Talented Genius

Chapter 1095: The end is death

"Dare to block my way? Looking for death?"

Seeing Canshou appearing behind him, there was a brutal touch of blood shadow in his eyes, and then he looked at Tianmo with piercing eyes: "Whose person?"

Tian Mo faintly said, "I have already said, the one who killed you."

Although the blood shadow eyes were three-point dignified and he knew that the young man was dangerous, the whole person still maintained the calmness and looming murderous aura of autumn water.

He drew the bleeding knife, and said coldly: "You are ruining yourself, I don't embarrass you."

Tian Mo moved forward, his face as indifferent as before: "Just now I want our lives, now just a finger, it seems that you are not confident enough."

As the distance between the two of them kept getting closer, the 30-meter alley was filled with murderous intent.

This murderous aura was at its peak when Tian Mo touched the knife, and it seemed that even the air was silent.

"You are strong, but you are not my opponent."

The corner of Xueying's mouth moved, and the blood knife pointed forward, showing warfare: "I admit that you are strong, but you are too young and lack experience."

"As for people at the level of you and me, skill is important, but experience is the key. Experience is the best protection."

Xueying didn't know if there was still ambush outside, but judging from Ye Tianlong's treacherous behavior, he would never fight a battle of uncertainty.

Therefore, he hopes to be able to defeat the soldiers without fighting, scare Tianmo and Canshou through, and find a chance to show the evil spirit of tonight again.

"Do you know why Ye Shao wants to warn you?"

Tian Mo looked at the arrogant and arrogant blood shadow, with a trace of joking on his indifferent face:

"One is to let you run away with a guilty conscience, from a suspect to a wanted criminal, and the other is to make you a turtle in the urn, let me kill you silently."

Tian Mo directly attacked: "Your brain is so stupid, so you are ashamed to say experience?"

Canshou did not hesitate to fill the gun: "He was talking about the landlord experience."

"you guys--"

Xueying was almost vomiting blood with anger, and then he uttered: "Shame on your face, you will know later, what is life is better than death."

Tian Mo didn't answer, but just took a step forward, the overwhelming fighting spirit filled the sky, causing the blood shadow instinct to tighten his nerves, and his eyes fixed on Tian Mo's hands and feet.


However, Tian Mo didn't attack him, but Canshou suddenly shot over.

After staying by Ye Tianlong for a long time, they had already abandoned the concept of a fair fight to the enemy, how easy it was to win.

So when Xueying's attention fell on Tianmo, Canshou launched an attack without hesitation, and the blade flashed.


The sound of tearing through the rags sounded, Xiao killed this not-to-long alley, and the blood shadow's mind regained control of the body in a very short time.

Leaning sideways, the sharp blood knife instantly lifted and slashed out.

Simple and straightforward! It is purely due to years of experience and physical instinct.


A sharp weapon collided with each other, a brute force poured into both arms, and both of them subconsciously stepped back.

But Blood Shadow hadn't stood still, and his remnant hand rushed up again. With all his efforts, Blood Shadow felt the hairs all over his body stand up.

The unprecedented crisis made him almost roar to relieve the pressure of squeezing in his body.

Canshou is not only tough, but also shrewd.

The blood shadow is completely clear, the strong impact of the two just now caused each other's blood to roll, and the attack must be stopped to buffer the internal injury.

However, Canshou ignored the injury, and held a series of attacks for a little while. This was absolutely desperate.

The blood shadow reflexes back, and it is not worthwhile to fight Saburo as soon as the battle starts, and if both lose and lose, the result will only be his own death.

Because Tian Mo was still staring at him, he might make a blow at any time.


Xueying endured the tumbling breath and retreated again and again, unable to stop stagnating when he retreated to an intersection.

He didn't know if he continued to retreat or flashed left and right, but in this hesitation, Canshou had already exploded in front of him.


Blood Shadow also brought the sharpness of a blood knife to its extreme.


There was a head-to-head encounter between the two sides, and two dazzling brilliant lights swept up in the alley at the same time, suddenly pouring down in the sky.

Finally, there was a loud noise that pierced the eardrum, like a sudden violent wind, flying sand and rocks, turning the river to the sea!

The two separated with the piercing noise, with their hands and bodies like the most sensitive harrier, tumbling a few times in the sky, and then standing back to the ground.

He held a leaf knife in his hand, his eyes calm as water, staring at the blood shadow standing against the wall like a dead person.

Blood Shadow also had a gloomy expression, with a sense of indifference on his face.

However, despite their seeming innocence on the surface, their undulating chests and ripped clothes indicate that they have worked hard.

Tian Mo faintly said, "Do you want me to come?"

Canshou calmly replied: "He is mine!"

Tian Mo sighed, "It doesn't matter, he will end up with death anyway."

"go to hell!"

Seeing the two of them despising themselves like this, the blood shadow couldn't stop screaming, his eyes flickered, and the aura on his body suddenly exploded and poured out.

In the next second, Xueying bowed slightly and slammed his feet on the floor. The floor tiles instantly shattered and flew away.

And the blood shadow is like a sharp arrow from the string, holding the blood knife and rushing towards the can hand.

Canshou's eyelids jumped, feeling the sharpness of the blood shadow.

Afterwards, Canshou's eyes were cold and his body shook fiercely, and then greeted him with the same posture, Ye Dao attacked suddenly.


The leaf knife and the blood knife collided continuously, shaking out fierce air waves, and the powder at the feet was shaken out by the air waves.

After hitting seven times, Canshou's body trembled fiercely, even if he used his whole body strength, he still suffered a lot from head-to-head.

The injury left by the killing of the silver knife was still not clear, and his actions and strength were somewhat restricted. After the collision, the hand took three steps back to stabilize his figure.

Blood Shadow was also taken aback, and he didn't expect that Canshou was so domineering.

But he didn't hesitate, his body bounced up suddenly, the blood knife shook eight times, and slashed at Canshou's head.

"Swish swish."

Xueying's eight swords were fast and cruel, and he didn't even have time to react to his remnant hands, so he could only use Yedao to defend.


In an instant, Ye Dao was chopped eight times, and Canshou felt his arm was about to explode, and his whole body slammed into the wall.

With a click, the wall instantly cracked.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Canshou's mouth.

Strong, very strong, too strong!

Tianmo now understands why Ye Tianlong let the two of them go out together. This blood shadow is worthy of being one of the eight heavenly kings of the Thirteen League.

Can Shou did not gasp, bit his teeth, and took another step forward, his face became extremely gloomy, if not his body was strong enough, I was afraid it would have been broken.

Blood Shadow's long hair has been shaken away, and as the night wind flies freely, with a majestic gesture, he hums contemptuously:

"I thought you were very strong, but that's all."

Canshou was not afraid, but Ye Dao said in one fell swoop: "Come again."

"Okay, I'll send you on the road!"

Xueying looked at his self-confidence in his remnant hands, a touch of surprise flashed across his face, but was quickly covered by calm, and his aura suddenly increased.

Afterwards, he rushed towards Canshou quickly.

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