Talented Genius

Chapter 1023: Siskin behind

Chapter 1023

This is the end of the matter, it is useless to say more. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

The fighting in Zhuang Nei and the current blockage of the road clearly showed that Tianmo was the enemy.


The three beautiful women exploded at the same time and shot all hidden weapons on their bodies, flying knives, poison needles, and sleeve arrows.

Then, they raised their guns again, preparing to use the most thunderous means to kill Tianmo and let Pu Dongyuan leave.


It's just that they had no chance to realize their vision. They only heard a sharp sound, the black knife came out of its sheath, and a black light flashed by that instinctively squinted the eyes of the three women.

In the next second, all the throwing knives, poisonous needles, and sleeve arrows swished and turned to reflect the three women.


The three women with their fingers on the trigger shook their bodies violently, then took three steps back and slowly fell to the ground.

There are hidden weapons that they shoot out on their faces and bodies, and they are three points into the flesh, and they soon lose their vitality, which can be said to be self-sufficient.

They originally locked Tianmo's guns, but they ended up shooting a bullet against the sky.

"Kill my three women, you are powerful and shameless!"

Seeing that three of his companions were killed by Tianmo, a touch of sadness flashed across Pu Dongyuan's face, and then he let out a loud shout, his body exploded like a cannonball.

His somewhat fat body caused a whirlwind when it quickly impacted.

The strong visual impact makes people feel that he can tear the sky ink alive.

Tian Mo's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect this guy to be a little wise, but he still didn't panic.

When Pu Dongyuan fisted, Tian Mo had already dodged at a faster speed, and after retracting the black knife, he avoided Pu Dongyuan's punch.

Ye Tianlong wanted to live up to the bargaining chip, Tian Mo would naturally not kill him with a knife, even though that was the simplest and most direct way to solve the opponent.


Pu Dongyuan missed a hit and didn't stop. Then there was another roar, and a cold kick swept across, and the target went straight to Tianmo's abdomen.

The attack rhythm is very smooth.


Tian Mo leaped up in the sky, a backflip like a light feather, avoiding the leg sweep, silently falling behind Pu Dongyuan.

Pu Dongyuan seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and swept back with a swinging leg.


This back swinging leg has great strength, and the angle is difficult to prevent.

Tian Mo had to leap back and he could barely escape the blow. Before he could stand firm, Piao Dongyuan slammed over again.

He was like an angry beast, his shoulders wrapped in indescribable aura.

Tian Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, his left hand patted, and his palm lightly fell on Pu Dongyuan's shoulder.


Feeling the ferocious power gushing out, Tian Mo took the opportunity to jump out, like a fallen leaf, gently avoiding Park Dongyuan's successive killing moves.

He is draining the opponent's stamina, making it more likely to be alive.

Pu Dongyuan missed a series of hits, stopped, and sneered coldly: "You are very strong. It is not easy for me to kill you. In this way, let the road go."

"I won't hold you accountable for the deaths of the three of them. I'm willing to give you 10 million. You leave the way."

Park Dongyuan wanted to leave here as soon as possible, so he was willing to bear his anger: "If ten million is not enough, then twenty million."

"If you stand on my side and turn your head to kill Ye Tianlong for me, I will give you two billion, how about it?"

Pu Da Shao directly used money to open the way. He believed that there is a price for people. Tianmo looks cool, but it may not be able to publicize the temptation of money.

Tianmo didn't have the slightest disturbance, but said coldly, "Shoot!"

"Boy, die!"

Seeing Tianmo unmoved, Pu Dongyuan became even more angry, and then attacked Tianmo again, pouring out his fists without reservation.

"Boom boom!"

Under the urging of his flexible hands and feet, he was extremely fierce, and every attack seemed to be bombarded by cannonballs, causing Tian Mo to instinctively retreat again and again.

When Pu Dongyuan made the seventh attack on Tian Mo, his left foot stagnated when he stepped on Tian Mo's corpse, and his body shook uncontrollably.

It was in this gap that Tian Mo suddenly got in through the gap of his pause, and then punched him in the chest.


