Talented Genius

Chapter 1055: Fuck him

Chapter 1055

After coming out of Ditianju, Ye Tianlong was silent a lot.

This is not to shock Zhao Ditian to grasp so many details about him. With a head of intelligence personnel all over the world, it is definitely not too difficult to dig out his details.

Ye Tianlong's silence was a big shock to Zhao Ditian's words.

Zhao Ditian may be boring, boring, and cruel to do things, but that innocent heart can't be questioned, which also makes him exude a great upright spirit.

So when Zhao Ditian took out what Ye Tianlong had done for China, and promised to be the backer of Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong was instantly passionate.

Although Ye Tianlong didn't think of giving anything back at the time, he still felt a sense of pride in being recognized from Zhao Ditian's mouth.

This also gave Ye Tianlong another layer of thinking, should he do more for China?

However, Ye Tianlong didn't focus on it for the time being. His top priority was to meet Yao Feiyan, get back 30 billion yuan, and investigate the boss behind Yuan Boss.

Then Ye Tianlong will fly back to Mingjiang and integrate his resources well. He will do the three-pronged approach of underworld, business and officialdom.

And after this period of rest, everything is ready and waiting for the east wind.

"Ye Shao, your phone was turned off just now, and Bailihua sent some information, let me pass it on to you."

When Ye Tianlong returned to the VIP room of the Prairie Restaurant, Yun Ji walked over with a nice waist, with a charming smile on her face:

"Zhang Qingmen and Zhao Yaoyao have arrived at Baishizhou, and the dinosaurs have arranged manpower to take care of them."

"Old Ghost Li also took Pu Dongyuan to Mingjiang. They stayed in the Presidential Suite of the Hilton Hotel, waiting for you or Kong Shao to make arrangements at any time."

Yun Ji's pretty face is red, and she feels that she can get out of the water with just a pinch. Happy women are always sweet: "Yaoyao has also negotiated with Southern TV."

"You can go directly to the promotion and wait for the national final without taking up the spot."

Her voice was very soft: "Boss Yuan's hand tail has also been resolved, no one will pester you to pursue it."

Ye Tianlong sat down in the chair and smiled and took the topic: "Thanks for your hard work Yunji, I'm much easier with your help."

Yun Ji made a cup of eight-treasure tea and handed it to Ye Tianlong, then walked to his back and pinched his shoulders: "Let me tell you some good news by the way."

"The foundation of the Longmen headquarters has been laid, and the surrounding walls have been built. The construction will be carried out in secret in the next March."

"Cao Qiankun personally served as the person in charge, not only the workers are highly efficient, but the construction is also magnificent. People in Bailihua are full of praise for this."

Ye Tianlong took over Babao Tea: "Old Cao is a talent. Looking at the giant pit of his recycle bin at the beginning, you know that this is a master of the agency."

Although it was an understatement, Ye Tianlong still had some expectations in his eyes, hoping to see the Longmen headquarters as soon as possible and see Cao Qiankun's masterpiece.

"Longmen has also changed a lot recently."

Yun Ji told Ye Tianlong: "The eagle catches the discipline in the gang, and the eight or two golds streamline the personnel. Fu Dabiao is responsible for the combat effectiveness of each hall."

"The black tiger and the white shark followed Han Qinhu to secretly train the Pioneer Camp. The 1,500 people are better than the Crow's original guards."

She laughed very softly: "Bai Lihua said that the quality and combat effectiveness of the Dragon Gate are higher than before you entered Beijing."

Ye Tianlong was very pleased: "It's okay for them to stay idle."

"There is one more thing I want to tell you."

Yun Ji came here with interest: "Xu Donglai and Ning Hongzhuang have negotiated and bought Mingjiang Building as the headquarters of Tianlong Group."

"Xu Donglai's agent wine company, Ning Hongzhuang's beauty company, Qiao Lao and Niu Lao's identification company, Dinosaurs and their Dragon Bufeng Group..."

"Prairie restaurant, Zhao Yaoyao's entertainment company, Jiang Qianxue's registered construction company, etc., will all be integrated into Tianlong Group."

"If you take down the Red Clothes Group again or recover half of the debt from the Pu family, then we will be really strong."

Yun Ji described Ye Tianlong's future blueprint: "Our assets will exceed 200 billion, and it will be no problem to become one of China's top ten groups."

Ye Tianlong's eyes couldn't help but lit up: "So I am so rich? Still so many industries?"

