Talented Genius

Chapter 1068: Wronged (five shifts)

Wangfu Villa, Leisure Resort Villa, No. 8 Wing, this is a residence arranged by Tu Yan Yao for Yao Ji, and it is also the property of Fu Yun'an.

When the enchantress performs missions, she usually chooses a place by herself and rarely stays in a residence arranged by others, so that she can get the greatest safety.

It was just that her observation station cabin was occupied by Ye Tianlong, and she was eager to remove the "Su Ying" potion from her body, so she hid in here to work.

The enchantress spent two hours getting rid of the'Su Ying' potion, and she began to feel her body gradually refreshed, as if all the potion remaining juice was slowly draining out.

But when she came out of the bathtub and put on a bathrobe to sit again, her body became strange, not only becoming heavy again, but also spreading desire.

The enchantress found out several medicines and took them, including the antidote for "Su Ying" provided by Tu Yan Yao, but it still didn't work at all, and her body was hot.

A strange emotion rose from deep in my heart, and countless faces kept turning in my mind like a revolving lantern.

Those faces turned out to be the faces of men. Some were butchers, some were not rich, Ye Tianlong, and many others.

Although the faces are different, the eyes are all the same, evil and coveted...

But what is strange is that this wretched look, which is usually extremely disgusting, at this moment, is attracted to the enchantress of the alcoholic meeting the sweet wine:

She wanted to hug one of the men, a burly and strong man, and then roll around on this carpet to vent her inner emotions...

"Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong..."

A voice kept shouting deep in her heart, and it was getting louder and louder, stimulating Demon Ji's body and nerves, and then she saw the door open.

Three flat-headed youths came in pushing a wheelchair. In the wheelchair, there was a man with his hands and feet in a cast. His face had an evil smile.

Demon Ji recognized at a glance that this person was Fu Yun'an, who she had secretly assisted this time, but Fu Yun'an didn't know her existence.

At the same time, she made a judgment that she was calculated by Fu Yunan.


The facts are just as he expected. After entering the room, Fu Yunan asked someone to turn off the air conditioner, pinched his nose to avoid some powder, and then smiled:

"Beauty, introduce yourself, the rich and young of the multinational group, Fu Yunan, this Wangfu Villa is mine."

He looked at Yao Ji with greedy eyes and smiled: "Seeing the beauty appearing, although he knows to bother presumptuously, he can't restrain his admiration."

"So come in and say hello, I hope you don't mind."

Fu Yunan's eyes still have a hint of narrowness: "I don't know what beautiful women are called? Let's get close and close?"

In the bowling alley, although he was interrupted by a dalmatian, the dalmatian said kindness to him, so he was not at the disability level.

After a busy half night, the doctor helped him to dismiss and put on a plaster. After his breath was relieved, Fu Yunan did not want to stay in the dull hospital.

He sent himself to the Wangfu Mountain Villa for recuperation, where there are ten times more beautiful women than in the hospital, and he wants to watch the big show at night.

After lying in Wangfu Mountain Villa for a long time, Fu Yunan became restless again, hoping to find a beautiful woman to take advantage of the bad luck, and the enchantress happened to enter his vision.

He was shocked at first sight of Demon Ji, and among the dozens of beautiful women he had played with, none of them could compare to this exotic master.

So Fu Yunan used a small method to let people put the love medicine on the air conditioner in Wing No. 8, and then appeared in front of the enchanting girl at the time.


After the enchantress judged that Fu Yun had prescribed medicine, and locked him out of the ulterior motives, she stood up and retreated into the bathroom without saying a word, and then locked the glass door back.

At the same time, he took out his cell phone and called Ye Tianlong.

Enchantress is a smart woman with ice and snow. She has not only practiced various charm tricks since she was a child, but also studied psychology, and has a good understanding of men's minds and movements.

She saw Fu Yunan's fire-breathing eyes and the hormonal aura exuding from her body, and she knew that nothing could stop the other party from invading herself.