Pu Dongyuan's face changed drastically, and his left hand sank to block his fist.

It's just that this hasty resistance can't hold the power of Tianmo to pour.


Tian Mo's fist pressed against his palm and hit Park Dongyuan's chest.

Pu Dongyuan fell back and flew out with a muffled snort. When he was about to fall, he twisted his waist, kneeling on the ground gorgeously, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Tian Mo's eyes were no longer calm, and his aggressiveness, which had been suppressed, surged out without concealing it.


Seeing Pu Dongyuan struggling to rise, Tian Mo leaped up again and tried his best to make a shot, his body violent, like Mount Tai pushing forward!

Tian Mo gave birth to a brutal and arrogant momentum out of thin air, which made people know that he was not only powerful in his swordsmanship, but also as aggressive as his fists.

Pu Dongyuan's expression was solemn, his strength was not bad, but in the face of opponents like Tianmo, no one dared to be careless.


The two directly banged a punch, the sound of the bone hitting was clearly audible, and they backed together!

Evenly matched.

Both sides were not sad or happy, and they rushed out again before they stood firm, and their arrogance became more turbulent.

Great offensive!


The fist collides, the momentum is like a rainbow, there is no retreat, and it is always indomitable, even if both lose and lose.

Beckon you!

Both sides came out with unparalleled strength.

In the tense expression of Park Dongyuan, Tianmo finally found a suitable opportunity and took a sudden step. Close to Park Dongwon's body again.

Without hesitation with both hands, he pushed directly.


Park Dongyuan conditioned his slender body and arched his slender body, his hands were wrong, his defense turned into an attack, and he wanted to hit his chest directly after he opened up.

However, what was unexpected was that the rainbow-like Tianmo was not moved at all, and once again took a big step forward, doubling the speed and the momentum like a rainbow.

An invincible fist hits Park Dongyuan's shoulder.

Park Dong-won, who was still sharp just now, spewed a large mouthful of blood uncontrollably, and his body shook violently.

However, Tian Mo's right hand didn't stop at all, and it slammed directly into Pu Dongyuan's ribs.


With a crisp sound, Park Dong-won broke his ribs and bleeds from the corner of his mouth. Then he stepped back four or five meters with a painful expression...


At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and Pu Dongyuan's left hand suddenly rose, and a little light came out of his hand, which was extremely fast.

The forward rushing Tian Mo abruptly stagnated, and he slid to his side, a bit of cold light almost rubbed the tip of Tian Mo's nose.

A sleeve arrow was nailed into the ground hard.

Tian Mo's eyes narrowed instantly, and he smelled a faint smell of fishy air in the air, and he was vomiting when he smelled it. It was obvious that Xiujian was poisoned with extremely powerful poison.

The timing of Pu Dongyuan's hidden weapon is extremely clever. If he hadn't stopped and evaded, he would have been hit by this time!


When Tianmo tightened his nerves, Park Dongyuan lifted his left hand again, and a large canopy of poison needles sprayed towards Tianmo, making people shocked by the density.

At the same time, he dropped a shot in his sleeve and pointed it at Tian Mo's head.


Tianmo's eyes were cold, and the black knife suddenly came out of its sheath.


With a crisp sound, the black knife slashed on Park Dongyuan's firearm, and a wave of overwhelming force came surging.

Pu Dongyuan's face changed drastically, as he watched the black knife press over him, unable to resist.

Afterwards, the black knife was like a flood of vents, cut off the gun in his hand, cut through his armor, and cut off his flexible arm.


A stream of blood sputtered out, and Park Dongyuan broke his right hand in two, and fell to the ground with a scream...

At this moment, in the grass and trees not far away, a young woman straightened slightly, looking at Park Dong-won who was lying on the ground in pain.

She was about to shoot out, and found Pu Dongyuan at all costs, but saw another figure emerging from the mountain road ahead, Ye Tianlong...

The young woman's eyes dimmed, her red lips pressed lightly and she hid her body back, and even retracted her gun into her arms...

She would never have thought that this reason saved herself. On the tree not far behind her, the eyes of the oriole were as clear as the owl.

He calmly watched the young woman's every move...

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