Talented Genius

Chapter 1017: Who has high acting skills? (Four more)


Blood, screams, and groans sounded constantly on the golf course, and even screamed sternly, shocking people who were watching from a distance to leave quickly.

But for those who have been fighting for a long time, the impact is minimal. Maybe they are numb, or their hearts are as hard as iron stones.

Confucius approached the latter one step closer, picking up the assassin who framed him, cold-blooded as if he was born inhuman.

Old Ghost Li and the others were familiar with Confucius' style, so they could bear the scene before them. They glanced at Ye Tianlong, thinking he would be afraid.

As a result, they found that Ye Tianlong was light and calm, as if this matter was nothing.

What made them vomit blood the most was that Ye Tianlong still didn't know where he took out a carrot, and gnawed it like a crowd eating melons.

Unless he knew that he could not beat Ye Tianlong, Old Ghost Li really wanted to rush forward and kill Ye Tianlong with his compassionate palm...

During the period, Confucius also looked at Ye Tianlong a few times to judge whether he was feeling sorry and uneasy, and to judge who the scared man was.

It is a pity that Ye Tianlong doesn't care at all, and he is in a situation where he will fight and kill, which allows Confucius to make the final judgment:

Scar Man is really a killer, or a killer in the name of his younger brother.

Thinking of this, Confucius moved even more violently, slammed it down hard, snapped, and made a sound of broken bones.


At this time, the scared man with the cow coaxing was also sweating profusely, his body curled up, and the pain in his eyes was clear, not much different from the pigs and dogs waiting to be slaughtered.

As Kong Zixiong's golf club fell, the Scar Man kept screaming, which was harsh and trembling...

He didn't want to be embarrassed, he didn't want to make a sound, but he couldn't help it at all. Even the gods could hardly contend with the pain of bones being broken.

"It's so stiff, the bones of the ankles, wrists and thighs are all broken, and they can still be carried.

After knocking off one of the opponent's calves, Confucius shook the blood-stained cue in his hand, and there was a coldness in his brilliant smile: "It's a man."

"It's a pity that you guy doesn't have the strength of Ye Shao, let alone Ye Shao's cheeky, so you want to get past me..."

He spit out two words gently: "No way."

Ye Tianlong, who was watching the play, was immediately dissatisfied: "Kong Shao, how do you talk? Are you cheeky?"

"Excuse me, for example."

Confucius smiled at Ye Tianlong, then stared at the scared man lying on the ground like a dead dog: "The next shot will be your lifeblood."

The scarred man's complexion changed drastically, and the cold sweat could not be restrained from oozing out. This kid is not as simple as a disability, but has cut off his children and grandchildren.

"Come on!"

Confucius tilted his hair slightly and issued an instruction: "Hold him down."

The four Confucian bodyguards stepped forward like wolves and tigers, and they held down the limbs of the scared man, making him show the characters "太" on his body.

The scared man struggled desperately, but it didn't make any sense at all. On the contrary, it made the broken bones more painful and his face was pale as paper.

Confucius raised his white club again: "Think about it, do you want to be tough?"

"I said, I said..."

Although Scar Man is tough, he is ultimately a flesh and blood body. Coupled with the impact of the severed son and grandson, his emotions eventually collapsed:

"It was Shao Pu who asked me to snipe Ye Tianlong. When the matter was settled, he immediately withdrew from the capital. If the matter was defeated or caught, it was said that it was Kong Polang's command."

The scared man was desperate: "Ye Shao has three enemies with Kong Polang. It is normal to sniper him out of evil."

Confucius asked softly: "Which Shao Pu?"

The Scarlet Man didn't conceal anymore, and said what he knew: "Piao Dongyuan, the young master of the Lexing Group, he wants Ye Tianlong's life."

"Jin Shengshou fought Ye Tianlong Go, and Park Hsiao-xiu owed Ye Tianlong more than 100 billion yuan."

He struggled to squeeze out: "It is impossible for Le Xing to make this bet, and he doesn't want Park Hyo-su to bear it alone, so he plans to take someone to kill Ye Shao."