Ye Tianlong used to have the attitude of the game world, and the companies he supported also had an attitude of'control killing and not burying', and he did not know his own background at all.

Now that Yun Ji has integrated one by one, Ye Tianlong has been in a trance. It turns out that there are so many brothers and sisters in his family.

If you integrate with the Dai family in the future, wouldn't you be a behemoth?

Yun Ji chuckled softly: "Yeah, Ye Shao is now a well-off generation."

Changed to a year ago, Ye Tianlong must be thinking about discounting, and then holding the money to drink and pick up girls to roam the world, but now he has a deeper thought.

Ye Tianlong's eyes have a hint of enthusiasm: "You let them go and do it, let it go and integrate, you can find me if you have any problems that can't be solved."


Yun Ji smiled very sweetly: "I will give your instructions to them, I think with your words, they will be more interested and fighting spirit to do it."

Then, she whispered: "If Ye Shao integrates the official backers in the future, we will become more unbreakable."

Ye Tianlong thought of Wu Lingshuang, Confucius, Shen Tianmei, and Zhao Ditian, and his eyes flickered: "Don't worry, I will maintain these resources."

At this time, Yun Ji's phone rang again, she picked it up to answer for a moment, and then spoke to Ye Tianlong with a solemn expression:

"Ye Shao, Yao Feiyan has encountered a big trouble."

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened slightly...

At dusk, Jiangcheng bowling alley.

This is a bowling alley that opened only a few days ago. It is located in the sports center on the central axis of Jiangcheng City. It has an elegant environment and convenient transportation.

The venue covers an area of ​​4,000 square meters, with a construction area of ​​10,000 square meters. The entire bowling alley is designed with no pillars of 3,000 square meters and is magnificent.

There are people coming and going, cheering and laughing, but in an area on the west side, although there are many people standing, the atmosphere is very solemn.

In the huge rest area, people No. 50 and No. 60 are standing, and they are divided into two factions.

On the front end of the coffee table and seat, a woman in black sits on the left, holding a bottle of clean water in her hand, drinking calmly.

Sitting on the right is a man in a vest and a woman in red. The man in the vest is playing with a bowling ball in his hands, his hard arms appear to be powerful.

There were a few plates of exquisite cakes and a few bowling **** at the table for the three of them, and there were more than 30 men and women in their respective camps behind them.

"Fu Yunan, the ball is over, we should say it is."

The black-clothed woman has a delicate and cold face, not too impetuous or calm and numb. She looks calmly and shrewdly at the opposite man and woman:

"Although you and I are not friends, I have never had any disputes. On New Year's and holidays, I will send someone to give you a gift from the rich."

"I think I am kind to you, but you seem to think I'm a bully."

The black-clothed woman is Yao Feiyan. She looked at the men in the vests with cold eyes: "Why did you detain my three cargo ships in the Meigong River?"

"Because they hit my boat, I had it detained."

The man in the vest is five big and three thick, but he speaks with an awkward voice: "Did your dead husband not teach you that you should compensate for damage to others' property?"

Yao Feiyan's eyelids twitched, and her pretty face was sneered. If the ship collided, it would be a collision with porcelain and an excuse to arrest the ship.

The woman in red sneered: "If she understands the principle of damage compensation, she won't seek my uncle's wealth."

The tone is not heavy, and there is no unbearable domineering between the lines, but it is harsh. What is it called? This is called Mianli Zangzhen.

Yao Feiyan moved the corner of her mouth, glanced at the two coldly, and then said to Fu Yunan: "You don't like to be rational, don't be rational."

"With a condition, how can we release three cargo ships?"

The above items are of great value, and the most important delay or loss will affect the reputation, so Yao Feiyan is prepared to endure this bad breath:

"Today I also brought enough sincerity, one million, three million, or five million?"

Fu Yunan stared at Yao Feiyan's long silk stockings and the dazzling arc of the long legs. His smile was evil: "Money, no shortage."

"I want to do good deeds. I heard Yunyun said that Yang Xiaoqiang was incompetent, and it seemed that he couldn't do it. It's a pity that you are such a beautiful widow."

"In this way, to satisfy me and do good deeds, I will play with you for three days and relieve your loneliness. I will let you three cargo ships, how about?"

He licked his mouth and smiled: "This is really, a thigh, gold million!"


Yao Feiyan's eyes were cold, she directly grabbed the bowling ball and smashed it on Fu Yunan's head, and turned and left at the same time: "Fuck him!"

The members of the Yao family rushed up and fought Fu Yunan and the others...

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