Talented Genius

Chapter 1072: Golden meeting room

Chairman, chairman of the board, or the meaning of chairman, the highest decision-maker of the group.

The chairman of the Fu Group is the real leader. He can be described as the emperor of the group. Therefore, Ye Tianlong's sentence instantly silenced the audience.

Whether it was Vice Mayor Gao, Fu Yushun, or Yao Feiyan Mi Lan, they all looked at Ye Tianlong on the stage dumbfounded.

The rest of the people couldn't respond even more. Isn't the principal of the Fu Group, who is worth hundreds of billions, a wealthy person? How did you become a hairy boy?

A few ladies and ladies even sneered: This kid is here to be funny, right?

Fu Yushun was the first to react and yelled at Ye Tianlong: "Boy, what did you say? Will you repeat what you said just now for me?"

Gao Dafu also sternly roared: "This is an official occasion, whose children's children, let me roll off, otherwise I want you to look good."

The security personnel at the gate approached the podium nervously.

Ye Tianlong's smile was still gentle, and he shouted into the microphone: "The vice president is old, his ears are not working well, okay, I respect the old and love the young and say it again."

"I, Ye Tianlong, the emergency chairman of the Fus Group, now announce that, on behalf of the board of directors, the full power to remove Fu Yushun, the vice president."

"All his promises and actions have nothing to do with the Fu Group. In other words, his three promises to Jiangcheng only represent him personally."

He even pointed his finger to them without hesitation: "If someone with a brain gets deceived by him, please bear the loss and consequences yourself."

When these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar after the explosion. They didn't know what happened, and Yao Feiyan's eyes were also confused.

"Boy, get out of here, don't confuse the crowd with Laozi."

Seeing everyone's weird expressions, Fu Yushun immediately got annoyed: "I am the rich family and the vice president of the Fu Group. What are you?"

"What right do you have to dismiss me? What qualifications do you have to be chairman of Fu's?"

He carried his hands on his back without anger and prestige: "Did you daydream and imagine that you become the chairman of Fu's, and you are embarrassed here?"

Master Liu, who was holding two walnuts, also blew his beard and stared: "Boy, if you are Chairman Fu, I will be the leader of the country."

The celebrity and noble lady chuckled and echoed: "Get off now, this is not a cocktail party you can mess with."

The gangster also threatened the situation: "You don't know the rules, do you want to eat knives noodles?"

The security personnel signaled the guests to lean back, and they quickly approached the podium.

Yao Feiyan was a little anxious in her eyes, worried that Ye Tianlong had something to do, but she couldn't do anything, so she could only signal a few subordinates to block the security personnel on purpose.

"Such a hot supporter of the rich family, you don't want to flatter yourself, you have to trust an old man who has lost power."

Ye Tianlong ignored the clamor, and slowly turned on the projector to make the screen behind it become clear: "You will regret it."

Seeing Ye Tianlong still blasting the sky, Fu Yushun showed a killing intent in his eyes, and then tore off his hypocritical mask and shouted to Gao Dafu:

"Mayor Gao, what reception is tonight? It's a mess. Both dogs and cats hurt me on stage. I am very disappointed in you."

Yang Yun and several other beautiful women also shouted: "Get him, get him!"

Gao Dafu's voice sank: "It's almost impossible to know! Come, catch him for me."

Although he does not like to use the state machinery in public, so as not to fall into the tongue of others, the situation at the moment cannot help him to take decisive measures.

Otherwise, Fu Yushun, a big investor, will run away, and his deputy mayor will end.

Yang Yun recognized Ye Tianlong at this time and shouted: "He is an associate of Yao Feiyan, and he is also part of the wounding of Fu Yunan."

"Take it down!"

When more than a dozen security personnel were about to catch Ye Tianlong, Liu Ye and the others also pressed their hands and motioned for their guards to go up and help, showing that Jiang Cheng was of one mind.

Yao Feiyan subconsciously shouted: "Tianlong, be careful!"

Just when more than 20 people climbed up the platform to besiege Ye Tianlong, they saw a dozen ropes hung down above the hall, and then a dozen figures fell.

These thin figures slipped lightly from the ropes, and when they were three meters above the ground, they broke off the ropes and went straight to the guards and bodyguards.

"Boom boom!"

Hearing a series of muffled sounds, then more than a dozen security personnel and gangster guards fell to the ground, their heads knocking on the ground and bleeding.

There was a man on their knees, gray clothes and cloth shoes, thin but agile, and bloodthirsty.

"Pump pound!"

After the gray-clothed man threw down more than ten people, his body bounced up again, knocking another group of people close to Ye Tianlong over.

Seven or eight people were knocked out and hit the wall, blood sprayed from their mouths and noses, sprayed on the wall, the ground, and the faces of the other comrades!

They didn't stop, a group of people protected Ye Tianlong, a group of people rose and fell, throwing all Liu Ye and their bodyguards off the platform.

They are too fast, so fast that their opponents can't react at all, and they cooperate quite tacitly with difficult opponents.

The wind blowing in at the door blows their clothes high, this domineering! This courage! Shocking.

Yao Feiyan opened her red lips slightly, and whispered inwardly: These are 100% Dalmatians' companions.

Ye Tianlong continued to call and smiled at the man in gray: "Dear brothers, thank you."

The gray-clothed man made no sound, but nodded respectfully, then squatted down to guard the high platform, tightly protecting Ye Tianlong, preventing his opponent from getting close to Ye Tianlong.

They are like a group of vicious dog protectors.

The audience looked at them with surprise and confusion, but more contempt and disdain. This group of poorly-dressed people was a cannon fodder at the bottom of the scene.

Liu Ye, who loves face the most, they were so angry that they wanted to get someone to get their heads back, but they found that the guards were all overturned, lying in a pool of blood groaning.

"Yeah, I brought my companions, Mr. Yao, you and this kid are really here to make trouble."

Fu Yushun quickly reacted from the astonishment of the gray man's combat effectiveness, and a joking gesture appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Pretending to be a Fu's director and hiring assassins to hurt others, you are really cheating and abducting. You have to use violence together. Unfortunately, this is a legal society."

"No matter how many murderers you hire? Mayor Gao can kill you with just one phone call. In what age, he will kill you."

Fu Yushun sneered: "It's really a big brainless group of idiots."

Yang Yun and the others also hated looking at the gray-clothed men and they hoped that the officials would kill them directly.

Yao Feiyan moved the corner of her mouth, but finally didn't say anything, just stared at the screen coldly.

Gao Dafu also reacted, pointing at Ye Tianlong and they shouted: "You have broken the law, you have broken the law!"


At this moment, a screen suddenly appeared on the lit up screen. One was a large conference room with seven or eight luxurious men and women sitting on a round table.

The conference room is magnificent and magnificent, not only the floor and walls are shining, but also the tables and chairs are shining in Jinze.

Fu Yushun shook his body and looked surprised: "Golden meeting room?"

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