"Damn! If you want to deal with Ye Tianlong, what are you doing?"

Confucius was very angry. Park Dongyuan killed Ye Tianlong. He raised his hands and feet in favor, and he could even provide some convenience. In fact, he did.

But if he is used to carry the scapegoat, it will definitely not work. He can't help but be angry: "Does Pu Dongyuan want to die?"

At the same time, Confucius also thought of Jin Xuejun's words that day, the cold light in his eyes became more exuberant, and he vaguely felt that he had been calculated.

Park Dong-won has no grudges against himself, and he knows that the Confucian family cannot be offended, but is still making a scene of framing and setting up.

Of course Confucius would not think that Young Master Le Xing was an idiot. The reason for doing so must be supported by people who are not inferior to the Kong family.

In other words, Park Dong-won dared to offend himself because he was able to seek benefits from the opponent and the opponent's strength was sufficient to protect the consequences of failure.

Such a person... Confucius was the first to think of Jin Xuejun. The Jin family had a lot of economic contacts with the Pu family, and the Jin family was strong enough to protect the Pu family.

The most important point is that this game fits Jin Xuejun's style too well, and the Yin Ren is invisible.

It is good that the scared man can kill Ye Tianlong, but he can't kill Ye Tianlong and the Kong family. It is better for Jin Xuejun to make Ye Tianlong and the Kong family smash both sides.

"Damn! This sum must be doubled back to Jin Xuejun."

Confucius yelled aloud in his ambition, and then looked at the Scared Man: "Where is Pu Dongyuan? Let me get out and see me."

The scared man lowered his head: "I don't have a place for him. I only have a contact number for him. You can try to dial or locate it."

Confucius shouted: "Number!"

Ten minutes later, Confucius asked the scared man to be dragged away, wiped his hands with a white towel, and then walked to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, you heard it just now. The killer was from the Pu family. They used the Kongpolang banner to cover up. They have nothing to do with the Kong family."

Kong Zixiong's eyes narrowed slightly: "They provoke discord, hoping that we will die so that we can reap the benefits of the fisherman. You and I have been calculated."

He also put the other party's confession and the information found into Ye Tianlong's hands: "This is a confession, I will locate Park Dongyuan to notify you."

He burst into a smile: "Ye Shao, are you satisfied with what I gave you today?"


Ye Tianlong bit into a carrot and looked embarrassed: "Kong Shao, I'm sorry, the enemy is too cunning, I have wronged you."

"Fortunately, no real losses were caused today, and neither of us was hurt and bleeding."

The mess around his fingers: "I will compensate you ten times for the loss of the golf course and your expenses today."

"A little bit of money, you don't need to care about it. Besides, you help me find a villain, otherwise I won't know if I'm overcast."

Confucius suddenly burst into laughter. Instead, he must have asked Ye Tianlong to apologize to him in the newspaper, but he now has better ideas:

"Today, you found the truth, and I cleaned myself up, and our rivals are also considered to have met."

"I don't deny that I thought about killing you before, especially Kong Po Wolf's three swords, which made me want to kill you countless times. Even before today, I also want to kill you."

Confucius put on a sincere expression: "But I suddenly figured out today, when will the injustice be reported?"

"If you continue to hate, not only do you and I feel insecure, and you are frightened all day long, but it is also easy to provoke the villain.

"So, let's not know each other, the past grievances will be wiped out. From today on, we will be friends."

He stretched out his slender right hand to Ye Tianlong: "I don't know, would you like to make me a friend?"

He grunted heavily in his heart: Jin Xuejun, I played you to death...

Ye Tianlong laughed heartily, and stretched out his hand to shake it up: "Kong Shao is so sincere and gives face so much. If I don't take care of it, it would be too unhuman."

"In the future, we will share the difficulties and the blessings."

Confucius has come up with the Golden Rooster Award actor level, how can Ye Tianlong not soaring Oscar acting?

"Kong Shao, the three numbers provided by the killer, two are invalid, one is used, and the used number has been located."

At this moment, a subordinate ran over: "The Hibiscus Villa."

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