roared: "Ye Tianlong, trespass into a private place, are you trying to die?"

When the voice fell, the Kong family bodyguard passed his muzzle, ready to shoot at any time.

"Old ghost Li, why are you doing this, buckle your hat, I said, the brakes didn't work and I accidentally broke through."

Ye Tianlong looked innocent, and at the same time he unbuttoned his coat: "You can't just make excuses to deal with me."

While speaking, Ye Tianlong unbuttoned his coat, revealing six grenades shaped like sweet potatoes, all shining with dark metal light.

Although this kind of grenade cannot be identified for a while, it is believed that as long as it is exploded in series, within a radius of 30 meters, it is within the effective killing range.

Too dangerous!

It was so dangerous just now!

Those Kong's bodyguards who had held guns and pointed at Ye Tianlong were all grateful in cold sweat.

Fortunately, no shots were fired just now, otherwise, everyone will finish playing together.

At the same time, more than ten people stood in front of Confucius, forming a thick wall of people to protect his safety more closely.

Old Ghost Li also yelled: "Ye Tianlong, what are you going to do? Attack Shao Kong? Will you bear the consequences?"

When they retreated nervously and lowered their muzzle, Ye Tianlong also cried out that Taobao sellers had not fooled themselves, and the original tail order without medicine...

"Put down all the guns."

At the moment of tension, Confucius came up with the cue and motioned to a group of bodyguards to put down the guns in their hands, and also let the spectators and security guards be driven away.

"If Ye Shao wanted to attack me, he wouldn't drive in in public, let alone let us see the grenade. It would be enough to hide in the dark."

Confucius calmly pushed away Old Ghost Li and the others, slowly walked to the front and smiled at Ye Tianlong: "I believe that Ye Shao has no malice towards me."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a hint of approval. Although Confucius was his opponent, he had to say that he had a smile to see Fengyun's bearing.

His courage is ten times higher than Kong Po Lang.

"One thought of heaven, one thought of hell, maybe I am not killing right now, but maybe I will have it later."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I don't try to hide in the dark, but just rush over. It's also because it's more likely to succeed."

"What you said makes sense, but I don't think this is a reason."

Confucius was very calm, leaning on his cue and saying, "Let's talk, what can I do?"

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "I'm here to ask you for an explanation."

Old ghost Li flashed, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming: "Explain? What kind of explanation? What do you want?"

The Kong family bodyguard was also furious and raised his gun again.


Confucius was slightly startled, besides being surprised at what this confession was, he was also a little surprised at Ye Tianlong's courage.

He was always the only one to ask someone to confess. No one dared to ask him for confession. Now he waved his hand again to lower his muzzle and asked with a smile:

"I don't seem to have any conflict with you, and your negotiation is a bit inexplicable."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "Kong Shao really pretends to be crazy and stupid, don't you know what I want to confess?"

Confucius took a step forward, staring at Ye Tianlong and said, "I wish to hear the details."

"A week ago, I was attacked by a killer named Zhen in a bathing center and almost died in her gentle village."

Ye Tianlong spoke straightforwardly: "I forced her to stop. To save her life, she confessed that the instigator behind him was Kong Polang."


Confucius narrowed his eyes slightly, did not respond directly, but looked at Ye Tianlong and asked, "Killer? Kill you."

"That's right! If you don't believe it, you can watch the video of the bathing center or go to the police station to check the files."

Ye Tianlong nodded again, and then added another sentence: "I was attacked by a sniper again at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon on my way home."

"The shooting reported in the news yesterday was directed at me."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I took the killer, he is a Nanfang, and he also confessed to Kong Polang's instigation."

Confucius smiled, but didn't smile: "Ye Tianlong, self-made and directed a bitter trick to frame me?"

Ye Tianlong did not speak, walked back to the jeep and opened the back row, dragged the scared man from inside and threw it in front of Confucius, then kicked him up:

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

The scared man who woke up struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "Kong Po Lang gave me five million... let me kill Ye Tianlong and wash away the shame..."

Confucius glanced at the other person and looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile: "What a killer, not yours?"

Ye Tianlong snorted, "I wrote and directed my mind."

"Okay, this person is yours. I will give you three knives today. This person is not yours. I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Confucius spoke straightforwardly, and then waved his hand to drag the scared man over: "You are not satisfied, you can give me three knives."

"My name is Confucius, and Kong Polang is my younger brother."

Confucius asked someone to bring a cigar, dipped it, with his feet differently, holding the carbon steel cue elegantly, and smiled at the scared man:

"There are 206 bones in a human body. Before you are smashed into a skull by me, you have 205 opportunities to tell the truth."

The cue was raised high: "Tell you, whose person are you?"

The scared man looked shocked. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to bring him to the Kong family. Aren't the two dead enemies?


As the Scar Man thought turned, Confucius' cue fell mercilessly. With a crisp sound, the Scar Man’s foot bones were abruptly broken by him...


A sorrowful scream sounded instantly.

"There are still 204 opportunities."

Confucius smiled very warmly, and the club was raised again...

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