Talented Genius

Chapter 1102: mean

When Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, Jin Qiang's face became ugly, and he didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so powerful.

After a fierce battle, he was injured by a bullet, but he still had such a strong combat power, and his recovery was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Looking at Ye Tianlong's posture as a nighthawk catching prey, Golden Gun could even feel the chill from the blade!

The corner of the golden gun's mouth couldn't stop moving, and under this absolutely fierce offensive, he could only raise his gun to parry.


A crisp sound of metal collision sounded, and at the same time a scorching spark flashed, and a knife mark appeared on the barrel.


When Ye Tianlong rotated half of his body and swung the knife again and cut it down fiercely, the golden gun's feet stepped back three steps and pulled out the dagger.

The dagger blocked Ye Tianlong's knife, which was so powerful that both of them were numb, and they withdrew five steps back uncontrollably.

The arms holding the weapons leaned forward gently, posing a combat posture to each other, staring at each other unblinkingly.

Ye Tianlong saw Jin Qian's spiteful look, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You are Liu Ye's golden gun? How is Liu Ye?"

There was a joke across Jin Gun's face: "The sixth master is very good, but your twelve brothers are very bad. They were buried alive by my headshot."

Ye Tianlong said faintly, "I had expected it to come out, but you should have expected it."

Jin Gun responded coldly: "What did you expect?"

"If you can't kill me tonight, then you will die. Judging from the current situation, you have lost the opportunity to kill me."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "In other words, you will die tonight."

Golden Gun sneered: "You seem to be the one who is embarrassed now."

"I was warming up."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "After warming up, it's time to clean up you."

"Ye Tianlong, go to death!"

No more nonsense, the golden gun roared and slashed at Ye Tianlong.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth couldn't stop moving, he moved his body and made a backhand stroke to block the golden spear.

Golden Gun's eyes squinted slightly, and he suddenly reached out the dagger in his hand, lifted it up, and the next moment, five cold lights suddenly appeared in Golden Gun's hand.

The light was dazzling and almost dazzling.

Five steel needles burst out from the dagger, and they shot directly at Ye Tianlong who was fighting. The steel needles still carried a red light, like a wiped match.

Everything was born in an instant, and Ye Tianlong was not given the slightest chance of confrontation, and the timing was just right.

Ye Tianlong's eyes showed a touch of appreciation, and then his figure flickered in the woods, as agile as a ghost.

The five steel needles continued to fall, the golden gun did not stand still at all, and the dagger was another point, and three needles were shot at Ye Tianlong, as fast as a meteor.

But the scream he wanted was never heard.


When Ye Tianlong was holding the golden gun dagger, on the side of the golden gun's body, his left hand blasted towards Ye Tianlong, bursting out all his strength.

Ye Tianlong didn't turn his body sideways this time, and also raised his hand to punch.


The two fists slammed together fiercely, making a dull noise and a screaming scream.

The whole left arm of the golden gun softened, and the whole person fell off like a broken kite, no longer the mighty and strong that killed the Quartet just now.

But Ye Tianlong stood still.

Jin Gun looked down at the blood flowing from his left fist, and roared in anger: "Despicable! Shameless!"

Ye Tianlong smiled and opened his palm. There was a steel needle inside, the tip of which was stained with red blood. It was the hidden weapon the golden gun shot at Ye Tianlong:

"This steel needle is the steel needle shot by your dagger. You can shoot me with it, but I can't deal with you?"

The Golden Gun was extremely angry, but irrefutable: "Shameless!"

Ye Tianlong flew the steel needle and smiled faintly: "Okay, after playing for so long, it's time to end. Later, I'll find Liu Ye for supper."


Golden Gun laughed wildly: "It really should be over."

In the next second, he shot a dagger at Ye Tianlong, and then drew the last gun, which was a golden gun.

The muzzle moved to Ye Tianlong, his fingers snapped!


The bullets are coming!


Ye Tianlong immediately jumped out and rolled four or five times like a cheetah. When he was about to relieve his breath, the bullet slammed into the car next to him!


There was another shocking noise, that black Audi car was instantly exploded by that bullet, just as powerful as the first bullet!

The whole body seemed to be divided, and countless fragments also bounced out, crackling.

Obviously, this golden gun contains special bullets.

Ye Tianlong was also overturned by the air wave. With his hands covering his face, he slid on the ground for four or five meters, then turned over and knelt on the ground.

"Oh shit!"

The continuous attacks had no results, and Ye Tianlong was as tenacious as a cockroach, which made Golden Gun depressed and about to vomit blood.

He didn't stop there, took out a magazine and replaced it with a golden gun, and then kicked the car with his foot.

His entire portrait took the breath of death, soaring high in the air, his vision locked to Ye Tianlong's position.

His arms stretched out, and the black hole's muzzle locked onto the target in an instant while moving fast.

As soon as Ye Tianlong saw the golden gun attack, he knew that the opponent was going to shoot again. He threw forward with all his strength, while shaking between several cars.

"Boom boom~~"

The golden gun pulled the trigger at Ye Tianlong without hesitation, and poured out seven red bullets in one breath, trying to completely kill the tenacious Ye Tianlong.

"Boom boom!"

When the golden gun pulled the trigger, seven gunshots sounded not far away, and the sound of the gunfire converged into a single sound, astonishing as if thunder.


The seven red bullets did not cover Ye Tianlong. When they flew into the air, they were intercepted by the other seven bullets, and the air suddenly exploded.

Groups of red flames burned in the air, as if seven gas cylinders exploded. The scope was extremely wide, and there was a forceful whistling heat wave.


The flames swept the car and the ground, instantly a touch of charred, and quite a bit of grass did not grow, turning into scorched earth.

The teahouse and car windows were all shattered, showing the power of these seven bullets.

Seeing that the red bullet was intercepted in mid-air, Jin Gun's expression suddenly changed. This not only meant that Ye Tianlong had escaped, but also that the gunmanship was accurate.

Shooting seven bullets is not difficult, but shooting seven interception bullets, that is the sharpshooter of the sharpshooter.

Even with the Golden Gun, it can only achieve five interception bullets. In the best state without interference, the person who came can easily explode his bullet.

How can the golden gun not be solemn?

After landing swiftly, he looked up and saw a burly figure in front of him. The opponent walked calmly, holding a gun and slowly walking out of the smoke:

"Xiao Zhang, unexpectedly, you are really in Jiangcheng."

Jin Qiang couldn't help but shook when he saw the other party, and shouted, "Brother Wen?"

Zhao Wenguang brought a few guys closer, his face was not angry and prestigious: "I thought, if you had plastic surgery, you wouldn't recognize people."

Golden Gun sighed: "You finally found me."

"Justice is never absent, it's just fast or slow, but today is the time to cut grievances."

Zhao Wenguang took a step forward and said sharply, "Kneel down."

Several people behind him also stepped forward, staring at the golden gun murderously.

The golden gun stared at Zhao Wenguang, sweating profusely, abandoning half of his left hand, dripping with blood, and a dead end.

It's just that he is a bit unwilling to tie his hands, he still has chips, and chips to leave...

At this moment, Ye Tianlong suddenly shouted from behind: "Golden Gun, look at my darts!"

The golden gun turned back subconsciously, and the muzzle deflected.


Zhao Wenguang raised his hand and shot the golden gun directly to the knee, then lowered the muzzle again and shot the gun in his hand...

The golden gun screamed, then fell to the ground with a crash, holding back the pain, staring at Ye Tianlong, unspeakable bitterness...

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