Talented Genius

Chapter 1103: Jiangcheng changed hands (five shifts)

At nine o'clock in the evening, Liuye Garden, a large dining room, set up a table of sumptuous dishes, and the roasted whole lamb in the center was even more fragrant.

The sixth master who was sitting in the main seat had been relieved from the kidnapping, but he was not too happy for the rest of his life, and his chopsticks did not move.

He was waiting, waiting for the return of the golden gun, waiting for the triumph of the golden gun.

However, the gate never saw the golden gun. An hour has passed since the scheduled eight o'clock, and the golden gun still didn't come to the celebration party.

I'm afraid something is wrong.

Liu Ye did not ask whether the Golden Gun was alive or dead. Looking at the wall clock and the food, he already knew the answer in his heart. The Golden Gun was probably dead.

As long as the task is completed, as long as the golden gun is alive, he will come to eat this meal, at least give himself a phone call, but now there is nothing.

"Liu Ye, dinner is rich."

Just when Liu Ye was feeling the danger of the rivers and lakes, a voice came slowly from the door, and then a slender figure with a bright smile appeared in front of Liu Ye:

"If you don't mind, can I bother?"

Liu Ye's expression instantly tightened, and he raised his head and looked at the person who was approaching him. He saw Ye Tianlong coming in carrying a fruit basket, as if he was visiting his own guests.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, Liu Ye's last fluke also disappeared, which meant that the golden gun was really dead, and his support had completely fallen apart.

Looking at Ye Tianlong with a great smile, Liu Ye's eyes first showed killing intent, anger, and hatred, but in the end it turned into a touch of peace, peace after despair.

He stretched out his hand and said faintly: "It is an honor for me to be a guest, let alone a character like Ye Shao.

"Thank you Liu Ye, this is the fruit basket I bought. It's not expensive, but it's also a bit of heart."

Ye Tianlong put the fruit basket on the next table, then pulled a chair and sat down, before the servant came forward, he picked up a bowl of rice:

"Liu Ye, your rice is very good, do you want half a bowl?"

Liu Ye glanced over Ye Tianlong, and then calmly replied: "No, I am not in good health. I will not eat at night to avoid a heavy burden on my body."

"It's a good habit not to eat after lunch, Liu Ye, Tianlong can't do it, I don't know tomorrow's affairs today, we must cherish every minute and every second, every meal.

Ye Tianlong filled himself with a bowl of rice: "Otherwise, you will come to this world for nothing."

Liu Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "Listening to you, I should have half a bowl. After all, this may be my last meal."

Speaking of this, he personally served a bowl of rice, which was as full as Ye Tianlong, and then picked up his chopsticks to eat. It was slow, serious, and delicious.

"Liu Ye joked. Although Liu Ye is more than sixty, his body is still very tough. It is not a problem to live another ten or eight years."

Ye Tianlong picked up the public chopsticks and gave Liu Ye a piece of fish maw: "If Liu Ye wants to live."

Liu Ye didn't refuse Ye Tianlong's picking of vegetables, and he ate the fish maw with a mouthful of rice. Then he asked indifferently: "Is the golden gun dead?"

Ye Tianlong smiled peacefully: "If he is not dead, how can I come here?"

Liu Ye's expression dimmed, with the pain of a hero's end in his eyes. He didn't expect the Golden Gun to be really killed. He thought of killing the Quartet a long time ago, but now he is a corpse. He feels a little bit uncomfortable in his heart. Great cognition.

After a pause, Liu Ye was chewing rice grains, and his tone was calm as usual: "You killed the iron hook and the silver knife?"

Ye Tianlong put a shiitake mushroom into his mouth: "They are dead, but I didn't kill them. I can tell you that Blood Shadow is also dead."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Ye's body was shocked, and his eyes were surprised. He didn't expect that the blood shadow was also dead. That was one of the heavenly kings of the Thirteen League.

