Talented Genius

Chapter 1054: You will blind me

Before leaving the capital, Ye Tianlong went to Ditianju to check and treat Zhao Ditian again.

The equipment showed that Zhao Ditian's physical coefficient had improved significantly, at least the flesh and blood body no longer had the tendency of decay, and there was a faint but tough vitality.

Even the excessively viscous blood began to thin, reducing the burden on Zhao Dingtian's body.

"Brother, things are good."

Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to give Zhao Ditian an old wound with acupuncture, so that he would no longer suffer from rain in the future. After cleaning up, he sat on the opposite side and drank tea:

"If you continue to develop in this situation, even if you are not at the age of the old lady, you can live a safe and comfortable life for several years."

He pointed his finger at the flowers and birds outside: "It's just that you must not bother yourself. You have time and the mood to take care of these flowers and birds."

"Speaking harshly, their life is equal to your life. The longer they live, the longer you live, and if they die, you are almost the same."

Ye Tianlong poured a cup of tea for the old man and handed it over: "Brother, you should understand what I mean."

As always, Zhao Ditian leaned on the bench, his old face was wrinkled but kind, he reached out and took the tea from Ye Tianlong:

"They live well and live long, which means that I spend more time on them, and I will spend less energy at work, and I can live a few more years."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up and praised: "Big brother wise."

Zhao Ditian smiled, he would resist other people's flattery, but Ye Tianlong's praise, he felt warm, and then took a sip of the tea ceremony:

"Are you leaving Beijing?"

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly: "How do you know?"

Zhao Ditian took the topic lightly and calmly: "According to the treatment plan you left before, you should check me the day after tomorrow."

"Although you are cynical on the surface, in fact you follow the rules very well, and your execution is strong, and you will not change at will if there is no change."

The old man's eyes were very harsh: "Plus, when you come, give Lao Qin a bunch of medicinal materials, and follow-up treatment plans."

"These all show that you have something to leave."

Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh: "Big brother is amazing, you can see this, ashamed, ashamed."

Zhao Ditian asked softly: "Why are you leaving all of a sudden? Did the Song and Cai family put great pressure on it?"

Ye Tianlong was not surprised that the old man knew about this. He tried to avoid dealing with official affairs, but it did not mean that he would not listen to briefings from all parties.

"The Song and Cai family really put pressure on it. It is rumored that they are going to kill me and Confucius, but I am not afraid that they will run away."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Is there a safer place in the world than Ditianju?"

Zhao Ditian looked at Ye Tianlong calmly and smiled: "Although he knows you flatter me, this sentence is still correct."

Di Tianju, let alone killer bodyguards, even the 9th-Rank masters would not dare to enter, and only the 10th-Rank Peak Grandmaster would dare not enter.

So Ye Tianlong is right to say that this is the safest place.

"I need to deal with some personal matters and have to leave Beijing for a while."

Ye Tianlong smiled and responded to the old man: "Don't worry, big brother, I will be back soon. Don't forget, I promised you to go to medical school."

"Although I think you'd better stay in Ditianju at the cusp of this storm, but you have something to deal with, I can't say anything."

Zhao Ditian urged Ye Tianlong softly: "It's just that it's not a last resort, don't create a golf course again."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Don't worry, big brother, people don't offend me, I don't offend people, if people offend me, I will bear it first, then I can bear it, and then burst his head.

Zhao Ditian smiled helplessly: "You, always fear that the world will not be chaotic."

Then he narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know why I approved Zhan Qinglou to help you this time?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It's definitely not because I can treat you, nor because you are my elder brother."

He exhaled a long breath: "80% of your decision is due to the emotional inclinations of the brothel or the old Qin, and the stability of the Chinese society."

"After all, Sister Brothel are your most trusted people. You can't help but consider their feelings for me."

Ye Tianlong analyzed Zhao Ditian's psychology: "The three houses of Kong, Song, and Cai are too large, and once they collide, they will easily affect the country."

"These are considerations, but not the real reason."

Zhao Ditian obviously decided to have a deep chat with Ye Tianlong today: "I have only two reasons to help you. First, you are right, and second, you are honest."

"As for the golf course, although your methods are a bit fierce, you are really just a weak person who resists the powerful."

"If you don't reveal your identity, Cai Jinyin will really blow your head."

Zhao Ditian took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat: "I see this, so I can understand your anger at the time, even though I don't approve of your extremes."

"The second is that you are honest and treat us as family members, and you didn't hide the truth from us, let alone fool us with Confucius' script."

The old man's eyes were very sincere: "Being open can only be exchanged for sincerity. You didn't let us down, and we naturally couldn't let you down."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then sighed softly, "Thank you, brother."

"I don't know what you are going to do when leaving Beijing this time."

Zhao Ditian's voice sank: "Maybe you want the dragon to stay in the sky if you have been dormant for too long, or maybe you want to be blood-stained by you with great ambitions."

"But no matter what, you can remember my words."

His eyes are very sincere: "As long as you have a clear conscience and a pure heart, I will always be your elder brother, and this will always be your home."

Ye Tianlong's body was slightly startled, looking at Zhao Ditian in disbelief, he knew that this was not only a promise, but also an official support.

"Big brother, do you believe me that way? Don't worry about me doing this for a while?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "If you are deceived by me, your reputation will be ruined in your entire life."

Zhao Ditian raised a faint smile, slowly closed his eyes and leaned back in the rocking chair, his thin lips slowly opened:

"Six years ago, you single-handedly entered the Iraq-Syria construction site in a war-torn country and relieved 30 Chinese state-owned enterprise engineers who were hijacked by militants."

"Five years ago, when you were on vacation in the Philippines, you happened to meet a gangster who was bloodbathed on the Huaxia TV Annual Meeting cruise ship. All forty men were shot and killed."

"Thirty-five actresses and models were kidnapped and sent to the gangsters' den. You dived into the boat with one knife and silently killed the gangsters to avoid them being ruined."

"Four years ago, the embassy in Africa encountered ethnic conflicts. Nearly a thousand people surrounded the embassy. It was you who killed you and escorted the ambassador's family back to China."

"Three years ago, in the face of the most powerful drug dealer, you signed the letter of life and death and went deep into the jungle to save Liu Shuqing and the others."

"Two years ago, in order to expose the harm of nuclear radiation from the East, you were not afraid of death chasing and killing the nuclear power plant alone, and photographing the leaks that shocked the world."

"Each time, you were seriously injured, nine dead for a lifetime, but every time, you never looked back."

Zhao Ditian said: "You have done so many things for China, and you have never asked for credit or received any money. This shows that you really have this country in your heart."

"I have seen countless people in my life, and I have never lost my eyes. I don't believe that you will blind me."

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