No matter if she declares her identity, moves out of Fu Yushun or Slaughter the Demon, she will not let Fu Yunan let go in exchange for the **** and dizzy Fu Yunan.

At most, he will suppress his temper, wait for his own medicine to push back, and then use this to cover up the beasts.

Seeing all this, the weak demon girl hid directly into the bathroom, hoping to win some time, and also hoping that the enemy could come in time.

The enchantress hated Ye Tianlong and wanted to kill Ye Tianlong, but she felt that only he was worthy to take her body away.

"Beauty, beauty, what are you doing?"

When Fu Yunan saw the enchantress hiding in the bathroom, not only did he not get angry, but laughed softly, apparently realizing that the enchantress had a drug attack:

"Do you know if you don't shake hands? You will take a bath as soon as you meet? This is too bold, right?"

The three companions around him laughed loudly when they heard the words, and yelled together: "Blessed are the rich and the few, and the rich and the few are blessed."

At this moment, the enchantress wrapped in a bathrobe soaked in the water, her charming and flowery face turned to flush red, her eyebrows frowned.

Dou sweats heavily from her white jade-like skin, her breath is thick and thin, and her exquisite body rises and falls with breathing, which is extremely hot.

Amorous feelings flowed in the expressions, and the annoying heat spread across the body.

"Beauty, can I come in?"

Although separated by the glass door, Fu Yunan was able to catch the breath of the enchantress, and knew that the drug had occurred, so she pretended to be polite:

"If you don't answer, I will assume that you agree."

He knew that the little thing he put on, no matter how strong and loyal the stone girl, would make a wild cat-like voice, and took the initiative to throw in his arms.


Two young men with flat heads rushed forward, swiftly prying open the glass door, revealing the enchantress in the bathtub wrapped in bath towels, the whiteness makes the eyes straight.

"Get out of here……"

Enchantress tried her best to make her voice as stable as possible: "You dare to move me, if I kill you, I must kill you."

Although her words are cold, Shier's icy eyes are like a girl who thinks of spring, with a shyness of refusing to welcome.

"You invited me? Why do you want me to die again? Besides, I die under the peony flower, and I am a ghost."

Fu Yunan was completely amazed by the demon's beauty, swallowed three times in a row, and then turned her wheelchair closer.

The distance between the two people at this time is getting closer, and the pretty face makes Fu Yunan's bloodline awkward, and the fragrance of Yao Ji's body makes Fu Yunan even more confused.

His breathing also became heavy, and he couldn't wait to reach out to untie Demon Ji's bath towel: "You can't wrap a bath towel in the bath, it's not good."

The enchantress was motionless and let Fu Yun An act. At this moment, she really didn't have the strength to resist.

In the past, she would definitely not be overwhelmed by this love medicine, but her strength was all consumed in the'Su Ying' potion, so she capsized in the gutter.

The enchantress is breathing fast: "You will regret it. If you dare to touch me, I swear to kill your family."

The coquettish beauty who used to be resolute and resolute finally revealed the weakness that a woman should have as a weak person.

"You are so beautiful, even if you lose your life once, it's worth it, and it's worth killing the whole family."

Fu Yunan squeezed one end of the bath towel with his fingers and grinned: "This face, this leg, this hand, this chest, tusk, can play for years."

He tweeted a few times, admiring the creator's superb technique, this stunner turned all beings upside down, bewitching people's hearts, and fantasized about what posture to vent later.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, the bodies of the three companions who followed the evil smile were shaken, and then they fell to the ground without a sound, and the ashtray fell on the ground.

Then, a voice came extremely annoyed: "Do you dare to move her, I will kill your family first..."

Ye Tianlong was long overdue.

His eyes were full of grievances and anger. It was not his sense of justice that was overwhelming, but rather angry that he had almost not become the first pig in the cabbage.

Such a beautiful stunner, he has not yet come to the fore, what is Fu Yunan?


Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong slapped and slapped his face.

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