Talented Genius

Chapter 1071: Chairman

At your own risk?

Mi Lan and the others shook their bodies, their breathing was a bit short, they all knew that there was no water in these words, and the other party had this kind of challenge.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Yao Feiyan, took the lead, the audience cast their eyes playfully, all waiting to see Yao Feiyan's jokes.

Compared to Yang Xiaoqiang, Yao Feiyan is an outsider. An outsider not only married into a wealthy family, but also successfully obtained more than 60 billion assets.

Many Jiangcheng dignitaries were unhappy.

Men felt that their dignity was provoked and replaced themselves with Yang Xiaoqiang's role. Women felt that Yao Feiyan's money was too easy to make, and he made sixty billion in a few years.

The former tends to be defenders, and the latter is caused by jealousy, so many people hope that Yao Feiyan will be ruined and have nothing.

This is also the reason why Fu Yushun has won the support of many people. If they can watch Yao Feiyan's jokes through Fu Yushun, they would be very happy.

So the middle-aged man's pressure on Yao Feiyan made everyone present feel very happy.

"Mr. Yao, why? Don't you give me a lot of face?"

Seeing that Yao Feiyan didn't move, the middle-aged man screamed: "Is the deputy mayor, I am not qualified to punish you with a glass of wine?"

Yao Feiyan has already judged everyone to be her own enemy, so she is no longer as weak as before, looking at Gao Dafu with a faint smile:

"Mayor Gao, of course you have the power to punish me for drinking, but I am inconvenient today and don't want to drink it anymore."

Yao Feiyan pushed a full glass of Moutai in front of Fu Yushun: "It's a guest from afar. This glass of wine is better for Mr. Fu."

Fu Yushun sneered and did not respond. He knew that everyone would tear Yao Feiyan without having to talk too much.

"Tsk tusk, am I perfunctory?"

Gao Dafu sneered: "Looking at your red face, where is the physical inconvenience? Besides, even if the physical inconvenience is inconvenience, can it be bigger than apologizing to Mr.

"He is our most honored guest in Jiangcheng, and you make everyone happy if you make him happy."

Yao Feiyan joked coldly: "Then who makes me happy?"


Gao Dafu slapped the table, plausibly: "Mr. Yao, is there anyone who treats overseas compatriots like this? Do you treat charity men like this?"

"Although the Red Clothes Group is a leading local private enterprise, without official preferential support and the enthusiastic support of colleagues present, can the Yao family have today?"

"The wings are hard, do you dare to challenge us?"

The men and women all around also raised their faces and yelled at Yao Feiyan: "Mr. Yao, you must have rules and be grateful."

"Mayor Gao helps you so much, how can you cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

"That is, I even offend Jiangcheng's distinguished guests. This is to lose our Jiangcheng face."

Seeing that the audience was so aggressive, Mi Lan subconsciously pulled Yao Feiyan's sleeves to prevent her from incurring anger, so as not to suffer.

When Gao Dafu saw this, he thought Yao Feiyan and the others were scared. He took two more cups and poured a bottle of Moutai into it, patting the table and shouting:

"Three cups of self-punishment, I'll treat you as if your head was flooded."

He looked fiercely: "Otherwise I will make you unable to open the Red Group."

"Mayor Gao, I'm sorry, I can't drink half a cup tonight."

For the first time, Yao Feiyan looked strongly at Gao Dafu, who is in charge of many Yao's projects: "You are upset, even if you take the Hongyi Group operation."

"What's more, I didn't come here today to drink, but to settle accounts with Mr. Fu."

Gao Dafu smiled angrily when he heard this: "Yao Feiyan, your wings are really hard, even I dare to challenge, there is a kind."

"Mayor Gao, don't get angry."

Just when Gao Dafu was about to get angry, Fu Yushun stretched out his hand to hold Gao Dafu, and stood up without a smile, his voice came out softly:

"Mr. Yao is right, some accounts are calculated first, and it is not too late to drink after the calculation."

Afterwards, Fu Yushun was in the eyes of everyone, walked slowly to the podium, picked up a microphone to clear his throat, and then smiled to everyone:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone, I am Fu Yushun, vice president of Fu Group, and a friend of everyone."

"I appear here today, there are three main things."

"First, I decided to donate 1 billion to Jiangcheng University, my alma mater, as an education fund, so that more underachievers can study."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience burst into applause and cheered Fu Yushun.

Yao Feiyan flashed a ray of light, really an old fox, who knew how to play emotional cards to win people's hearts.

"Secondly, in the next five years, I will serve as the honorary chairman of the Jiangcheng Chamber of Commerce, and set up three processing plant areas in Jiangcheng to solve 300,000 jobs."

"I will also take on the responsibility of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, promote the in-depth cooperation between Jiangcheng and the Golden Triangle, and strive to double Jiangcheng's export business within three years."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience received rave reviews. Yao Feiyan's mouth moved slightly, Mi Lan and the others also sweated in their palms, and the pie drawing was big enough.

"Thirdly, I will establish a security and debt collection company with Liu Ye and the others, not only to solve security problems for everyone, but also to pursue rogues for everyone."

When everyone heard this, there was a wave of applause. These years, it is too difficult to collect debts. If Fu Yushun helped to recover, it would definitely be a good thing.

