Talented Genius

Chapter 1094: vase

"Once you are personally recruited, even if you don't fall into the water and drown, you may be dragged into the whirlpool and damage your soldiers, so you need to pull someone to test the water."

Zhao Zixiang continued to analyze: "Liu Ye is a big brother in Jiangcheng for many years. He is deeply rooted. You can go to the south to fight in the south, and you can stay in the base camp when you retreat.

"Let him try the depth of the water for us, it's much better than we go to battle in person."

Xueying picked up a piece of steak: "What you said makes sense, but Meng Zhao is not worried. After Liu Ye takes the South, he will turn his face with us?"

"If Liu Ye becomes a white-eyed wolf, the Thirteenth League will lose his wife and break down."

The mouth of the blood shadow is very good, and after one bite, the half-ripe steak split instantly: "No one can guarantee that the sixth master who reached the top is still bound."

"Liu Ye can only test the water, not the southern one. Don't forget the mysterious Dai family."

Zhao Zixiang shook his head without hesitation: "Liu Ye really went to the south, and he will definitely collide with the Dai family.

"The best result is that both lose and lose. It is impossible for Liu Ye to step on Dai Hulang to reach the top."

Xueying nodded: "That's true, Dai Hulang was killed by us more than a dozen times without dying."

Zhao Zixiang thought very thoroughly: "If the sixth master will be folded shortly after he leaves the teacher, the 13th League can take the opportunity to weigh how deep the underworld in the south is."

"Liu Ye really swept the south and lost both to the Dai family. The Thirteen League can take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and the Zhao League master will not suffer."

He smiled faintly: "Liu Ye, in fact, is just a cannon fodder!"

Xueying laughed, with admiration in his eyes: "The leader is wise."

"Blood shadow, blood shadow, I am Ye Tianlong, I am Ye Tianlong."

At this time, a tweeter yelled from downstairs: "Wang Rujian has already confessed. You instigated her to go to the hospital to inject venom to kill me."

"You deliberately kill people, you will sit in prison."

"You have been surrounded by the police. You immediately abandon your weapons and surrender, or you will be swept to death by spears."

Ye Tianlong!

Xueying's body shook, and subconsciously rushed to the window, and they saw five or six assault vehicles parked below, one on the roof, and Ye Tianlong standing.

He was being knocked down by a few plainclothes and took away the tweeter from his hand...

No one thought that Ye Tianlong would play this one.

"Son of a bitch!"

At the same time, Qin Ziyi, who was going to the door to inquire according to the law, yelled at Ye Tianlong, then drew out his gun and kicked the door open.

She rushed in with a dozen plainclothes: "Don't move!"


Blood Shadow didn't have time to think, kicked the sofa, slammed Qin Ziyi and the others straight, and at the same time raised his hand to shoot out the chandelier in the hall.

When the light dimmed, the blood shadow shouted at Zhao Zixiang and the others: "Go!"

He leaped directly towards a window behind...

Zhao Zixiang and the others completely forgot that they had many legal ways to deal with them, and in the tense atmosphere created by Ye Tianlong, they all relied on instinct.

They all lifted things around, smashed the plain clothes beside Qin Ziyi together, and then rushed towards the doors and windows.


Qin Ziyi kicked the smashed sofa, causing it to fall to pieces on the ground, and the rest of the people also blocked the smashing object, but the action was slow.

Several plainclothes were hit, and they staggered back with a muffled groan, and brought down a few people, making the formation appear chaotic.

In this gap, Zhao Zixiang and the others have rushed to the window, trying to run away by climbing the rainwater pipe.

"Want to go? Not that easy!"

There are too many people in the room, it is inconvenient for Qin Ziyi to shoot, and the target blood shadow has jumped out of the window again. She is so annoyed that she can only jump on Zhao Zixiang.

The rest of the plainclothes quickly stabilized their positions, and each chose a target and rushed over. With so many people here tonight, how can they go back empty-handed?

As soon as Zhao Zixiang touched the window, he heard a bad wind blast behind him. With his hands on the edge of the window, the double script could kick backward.


Qin Ziyi didn't expect the opponent to react so quickly. He leaned to the side and avoided the kicked feet of the opponent, and then slashed it with a hand knife.

Zhao Zixiang fell through the air with a single shot.


When the two sides touched, each body shook, Qin Ziyi stepped back three steps, Zhao Zixiang also hit the door frame, and an extra bag was added.

But he resisted the pain, took the opportunity to jump out of the window, and then slid down while holding the rain pipe.

Qin Ziyi rushed over, took out his gun, and shouted at Zhao Zixiang: "Stop! Stop!"

Zhao Zixiang ignored her and went downstairs very quickly. He absolutely cannot be caught...

Qin Ziyi wanted to shoot, but found that many people downstairs were curious to watch, and they also took pictures with their mobile phones, so that Qin Ziyi did not dare to shoot randomly.


Seeing that Zhao Zixiang was about to run away, a few fire hoses suddenly shot out from a window on the second floor, directly tying Zhao Zixiang into rice dumplings.

With his limbs entangled, Zhao Zixiang fell straight to the ground, smashing his teeth and grinning, when he was about to struggle, a gust of incense came from the side.

Then, one foot lightly touched his chest.


It was just a little bit, but the sound was loud, Zhao Zixiang's body was shaken, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and fell back to the ground unable to move.

When Qin Ziyi rushed downstairs, he saw Demon Ji tie Zhao Zixiang into a zongzi, and then threw it under her feet, snorting:


She didn't wait for Qin Ziyi to be mad, clapped her hands and turned away, as proud as a peacock.

Qin Ziyi was itchy with hatred, really wanted to shoot at the back of Demon Ji to see who was the vase...

At this time, the blood shadow was appearing in an alley next door, a little embarrassed, but escaped the police chase.

He who just escaped vaguely felt something was wrong, did Wang Rujian really recruit himself? Does she have the guts to betray her?

Even if she said she instigated murder, does she have evidence? No one testified at all for his verbal instructions, and Zhao Zixiang and others would not testify.

Taking a step back, the target is really directed at me, and there are many ways to confuse the case. Why do I run away with a guilty conscience?

If he didn't run, he was just a suspect. Once he ran, he would easily become a wanted criminal. Thinking of this, Blood Shadow frowned, feeling that he was fooled.

Be fooled by Ye Tianlong.

"Son of a bitch!"

It's just that anger returns to anger, and Blood Shadow can't run back anymore. He can only leave here before making plans, so he swears and moves on.

He pulled off the two buttons, exposing a hot chest, unobtrusively turned into another alley and walked without hurries.


Walking out of more than ten meters, the blood shadow suddenly roared, and stretched his hand into his arms. The figure from the back looked like a bow, dangerous and nervous.

He raised his head and stared at the uninvited guest not far away, a young man of 18 or 9 years old, blocking his way: "Blood shadow?"

Xueying said coldly: "Who are you?"

Tian Mo faintly said: "The one who killed you."

"Kill me? By you? Is it worth it?"

When the blood shadow moved back with a sneer, a person was also quietly blocked behind.

Canshou looked at the blood shadow calmly.

In the deep night, in vain, there was a suffocating silence.

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