Talented Genius

Chapter 1067: Something happened (four more)

At twelve noon, Ye Tianlong left a message for Yao Feiyan, telling him to go back later today, and then invited Qin Ziyi to the buffet.

"Why did you come to Jiangcheng?"

Qin Ziyi brought a plate of fruit salad, took a fork in his left hand and started eating slowly, and awkwardly hid his right hand to avoid thinking of the scene in the morning.

The bath towel fell, and what she caught was not the bath towel, but the lifeblood of Ye Tianlong's anger.

What made her most ashamed was that she didn't release it immediately, but the ghost set the divine envoy to shook it twice, making Ye Tianlong almost unable to hold it back.

Therefore, she didn't want her right hand to come out, lest Ye Tianlong tease herself: "Aren't you in the capital to treat patients with my father?"

Although Qin Tianhe didn't reveal much information to her, Qin Ziyi knew to some extent that Ye Tianlong was treating Zhao Ditian.

So when Ye Tianlong was uncomfortable staying in Beijing to treat his illness and came to Jiangcheng, Qin Ziyi's eyes were puzzled: "Is it okay to meet the old friend?"

Ye Tianlong also made a plate of food, but it was all raw oysters and cowboy bones. A plate full of food was sitting in front of Qin Ziyi, avoiding the weight and chuckles:

"The patient has tried his best. Life and death can only be decided by God. I can't do much, so I flew to Jiangcheng for business."

He came to divide Yao Feiyan's family property, and by the way, he also took the Red Clothes Group. Ye Tianlong felt that using the word "business" is very suitable.

"If you don't believe me, you'll know after a while, if I'm coming to Jiangcheng for a business trip."

Qin Ziyi whitened Ye Tianlong with a glance: "You have been hanging around all day, what can you do for business?"

"Despise me?"

Ye Tianlong looked like he was blasting the sky: "Okay, for the sake of sleeping, if you don't slap you, you'll know another day."

Then, he quickly brought the topic to Qin Ziyi, so as not to be dug out by her of Yao Feiyan's existence: "What are you doing in Jiangcheng again?"

"I'm on business too."

Qin Ziyi put a grape into his mouth, and after taking a bite, he felt bursting, and then did not hide his intention to come here:

"There are rumors that the rich and powerful drug lords lost contact in Hungary and Mongolia, and there has been no news for a week."

"All forces, including the Fu Group internally judged that the rich outsiders were probably killed by the authorities or died in the dark."

She looked at Ye Tianlong, who had eaten Haisai: "The wealthy people are guilty, but the backbone, Fu Yushun, who has been crushed, is ready to take the lead."

"He not only spent a lot of money to buy the major shareholders of Fu's, but also personally led people into China to prepare for the construction of eight drug manufacturing villages."

Qin Ziyi added: "I heard that Jiangcheng, where the people are violent, is his biggest goal."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and stopped while biting his steak. No wonder Fu Yunan and the others all appeared in Jiangcheng, which was one of the cities they visited.

Winning the Red Clothes Group, in addition to increasing the upper position of merit, is afraid that it will also have the role of covering and transporting the drug manufacturing village, which seems to be a big move.

"Interpol is ready to give a heavy blow, but the manpower is quite lacking. After all, the local authorities are not very reliable."

At this time, Qin Ziyi said the rest: "So I and the backbone of several nearby cities came to help."

"It was a coincidence to meet you."

Qin Ziyi glanced at Ye Tianlong: "You can tell who that fairy is now?"

Obviously she has never forgotten the seductive and unrestrained woman who is more bold than Shen Tianmei.

"She is my old friend. She has always wanted to conquer me. She has fought for more than a dozen rounds since she met."

Ye Tianlong briefly introduced the grudge between himself and Demon Ji: "We wanted to kill each other more than once, but we never had a chance to succeed."

"Fighting, fighting and killing to the back, we feel a little bit more sympathetic, and we have less thoughts of killing each other, and instead want to subdue each other."

He did not deliberately conceal Qin Ziyi: "But just like this, there is no chance for each other to succeed."

Although Qin Ziyi felt the sympathy and sympathy was a bit uncomfortable, he was also pleased that Ye Tianlong was calm with himself, so he didn't get jealous about this.

"Although we cherish each other, we are still old friends, so we won't have feelings."

Ye Tianlong could see what Qin Ziyi was thinking, so he comforted the woman softly: "All she said about the bad guy and the child are nonsense."

"Besides, I don't like mixed blood."

He was serious: "You are also born with Ziyi."

Qin Ziyi was taken aback first, then stepped on Ye Tianlong's toe: "Go to death, who will give birth to you?"

"Let go, let go, I'm wrong, I'm wrong... I'm not giving birth, I'm not giving birth."

Ye Tianlong quickly begged for mercy, and then went back to what happened today: "She wanted to stun me today. I found out what she knew."

"Want to see what tricks she did, she took it by the way, so she pretended to be poisoned and fainted and let her play around."

"She threw me into that room and put me in the tub, not to linger with me, but to give me a bath with medicine."

He explained what Demon Ji had said: "It's a medicated bath like white powder. As long as you take it once, you will become addicted and will be controlled by her."

"The enchantress hopes to control me in this way, but she didn't expect you to follow her behind."

Ye Tianlong stuffed an oyster into his mouth: "Just as she poured the powder, you kicked in and ruined her good deeds."

"I saw that she was so cruel, and I was worried that you might have missed something, so I stopped pretending to be unconscious and tried to save you."

Qin Ziyi's heart warmed when she was worried about what she might have missed, and then took a sip of fruit juice and hummed:

"If you prevaricate, then tell me, you pretended to be in a coma for so long, did you hear secrets from her?"

There was a hint of sneer in her eyes: "Or I just want to go on a blind date with her skin and enjoy the beautiful woman's undress, without hearing anything?"

"I heard some."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, and took out a little material to calm Qin Ziyi: "She mentioned when she was talking to herself that she was invited by the butcher demon."

"The purpose is to help Fu Yushun in the upper ranks and hope that Fu Yushun will become the principal of the Fu clan, and then the monster Tu will swallow Fu Yushun and them."

Ye Tianlong said: "This is the news that I heard. You came too fast, and she can't tell me too much."

Qin Ziyi's eyes lit up: "Slayer Monster? Let me just say, where did Fu Yushun's courage to rebel? It turns out that there is Monster Killer behind him."

"It seems that Monster Slaughter will also be involved this time, I want to report to the boss to send someone to stare at him."

Speaking of this, Qin Ziyi slapped the plate a few times, and then opened his mouth: "Thank you for lunch. I will go to work first and talk later."

She didn't wait for Ye Tianlong's response, and left the restaurant violently...


Looking at half a plate of salad and half a glass of juice, Ye Tianlong felt sorry for his 300 RMB buffet: "It's a waste."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang. He looked at the cell phone screen carefully, and it was the phone number that Yao Ji had entered in the morning.

"This woman hasn't played enough yet, it depends on her own joke?"

Ye Tianlong frowned, his expression hesitated, but finally answered the phone.

"Tenlong, quick, quick, help me..."

The demon girl said intermittently, which made Ye Tianlong inexplicably: "Wangfu Villa...number eight."

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