Talented Genius

Chapter 1111: Tianmen, Longmen

Two days later, the eighteenth floor of the Pearl Building, the former business department lobby of the Huayao Group, has been changed to a Tianlong Group conference room.

When Ye Tianlong walked in, there were already more than a dozen Chinese men and women sitting inside, all waiting excitedly and respectfully.

Seeing Ye Tianlong coming in, Xu Donglai smiled and stood up, and shouted respectfully and warmly: "Ye Shao, good morning."

"Hello everyone!"

Ye Tianlong smiled and hugged them one by one. All the tiredness and dangers disappeared when they saw these familiar faces, no longer important.

The three daughters of Hua Ruyu were also very happy to see Ye Tianlong, who had been missing for a long time. They even took the opportunity to kiss twice while hugging, and the friendship between the four was even purer.

Ye Tianlong warmed these feelings very much, and then Luo Luo generously sat down on the main seat.

The Pearl Tower has been bought by Xu Donglai and the others, and it will soon become the base camp of Ye Tianlong's noodle business, which made him feel a little bit emotional.

In less than a year, he changed from a salesman to the owner of the building, which made Ye Tianlong feel a little trance, and he understood what the vicissitudes of life were.

But he quickly recovered and looked around the narrow table, very pleased with the current facelift.

On the left, there are Dinosaurs, Yao Feiyan, Yun Ji, Huaruyu Three Daughters, Zheng Xiaolan, Ning Caiwei, Nangongxiong, Xu Donglai and others.

On the right are Tianmo, Canshou, Oriole, Han Qinhu, Sister Feng, Cao Qiankun, Baliangjin, Eagle, Lingxiao, Dalmatian...

In short, 80% of the brothers and sisters who have intersection with Ye Tianlong appeared in this conference room.

Seeing their fiery eyes, Ye Tianlong sat up slightly, took the microphone to clear his throat, and then began the first meeting of his forces:

"Calling everyone here today, there are a few things to announce to you."

Ye Tianlong looked around at the crowd and spoke word by word: "First, the Tianlong Group will be split into two groups, Tianmen and Longmen."

"Tianmen will fully enter the legal business on Baidao, such as basic necessities, food, housing, infrastructure, and what to make money for."

Ye Tianlong's thoughts are very clear: "Longmen will take the unification of the Chinese underworld as its important task, and try to control all kinds of hidden businesses."

"The two major groups are independent of each other, but they are watching and helping each other to lay a solid foundation in China at the fastest speed."

Xu Donglai and the others were not too surprised about Ye Tianlong's content. They had known that he would integrate resources, but when they heard the word Tianmen, their eyelids twitched.

Cao Qiankun was also slightly taken aback, looking at Ye Tianlong who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, wondering whether the word Tianmen was deliberately done or if he said casually.

It’s just that it’s fine. Hearing the word Tianmen, Cao Qiankun felt a throbbing in his heart.

Ye Tianlong knew that Cao Qiankun and the others were surprised, but did not explain too much. He looked at Yao Feiyan at the front on the left:

"Yao Feiyan, will be the general manager of Tianmen Infrastructure Company, whose main business is to do official projects and try to tie the two parties together."

Yao Feiyan sat up straight: "Yes!"

Ye Tianlong looked at Xu Donglai again, expressing hope:

"Xu Donglai, will be the general manager of Tianmen Liquor, fully cooperating with Badazhuang, high-end routes, only more luxurious, not the most luxurious."

Xu Donglai was also very energetic: "Yes!"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said to Yun Ji: "Yun Ji, Tianmen Restaurant has worked hard for you."

Yun Ji smiled: "Thank you, Shao Ye for your trust."

Ye Tianlong looked at Huaruyu's three daughters again: "Ruyu, Coco, Ling'er, you are the deputy manager of Tianmen Beauty."

"Responsible for the sales of'Red Makeup No. 1'beauty products and the expansion of related businesses. You can fully absorb the old employees of Huayao."

"The three of you will get the company up as soon as possible and get started as soon as possible. I hope some of you can take over the position of general manager next year.

Ye Tianlong hopes to get rid of specific matters at hand: "If you don't understand or need help, you can contact me or Ning."

The three daughters of Hua Ruyu have been tempered for two months, and the pretty face is much more confident than before, so they responded in unison: "Understand."

Ye Tianlong looked at Ning Caiwei who was still like autumn leaves again: "Caiwei, Tianmen Pharmaceutical Factory will be checked by you, you have all the power to live and kill."

Ning Caiwei responded with a smile: "I will not let you down."

Ye Tianlong was very pleased, and then looked at Zheng Xiaolan: "Little Lan, you will be the chief secretary of the Tianmen appraisal, and you will only be responsible for me and the two elders."

