Talented Genius

Chapter 1018: See you late

"Ye Shao, they leave it to me to deal with."

After learning that Mujin Mountain Villa might be Park Dongyuan’s foothold, Confucius waved his hand boldly: "Make sure that they won’t see the sun tomorrow."

"Kong Shao, there is no problem for you to deal with it. I am happy to take it easy, but you must not kill Pu Dongyuan."

Ye Tianlong didn't be too polite with Confucius, the other party decided to express his anger and draw the relationship between the two sides, of course Ye Tianlong would not deliberately stop it.

It's just that Ye Tianlong has a small request: "The Pu family owes me more than 100 billion yuan, and if they kill Pu Dongyuan, they will fly eggs."

"Keep him alive and use it to negotiate with the Pu family. They don't care about Park Hyo-soo's life or death, but they will definitely care about the heir of Park Dong-won."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "So I hope Shao Kong will keep him."

"Okay, give Ye Shao face, I will leave him alive."

Confucius was taken aback for a moment, and then he joked: "I don't give face when I change to someone else. Whoever plays with me, framed me, I am going to die."

"Old ghost, did you hear what Ye Shao said? Mujin Villa can leave no dogs or chickens, but you must keep Pu Dongyuan alive."

He turned his head and looked at Old Ghost Li and issued an instruction: "If he dies, I can only ask you."

Old ghost Li respectfully responded: "Kong Shao can rest assured, we let him die, he can't live, we want him to live, he can't die."

He was a little puzzled, how did the master who had always hated Ye Tianlong suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees to Ye Tianlong because of the killer.

But Old Ghost Li knew in his heart that Confucius had always been scornful, and that no one provoke him would end well. If he does this now, he must have a deeper calculation.

He can't guess it, but he knows that it must be executed unconditionally: "I will arrange for someone to do something right away."

Confucius was very satisfied: "Very good."

After speaking, Confucius picked up the white cue again, and asked someone to pass one to Ye Tianlong, preparing to go to the next round with Ye Tianlong and smiled:

"Ye Shao, I heard that you used to score 20 goals in Mingjiang, all of which were holes in one shot. You can show one hand today so that I can be taught?"

Ye Tianlong didn't refuse, and took the ball root and waved twice: "How dare I let Young Master Kong be taught? Let's learn from each other."

"it is good!"

Confucius laughed, and then began to serve the ball, his legs opened slightly, he looked forward, swinging the club high, and with a snap, the white ball flew out.

When the ball fell half a meter from the hole, Confucius shook his head, dropped his sun hat, stepped forward to the white ball, and with a light wave, the white ball entered the hole.

There was a round of applause, but Confucius was not satisfied: "Amateur level, amateur level, Ye Shao, please."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, came to the teeing area, swiped out at the white ball, the white ball swished into the hole.

Confucius and the others were taken aback for a moment, and their faces were full of surprise. They didn't expect that it was a hole in one.


Next, Ye Tianlong hit six more goals, and a seven-time brace came directly, all of which were holes in one stroke, making the ball boy excited.

"Damn! Guards against the sky!"

Ye Tianlong's skills made Confucius and the others stunned, and then Confucius took the lead and applauded: "Ye Shao Shenwei, Ye Shao Shenwei, convinced."

"Ye Shao, you can play international games with your skills. You can get millions in any round. Why don't you participate?"

Ye Tianlong handed the club to a bodyguard of the Kong family, and took over the topic with a chuckle: "You can play, even if you play in the international tournament, avoid shame."

"Ye Shao, don't, it's a pity that you don't use your skills to play hard."

Confucius has a glow on his face: "In this way, someday when I have time, I will take you around the international club and help me cut a few people."

He has a special liking for golf. In addition to really like this activity, he has always wanted to step on the woman who depressed him.

"Kong Shao is so helpful, Tianlong should be, OK, someday I will accompany you to the international club."

With a fairly harmonious atmosphere, Ye Tianlong straightened up and said: "Kong Shao, I am very happy today. I can be friends with you."

"Today we not only wiped out our grievances, but you also gave me face to make Park Dong-won alive. I am very moved and moved from the bottom of my heart."

"The so-called "repaying peach" is to show my sincerity. In this way, the money that the Pu family owes me, we will work together to recover it."

Ye Tianlong is very courageous to make a decision: "No matter how much we get back, let's divide the account by five to five."

Confucius, who was swinging his club, shook his body. The club was empty, and his body lost its center of gravity and almost fell. He turned to look at Ye Tianlong and asked:

"what did you say?"

He suspected he had heard it wrong.

"I said, the Pu family owed me 123 billion, and I hope Shao Kong can help me get it back together."

Ye Tianlong is very serious: "Whether it is to ask for a piece or 100 billion, I will share the same with Kong Shao, which is my meeting gift to Kong Shao."

The atmosphere in the audience couldn't stop silent, and they all looked at Ye Tianlong in shock.

Confucius squirmed his throat for a while, swallowed his saliva secretly, his eyes did not hide the light, it was a big piece of fat.

If all the creditor rights are recovered, the Confucian family will earn more than 60 billion yuan, which can make Confucius fight for four or five years. How can he be unhappy?

Although I know that it is difficult to collect this debt, and maybe there will be a deadly confrontation, but the temptation of 60 billion has overwhelmed that little risk.

What's more, this may be an opportunity for the Confucian family to enter Nanhan in an all-round way, and Confucius' ambition flashes with deeper calculations.


Old Ghost Li's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Ye Tianlong intently. In addition to feeling his courage, Ye Tianlong's methods were too smart.

Everyone knows that Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to tie up the Kong family's big boat, but no matter who he changed to, he couldn't refuse Ye Tianlong's olive branch.

A reasonable and legal 60 billion, let alone Confucius, even the old Patriarch of Kong can't hold it. After all, the Confucian family has the ability to collect debts...

After a brief silence, Confucius did not talk nonsense, staring at Ye Tianlong and said, "Ye Shao, this is true? Didn't play with me?"

His eyes were hot, and his voice changed a little.

"Although Ye Tianlong is greedy for money and lust, he still promises a lot of money. If Kong Shao doesn't believe it, we can make a written statement."

Ye Tianlong showed his sincerity: "Speaking in black and white, should Kong Shao rest assured?"

"No need to!"

Confucius waved his hand: "If even my brother dared to stab three times, who is the one who turned back?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Thank Shao Kong for your trust."

"Don't be polite, everyone will be brothers from now on."

Confucius raised the cue, and then swept it to the men and women in Chinese clothes around him: "Listen, from now on, Ye Shao is his own."

"Send my order. First, no one in the circle can oppose Ye Shao. Who the **** doesn't give me face, I will kill anyone."

"Second, other grandsons dared to make things difficult for Ye Shao. You saw it and trampled me to death. To bully Ye Shao is to bully me, Confucius."

Ye Tianlong is so bold, and Confucius also needs a high profile: "Thirdly, in all places in the Confucian house, Ye Shao will enter for free."

More than a dozen people replied in unison: "Understand."

Many people envy Ye Tianlong as a Confucius brother, but they all know that envy is useless. This is a 60 billion meeting ceremony.

Ye Tianlong smiled again: "Kong Shao is too polite."

"Should, should be, go, go, go to the VIP room, I will introduce a few friends to you."

Confucius threw the club to a close friend, then walked forward with his arms around Ye Tianlong's shoulders, laughing again and again:

"Come on, serve the best wine, the best food, and the best woman. I want to talk to Ye Shao about the wine."

"Sing another song "Meeting Hate Late"!"

Confucius Zixiong is willing to go a long way with Ye Tianlong on the basis of 60 billion creditors...

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