Talented Genius

Chapter 1024: Weird again

Chapter 1024

When Ye Tianlong arrived at the scene, Pu Dongyuan had fainted, blood all over the floor.

Tian Mo wiped off the blood with his fingers, with an innocent expression on his face, which seemed to indicate that he didn't want to use a knife, but Pu Dongyuan was too insidious.

Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly, and then hurriedly stopped the bleeding of Pu Dongyuan, put a pill into him to save his life, and then called the old ghost to come and take the person away.

Ye Tianlong didn't want to count the matter tonight, so it was better to let Old Ghost Li take Pu Dongyuan away, and he could do personal affection.

The fact is also true. Old Ghost Li was very grateful to Ye Tianlong. Not only did he save his life and reverse the bad situation, he also gave him a lot of credit.

Old Ghost Li quickly left with Pu Dongyuan, and after Ye Tianlong answered the call from the oriole, he also disappeared into the dark night with Tianmo.

Early the next morning, when Ye Tianlong just got up to wash, the mobile phone on the table vibrated slightly, putting on earplugs and Confucius laughed quickly:

"Ye Shao, sorry to disturb you so early, just want to say thank you personally."

"If it weren't for your help last night, it is estimated that Old Ghost Li and the others have become ghosts, and they have exposed our Kong family, let alone take down Pu Dongyuan."

Confucius' voice was very loud and loud: "I wanted to show a little sincerity in front of you, but I owe you a favor. I am really ashamed."

Compared with the deep-seated Jin Xuejun, Confucius was not a face-saving person, so he made no secret that his actions last night were to please Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "Don't be polite, Shao Kong, I also feel uneasy temporarily, so I ran to Mujin Villa and looked at it. Pure luck saved people."

"Besides, we are all friends. There is no need to worry about this. If you have to thank you, please invite me to drink another day."

He also pointed out: "Also drink the wine from the eight great estates."

Confucius laughed loudly: "No problem, you can call me anytime when you are free. I will invite you to drink. It is still the best wine in Badazhuang."

He helped Xu Dong again, Ye Tianlong smiled, and then changed the conversation: "By the way, how is Pu Dongyuan?"

"Still in a coma, the body is a little weak, but there is no life-threatening."

Confucius told Ye Tianlong of the situation: "Moreover, as you told him, I asked a doctor to stop him. He will not become Yang Guo."

"Complete chips are worth more... Although we have taken him down now, we still need to be detained carefully."

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "Pu Dongyuan should have accomplices, I am worried that they will rescue them at all costs."

"Don't worry about this."

Confucius showed a strong confidence: "I have imprisoned Park Dong-won in a very safe place."

"If there are a hundred people from the Pu family, it is impossible to rescue him. This bargaining chip is in place and there will be no problems."

"Ye Shao, what should we do next? Do you want me to send someone to talk to the Pu family?"

Confucius changed his words: "We did it so secretly, and we didn't keep alive. I am worried that the Pu family will not find us."

"No need to."

Ye Tianlong shook his head without hesitation: "The money will arrive earlier and later. It will not affect us much."

"When did Park Dong-won find it, it had a big impact on the Pu family. The Mujin Villa was destroyed and Park Dong-won disappeared. The Pu family must be desperate."

"The longer the delay, the more emotional breakdown, the more annoying and anxious. Once they are anxious, we have more initiative."

Ye Tianlong had obviously thought about it a long time ago: "We don't need to let Pu Dongyuan be in our hands, let them take the initiative to find the door for better."

"Besides, what did Park Dongyuan come to China for? He came to kill me to deny the 100 billion bet."

"Now that he is missing, the Pu family can think that ninety percent of them are related to me. The Pu family will definitely be locked on me and won't find a needle in a haystack."

"So Kong Shao, you don't need to worry at all. The Pu family doesn't know that Pu Dongyuan is in our hands."

Ye Tianlong saw it very thoroughly: "They will definitely come here, or they will come to visit them politely."

"Moreover, we can also take this opportunity to test the Pu family's connections and strength in China, and see who will help them find out about Pu Dongyuan's whereabouts..."

Confucius immediately understood: "In this way, the forces of collusion with the Pu family can also be clear at a glance, and it will be easier to beat in the future."

"High, high, high, Ye Shao's thoughts are far-reaching."

Confucius said in approval: "Okay, I'll just as you said, quietly waiting for the Pu family to find the door."

When he was about to hang up the phone, Confucius' voice fell a little, and he spoke to Ye Tianlong very solemnly:

"Ye Shao, I have asked Piao Dongyuan's arms to check, almost all of them are legal firearms of the Jin family, 33 short guns."

"It seems that Jin Xuejun and Park Dongyuan are really good friends. This can also be seen. He really hates you."

"In order for Pu Dongyuan to kill you smoothly, Jin Xuejun didn't hesitate to lend out 33 guns. Afterwards, he reported that he had lost it halfway."

Confucius didn't forget to provoke Ye Tianlong's hatred of Jin Xuejun: "Ye Shao, you must be careful in the future, and don't be overshadowed by him."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "No wonder Pu Dongyuan has so many arms, it turns out that Jin Shao secretly funded it..."

He saw Park Dongyuan's powerful firepower last night, and it was difficult for him to suppress the old ghosts, so he wondered where Park Dongyuan got so many guns?

Now, Confucius's notification gave him an answer.

"Of course, otherwise you think who can buy so many arms?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Confucius took the topic: "The gun ban in Beijing is now unprecedentedly strict, and the black arms market is about to close down."

"If it weren't for Jin Xuejun and they legally provided it, Park Dong-won would not be able to buy a gun for a million."

He added the last sentence: "I also checked that your sniper rifle is not owned by the Jin Xuejun, it is legally held by the Bai family and belongs to Hoarfrost."

"Eighty percent was obtained by Jin Xuejun from Bai Shuangshuang. This kid is nothing, and even women use it."

"I'll remember him well, he killed such a porous family last night."

Speaking of this, Confucius' tone became more brutal: "I have a chance, I will let Jin Xuejun all come back."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath. He didn't expect that the battle last night really pulled Jin Xuejun out...


At this moment, another call came in, Ye Tianlong glanced at it and he was energetic, and when he answered a few sentences, he drove out quickly.

Sisters Wu Lingshuang and Wu Ningbing asked Ye Tianlong to eat breakfast. How could Ye Tianlong not go to such a beautiful woman?

Half an hour later, the Beijing Baiyun Tea House.

Ye Tianlong parked the car in the opposite parking lot, and then entered the teahouse playing with the car key.

The tea house is very large, with a total of three floors. The first floor and the second floor are the gathering place for low- and middle-level diners, who eat in the wide hall.

On the third floor, there are three wing rooms, four compartments, and five scenic locations next to windows. The minimum consumption per capita is 188.

Wu Lingshuang had an appointment with a cubicle on the third floor, so Ye Tianlong went up to the top floor, glanced around, locked Wu Lingshuang and Wu Ningbing and the others.

Five or six men and women of similar stature and similar age gathered together in the compartment on the west side with the words "Bird Chaofeng", laughing and laughing, very sweet.

Ye Tianlong moved forward, but halfway through, his eyelids twitched, and he swept toward a man sitting alone by the window.

This man is no stranger at all, he was the traffic policeman who followed Lin Chenxue's motorcade that day. At this moment, he was eating early, very gloomy.

As if feeling Ye Tianlong's gaze, the thin man turned his head to look at Ye Tianlong...


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