Liu Ye and the others are naturally very happy. They are all Jiangcheng's gangster brothers. If they have this opportunity to pack their reputation and bonuses, why not do it.

After the applause fell, Gao Dafu shouted to Yao Feiyan: "Feiyan, look at Mr. Fu, then look at you."

"Mr. Fu is probably not as wealthy as you. Looking at what others do and comparing your arrogant attitude, you really disappoint us."

Many people also shook their heads at Yao Feiyan, expressing disappointment in her. Many gorgeous women were even gloating, and finally saw Yao Feiyan unlucky.

"What I just said was my promise to Jiangcheng."

Fu Yushun was very pleased with the situation, and the conversation turned: "Next, I hope Jiang Cheng can uphold justice for me."

"I am a businessman, and my son is also a businessman. His name is Fu Yunan. He returned to Jiangcheng a week earlier than me."

"His trip is to handle various donation procedures for me."

Fu Yu followed suit and seduced everyone: "He met a **** the plane, named Yang Yun. The two got together, and the conversation was very deep."

"Yang Yun accidentally told him about her misfortune, saying that her uncle's hard-working life had been robbed by her aunt."

"The entire Yang family was also kicked out of the game by auntie. It can be said that she has nothing, even she has to be a tour guide before she goes to school to earn."

"I also received a gossip that Yang Xiaoqiang was killed because she sang with Nalanba and she killed Nalanba afterwards."

The audience was startled, unbelievable, Yao Feiyan raised her eyebrows, feeling Fu Yushun heard something.

"By the way, this girl named Yang Yun is the niece of the former Hongyi Group Yang Xiaoqiang and one of the legal heirs to the Yang family's estate."

When talking about this, Fu Yushun also pointed his finger at the corner of the table. A girl in red stood up, Li Hua brought the rain and bowed to everyone.

"My son, Fu Yun'an has been justice since he was a child, and he went to his heart when he heard this. He took Yang Yun to condemn her aunt, who is Yao Feiyan."

Under the gaze of the audience, Fu Yushun's voice gradually became angry: "Fu Yunan wanted to ask for justice and get Yang Yun some tuition."

"But without saying a word, Yao Feiyan hit my son's head with a bowling ball."

At this time, a photo was broadcast on the screen, which was the scene of Yao Feiyan hitting Fu Yunan.

The pretty face is cold, the eyes are sharp, the bowling ball is hard, the head is blooming, and the pain of Fu Yunan is all presented in a photo taken out of context.


The audience was in an uproar, staring at Yao Feiyan in surprise, as if she had discovered her fierceness for the first time.

The cold sweat of Mi Lan and the others flowed down in an instant, feeling that the master had a major event this time, which could become evidence of Yao Feiyan's injury.

Yao Feiyan also squinted. He didn't expect the other party to take such a photo, but her pretty face remained unchanged.

Then, another photo was placed on the screen. It was the scene of Fu Yunan's broken hands and feet, along with medical diagnosis and doctor's testimony.

"I also want to tell you that she not only smashed my son's head, but also interrupted his hands and feet, which was extremely cruel."

"By the way, she felt that her broken hand and foot were not enough, so she went to the recuperation place and injured his face in the afternoon."

Fu Yushun glanced at the audience: "Everyone, I'm a businessman, but I can't beat a local snake. I can only hope that you can help to uphold justice."

"Please help my son, Yang Yun, and the widows and widows of the Yang family, and seek justice."

At the same time, Yang Yun waited for the old and weak Yang family, and knelt down with a thump, shouting together: "Everyone, help us Yang family seek justice."


Mayor Gao slapped the table and screamed at Yao Feiyan: "Mr. Yao, smashed people, severed his hands, severed his feet, and sought property, what do you have to say?"

Liu Ye and they both blew their beards and stared: "Snake-hearted, snake-hearted!"

"According to the rules of the arena, there should be three knives and six holes."

"Too overbearing, too vicious, and shame us Jiangcheng people."

"She is a foreigner, who is from Jiangcheng?"

"Get out of Jiangcheng! Get out of Jiangcheng!"

As everyone shouted and talked, the voices getting out of Jiangcheng became louder and louder, and each of them was rigorous and made Yao Feiyan out of Jiangcheng.

Yao Feiyan's face was very ugly. Fu Yushun was no longer a simple slap in the face, but a soft knife stabbing someone, and also stabbed in his heart.

Everyone yelled, and stepped forward, compressing the space, putting huge pressure on Yao Feiyan.

Mi Lan, their faces panicked, and they subconsciously got together, leaning against Yao Feiyan, all of them felt uneasy.

"Mayor Gao, please be sure to seek justice for my son and the Yang family."

Fu Yushun's mouth evoked a smile, holding the microphone to give the final pressure: "Otherwise, I would suspect that Jiangcheng environment is not suitable for investment."

He looked at Yao Feiyan with a playful look: "In that case, on behalf of Fu's, I will announce that the three promises are void."

"Let me announce it first."

At this moment, a sound came from the door, and then Ye Tianlong appeared wanderingly, walked to the rostrum, took the microphone, and said loudly:

"From now on, Fu Yushun is no longer a director of the Fu Group. All his commitments and actions have nothing to do with the Fu Group."

Gao Dafu was taken aback, and subconsciously shouted: "Who are you?"

"Fushi Group, Chairman!"

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