Talented Genius

Chapter 1073: At your own risk (four more)

The golden meeting room is the meeting place of the board of directors of the Fu Group. Eighty percent of the things in the room are made of gold, so it is called the golden meeting room.

Fu Yushun's mouth couldn't stop moving: How could this kid connect with the board of directors? Is it really someone from the board of directors?

But it shouldn't be. I have already settled many board members. They only try to protect themselves. How can they let people stabbing themselves?

Still such a nasty kid.

Fu Yushun stared at the several board members he had acquainted with, but they didn't seem to feel his gaze, either empty or avoiding.


Just when the audience followed Fu Yushun and looked up to the screen, another picture appeared, not a meeting room, but a more luxurious place.

Wool carpets, Roman ceilings, broken gold pillars, long gold tables, silver knives, guards and servants with live ammunition.

This is like a palace.

On the long table, there is a middle-aged man sitting at the moment with a beard on his face, but in good spirits. He is elegantly eating lamb chops and drinking white wine.

Behind him, there is a man and a woman who feel warm and dark dreams.

The rich outside.

Fu Yushun's heart trembled, and there was a dull pain in the place where his fingers were severed. Although he was older than the rich, the rich always pressed on him.

He couldn't help screaming, "Mr. Rich!"

Hearing the shouts, the wealthy members looked up and looked at Fu Yushun with an indifferent smile, quite contemptuous.

Gao Dafu and Liu Ye both saw the clues, so they stopped the impulse of the men approaching the rostrum, and they all stared at the big screen waiting for the development of the situation.

"Old rich, you are too human."

When Yao Feiyan felt relieved, Ye Tianlong took the microphone and spoke with dissatisfaction: "You eat meat and drink, I'm solving the mess for you."

"Even this mess is difficult to clean up. I said that I am the chairman of Fu's, and no one believes it, so I have to beat me."

Ye Tianlong complained very aggrievedly: "Vice President Fu Yushun also questioned my brain flooding, and even arrested me to go to jail."

Fu Yushun felt a little bit of a misunderstanding in his heart, and wanted to say it was a misunderstanding, but it was too shameful that he couldn't say what he said.

Gao Dafu and the others frowned. Although they had never seen the rich, but Fu Yushun's attitude was not fake.

"Brother Ye, thank you very much."

At this time, the rich man put down his tableware and looked at the audience with a smile: "Friends of Jiangcheng, hello everyone, I am the rich man."

"Chairman of the Fu Group."

His voice was dignified: "Fu Yushun can prove my identity, and the board of directors next to me can also prove my identity."

The eight people in the golden conference room all said: "We are shareholders of Fu, and Mr. Fu is our chairman."

Liu Ye and the others looked to Fu Yushun for confirmation, and Fu Yushun struggled to squeeze out: "He is Chairman Fu."

Gao Dafu immediately seized the opportunity and said hello to the rich people: "Mr. Fu, hello, I am the deputy mayor of Jiangcheng in charge of economics, Gao Dafu."

"Mayor Gao, hello, nice to meet you."

After a brief response, the rich staff turned to the topic with a smile: "Today's video, my main purpose is to prove the identity of Brother Ye."

"My identity in Fu's family is already clear to everyone here. Now I want to say that Brother Ye is indeed our emergency chairman."

"I came to the Hungarian-Mongolian government last month and will cooperate with the Hungarian-Mongolian royal family in depth, but it will take some time to finalize various details."

A wealthy person is as gentle and polite as a professor: "So someone needs to temporarily exercise my power to avoid mistakes caused by the group's failure to contact me."

Fu Yushun moved the corner of his mouth, sweat dripping from his palm, only then did he understand why the shareholders who bought it back regretted it.

The wealthy outsiders not only live well, but also become guests of the Hungarian and Mongolian officials. How can profit-only board members abandon him and follow themselves?

He was very angry, complaining that the killer and the board were rubbish.

"Today evening, after discussion and discussion with the board of directors, Ye Tianlong was unanimously approved as Fu's director."

At this time, the rich member smiled and announced Ye Tianlong's power: "He has full power to handle all the business of the Fu Group, as well as the appointment and removal of personnel."

A secretary also stood up in the golden conference room and announced an appointment letter to Gao Dafu and the others, confirming Ye Tianlong's identity.

Fu Yushun couldn't help it, and shouted: "Why?"

"This is the decision of the board of directors and I. There is no need to explain it to you, the vice president."

There was no emotional ups and downs on the rich man’s face, and there was a hint of chill in his voice: "Or do you think you are the decision maker of the Fu Group?"

At this time, someone on the board of directors also said: "Fu Yushun, this is everyone's decision. You must accept it if you accept it, and you must accept it if you don't accept it."

Hearing that Ye Tianlong's position was lacking in water, the audience was in an uproar. Although they all thought that Fu's was such a trifling matter, they did not dare to be presumptuous to Ye Tianlong.

Yao Feiyan leaned on the chair with a wrong foot, and looked at the man in front of him tenderly, completely believing that it is not a myth that 30 billion becomes 300 billion.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong dangled a sentence: "Dear directors, ask, if I am the decision maker, can I fire Fu Yushun?"

"You are the chairman, Fu Yushun is just a vice president, an executive, and you absolutely have the right to fire him."

The rich member responded to Ye Tianlong with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Fu Yushun: "It's a pity that I am not here, otherwise I will give him a more generous gift."

Fu Yushun's eyelids twitched and he smelled danger, swallowing words that he wanted to go wild in an instant.

"Well, what I want to say has already been said, Mayor Gao, Jiangcheng's friend, Ye Tianlong, from now on, will represent me and the Fu Group in full authority."

Fu Yuanwai took up his knife and fork again: "His appointment has been posted on Fu's official website. His decision is the decision of me and the board of directors."

"I hope you can get along well."

The screen video quickly disappeared, as if they had never appeared outside of the rich, but everyone knew that there were many differences in the scene.

Ye Tianlong took back his phone, patted Fu Yushun's shoulder, then walked to the front with the microphone, and spoke to the audience again:

"Everyone has heard that I am the chairman of the board of directors without water. In other words, the announcement I just made is valid. Fu Yushun is no longer a member of the Fu family.

Gao Dafu and Liu Ye looked at each other, their expressions were very ugly. They were shocked that Ye Tianlong was the decision maker, and they were also distressed that the investment of Fu Yushun was in vain.

However, their shock is not over yet, Ye Tianlong took the microphone and said loudly:

"I have another announcement that the Red Clothes Group will all move to Mingjiang."

"The Yao project has completely evacuated from Jiangcheng, and will withdraw at all costs. I will also inform the public that I am very disappointed with the investment environment in Jiangcheng."

Gao Dafu subconsciously shouted: "Mr. Ye——"

Ye Tianlong took three glasses of wine from the table, which were the three glasses that Gao Dafu poured to Yao Feiyan, and said heavily in front of Gao Dafu:

"After these three cups, I will treat myself as drunk, otherwise, at my own risk!"

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