"The appraisal company is now operating normally, and the twenty masters in it are enough to handle it. You just need to keep your eyes on each link without losing the chain."

"If you have any problems that can't be solved, you can find Niu Lao Qiao Lao, if the matter is of great importance, you can find me."

Ye Tianlong gave Zheng Xiaolan enough power: "Remember, you have the authority to stop any item from trading."

"In other words, if twenty masters decide to buy antiques, as long as you feel something is wrong, you have the right to temporarily stop it."

Zheng Xiaolan squeezed out in a low voice: "I... don't understand anything. I am worried that it will delay big business and make the company less profitable."

"I know you don't understand anything, but I have enough faith in you."

Ye Tianlong obviously did enough homework for this conference. His voice softened, giving Zheng Xiaolan the greatest encouragement:

"You get off work at six o'clock every day, but you don't go home right away, but go to the store to move with your buddy, familiar with the placement of various items."

"Every weekend and holiday, you go to the store to do chores, run around behind the masters, and learn their knowledge of identification."

"In just two months, you have written five notebooks, and you still use your salary to go to Antique Street to buy treasure."

"The first time I bought various things for 3,000 yuan, it was only worth one hundred yuan, and I almost regarded the biking Shou Xing Gong as a famous painting in the Ming Dynasty."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were still soft: "The second time, I bought something for 3,000 yuan, and I can sell it for one hundred and five when I change hands."

"In the third week, it was still a loss-making business...but now, that is, yesterday, the porcelain bowl you bought for three thousand dollars was sold for three thousand two."

"Maybe you are still a long way from becoming a top master, but your attitude and hard work are worthy of my trust in you."

There is a glimmer of hope in his eyes: "So I hope you can take up this important task."

Hua Ruyu all applauded and encouraged Zheng Xiaolan.

Zheng Xiaolan's mouth moved for a while, and then nodded with emotion: "Okay, Tianlong, I accept, I will grow up as soon as possible."

Ye Tianlong was very satisfied, and then issued appointments to the dinosaurs, Nangongxiong, and Bailihua, asking them to let go of their hands and feet to expand the Dragon Phoenix group.

After discussing with the people on the left, he turned his gaze to the right. They were already ready to move.

"Heihu, you are the master of the Black Tiger Camp lobby, and the White Shark, you are the master of the White Shark Camp lobby. Each has six hundred children in charge, and you will become the pioneer of the Longmen South Expedition."

Black Tiger and White Shark replied loudly: "Xie Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong looked at them again: "Eagle, eighty-two gold, you are the deputy leader, and the eagle is responsible for the daily training and discipline of the children of Longmen."

"Baliangjin, if you are good at eating, drinking, and having fun, then you are responsible for maintaining the relationship between black and white and handling the end of the hand."

Baliangjin was ecstatic, he didn't need to fight or kill, he didn't have to do hard work, he was just eating, drinking and having fun. It was so cool, he immediately shouted, "Xie Ye Shao."

The eagle knocked his head with a chestnut: "Nothing to do."

Ye Tianlong gave Sister Feng a light-hearted task: "Sister Feng, you are still the deputy leader, and you are responsible for the logistics."

"Fight and kill, let other brothers do it."

Sister Feng listened to Ye Tianlong's words, and immediately replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, Ye Shao, I will try my best."

"Fu Dabiao, the safety of Longmen Base Camp is left to you, and we will give you three thousand children."

Ye Tianlong's promotion of Fu Dabiao to Longmen Mingjiang Hall is almost equal to the power of a previous gang: "Don't let people get rid of it."

Fu Dabiao's spirit was shaken: "Thanks to Ye Shao's love, Dabiao will definitely do his best and die."

"Dalmatians, you are solely responsible for the dog camp base."

Ye Tianlong is ready to turn pure killing tools into thoughtful weapons: "You have to take care of them, and then train me a good soldier."

The Dalmatian raised his right hand and slapped his chest heavily: "Yes!"

Ye Tianlong smiled and got up, patted the shoulders of the Dalmatians, then walked to Ling Xiao's side, leaned down, and spoke to the latter's ears:

"Ling Xiao, you can't stay in Longmen for the time being. You have to go to the capital to find Feng Jiutian of the 13th League and become her captain of the guard."

His voice is inaudible: "Then you have to continue to train your team without Feng Jiutian being disgusted."

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing Ye Tianlong's calculations and confidence, but did not speak much, nodded: "Okay."

"There is one more thing to announce."

Ye Tianlong walked back to his position and faintly said, "Everyone knows that I don't like to show up. One is naturally low-key, and the other is shooting a bird."

"So Longmen will have an extra face-to-face helper."

Baliangjin and Sister Feng were slightly startled, "Who?"

Ye Tianlong smiled lightly: "Shangguan Xiaozhi."

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