But then he thought of the disappearance of Blood Shadow, Zhao Zixiang and the others were imprisoned, and the sixth master knew that Ye Tianlong had not lied. He held his chopsticks and sighed:

"The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave. At the Fu Yushun banquet, I still think you are an arrogant kid. Now it seems that I am sitting on the well and watching the sky."

He has made a mistake, so he has fallen to the point where he is today. If he does it again, he must be a man with his tail clamped.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done again.

Liu Ye faintly said: "You want to take my life on the night of the full moon. It sounds ridiculous, but it's really easy to come by."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "I was angry. For a woman without a brain, I have no blood feud with Liu Ye. You die and I die too much."

"This garden, although not solid, it is also heavily guarded."

Liu Ye took another bite of rice: "It is difficult for a strange face to come in, let alone your enemy."

"But you just showed up like this, there was no fighting or confusion. It seems that I was correct at the beginning. There is an insider here."

He sighed softly: "You're really good, you bought the people around me within a few days of coming to Jiangcheng."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It's very simple. I'm more generous than the Six Masters. If I can't knock it down at ten million, I will spend one billion, two billion, and one billion."

"The guard of your garden, everyone carried me two million in his pocket, and even the wolfhound ate my steak for 500 yuan a catty."

He covered Ouyang Jinyue: "You said, I walked in, what reason do they have to stop me? Not to mention Liu Ye and three generals have died."

"The general trend is over. The temptation of heavy money, smart people will choose."

Liu Ye was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then took a few more mouthfuls of dishes: "Take it."

"Liu Ye, you are old, so don't worry about the affairs of the rivers and lakes anymore. The Thirteen Leagues are going south, and I want to rise to Jiangcheng. You can't handle it anywhere."

Ye Tianlong brought a cup of Buddha jumping over the wall, opened the lid and scooped up a spoonful of soup: "You will give me the iron hook. I will protect your family's wealth for life."

"I can make a promise for you and send you and your family to settle on Pulau Island. As long as you don't come back, I will give you 100 million living expenses every year."

He whispered: "Otherwise, even if I don't move you, the Thirteen League will kill you sooner or later and kill your whole family. Who told you to be deeply rooted in Jiangcheng?"

"Snake like you is a stumbling block for any ambitious person and a target to be eradicated."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of the hot soup: "Liu Ye think about it."

"With your means and strength, why do you want to get involved in the underworld, the road of no return?"

Liu Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "Chairman of the Fu Group, more beautiful than the boss of the Iron Hook Society."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "In these years, there is one more road and one more choice. Master Liu, I thought about the way I would go. Now you should think of your own way."

Liu Ye did not immediately answer, but bowed his head to finish the bowl of rice, then drank half a bowl of soup, and finally stared at Ye Tianlong and asked:

"What can I take away?"

Ye Tianlong took out three pieces of paper from his arms and pushed it to Liu Ye and said, "Your life, their lives, and the family allowance of 20 million."

On the paper, the addresses and photos of Liu Ye's family were printed, and those working in China or studying abroad were all presented on white paper.

This is a fatal blow!

The corner of Liu Ye's mouth moved a bit, and the last touch of unwillingness dissipated completely. The settlement fee of 20 million was too little and too little, but it was worthy of life compared to fifty mouthfuls.

He really did not expect that Ye Tianlong touched himself so thoroughly and so cruelly that he would not even have the qualifications to negotiate conditions.

"Twenty million, a little less..."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong suddenly slapped his head, and looked at Liu Ye very apologetically: "The identity of Liu Ye, twenty million is a bit less, fifty million..."

When there was a glimmer of light in Liu Ye's eyes, Ye Tianlong gritted his teeth: "Five million is also less, one billion, no, four billion."

Ye Tianlong patted the table with a palm: "Liu Ye, as long as you are willing to leave, four hundred million."

Instantly turned twenty times.

Liu Ye poured a glass of red wine, and then drank a clean one: "Jiangcheng changed hands!"

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