Talented Genius

Chapter 1112: Needle in Mianli

Bright face helper?

Baliangjin, Eagle, and Sister Feng are so shocked, there will be a gang leader on their heads?

Shangguan Xiaozhi?

Ling Xiao and Cao Qiankun were stunned, obviously they both knew who she was.

Ling Xiao also fully understood why Ye Tianlong had to go north by himself. He really couldn't stay in the same pot as Shangguan Xiaozhi.

Otherwise, either Shangguan Xiaozhi killed him, or he stabbed Shangguan Xiaozhi.

Hua Ruyu and the others didn't react too much, they were just curious about where Ye Tianlong came to find her as a helper, after all, they had never heard of this person before.

Yao Feiyan's eyes became sharp, with a touch of vigilance.


When Baliangjin ran to the door and opened the wooden door, Shangguan Xiaozhi in white walked in, like a spring breeze blowing into the meeting room.

The years didn't seem to leave any traces on Shangguan Xiaozhi, but only brought her a mature and charming look.

The graceful posture, the arrogant and proud, the bee waist with a full grip, and the slender legs, all are the best.

"Ye Shao!"

She walked slowly in front of Ye Tianlong, and straightened her position very wittily. Then she walked to the microphone and watched everyone smile slightly:

"Hello everyone, I am Shangguan Xiaozhi, and I am honored, Ye Shao gave me a chance to rebirth, let me join Longmen and fight side by side with everyone."

Shangguan Qiao Lian had a kind of peace that Ling Xiao didn't recognize: "I just came to Mingjiang and just entered the Dragon Gate. Many are unfamiliar, so please take care of me."

"I swear that I will be loyal to Ye Shao for the rest of my life, go through all fire and water, and will die."

Although Shangguan Xiaozhi's parachuting was a bit abrupt, many people at the scene knew that Ye Tianlong seemed to be cynical, but he never fought insecure battles.

Moreover, Shangguan's humble attitude also gained a certain favor, so after her voice fell, Hua Ruyu and the others applauded and welcomed her to join.

"Shangguan Gangzhu, I am very happy to join you and hope Longmen will be more brilliant because of you."

Ye Tianlong and Guan Xiaozhi simply gave a hug, creating a situation where the host and the host had a happy time, and then pointed a finger on the right:

"Come on, I will introduce you to the Dragon Gate children. In the future, you will cooperate sincerely and fight together."

Ye Tianlong was about to introduce Eagle to them, Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled quietly, and took the topic: "Ye Shao, no, I'm precocious about their information."

She stepped forward slowly, looking at the eagle sitting in front, with a calm smile:

"Eagle, the former leader of the Flying Dragon Gang, Xiucai Liang is a cron, and he is very overbearing with a red axe. He killed half of the Flying Dragon Gang."

The eagle smiled honestly: "Miss Shangguan, I've passed the award, I have passed the award."

Shangguan Xiaozhi looked at the eight taels of gold again: "Eight taels of gold, the axe helps the dog's head soldiers, has the effect of panacea, and eases the violence and cruelty of the crow."

"It can be said that if the Axe Gang hadn't dealt with it in the first place, I was afraid that the children under its banner would not have been able to stand the crow's temper."

Her red lips lightly opened: "The Axe Gang can last until this year, and the eight-two gold is indispensable."

Baliangjin's face was happy: "Miss Shangguan looked at me highly, I just ate a meal, and I can't get on the table."

In Ye Tianlong's playful eyes, Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled lightly, then looked at the black tiger and the white shark:

"The black tiger, the white shark, the king in prison, the skill is not the strongest, but the character is hob meat, suffering, tired, pain, but not afraid."

One of Shangguan's filial piety hit the nail on the head: "They can be regarded as the most difficult person."

The black tiger and the white shark are also very happy: "Miss Shangguan, you gang master, we recognize it. If we change someone else, we will make gestures."

Shangguan Xiaozhi was polite: "Thank you both."

Later, she quickly commented on the audience again, leaving a good impression on everyone.

In the end, she stood up next to Yao Feiyan with a gentle smile: "Mr. Yao, independent, aggressive and excellent, is a person I admire very much."

Shangguan Xiaozhi likes white clothes, and Yao Feiyan likes black clothes. Together, the two are so beautiful, giving people a pleasing contrast.

Ye Tianlong was on them and saw their shadows, but found that they were still very different, Shangguan Yin and Feiyan were ruthless.

Yao Feiyan stood up and smiled close to Shangguan Xiaozhi’s ears: "Thanks to Shangguan’s host for the compliment. To show my gratitude, I would like to buy you a drink tonight?"

The needle is hidden in the cotton.

Shangguan Xiaozhi elegantly replied: "You are an old man, I am a newcomer, and I should do my best. At half past eight, between the water and the clouds, I will ask Mr. Yao."

Come prepared!

The eyes of the two women intersect, but they are sharp but with intriguing thoughts, which makes it difficult to guess what they are thinking.

Bailihua saw some doorways, and the two women were defending their position, and at the same time thinking about dissolving each other's threats.

When Ye Tianlong felt a smell of gunpowder, Yao Feiyan smiled, and reached out and shook Shangguan Xiaozhi's hand: "Okay, see or leave."

Shangguan Xiaozhi chuckled slightly: "Then I will wait for my sister to arrive tonight."

The atmosphere slowed down, and Ye Tianlong waved his hand at the right time: "Well, everyone has met and got acquainted, and we will help each other in the future."

"I hope that one day in the near future, Tianmen and Longmen will be able to step onto the world stage, and they will both have famous names."

He landed and said: "This glory and brilliance is not only my Ye Tianlong's, but also yours."

Xu Donglai and they applauded one after another, and their blood slowly boiled over.

"Ye Shao, this Mingzhu Building will become Tianmen Building and the headquarters of Tianmen. It will be stationed in all your legal businesses."

After everyone's applause fell, Shangguan Xiaozhi suddenly smiled and said, "Longmen, there will soon be a main hall, a large enough hall."

"It's just that the whereabouts of Ye Shao's residence is unknown?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "Me? Mansion? Don't you need to be so tall? I live in Baishizhou, or Longmen Main Hall is enough..."

Shangguan Xiaozhi looked at Cao Qiankun with a smile: "Ye Shao lives in the Longmen Main Hall? Isn't that appropriate?"

"This will be contrary to your original low-key assumption. If you go in and out of Longmen every day, even a fool will know that you have a lot to do with Longmen."

"Or are you going to sneak in and out? Isn't this too awkward?"

She sighed: "And you can't live in Baishizhou anymore. That will cause a lot of trouble to the villagers. The last Oriental attack was an example."

"So Ye Shao needs a mansion, this is also a destination and thought."

"I agree with this."

Xu Donglai echoed: "Ye Shao should have his own residence, which is not only a place to stay, but also a spiritual symbol."

Yao Feiyan also nodded: "Moreover, it's easier for us to get in and out. If you live together with Longmen, will Tianmen ask you to enter or not?"

"Going in is contrary to your purpose of not getting in contact with each other. If you don't go in, you may be delayed in urgent matters.

Cao Qiankun smiled and said, "Tianlong, what they said makes sense. You should also quickly choose a geomantic place, I can design and supervise."

Hua Ruyu and the others also nodded: "Yes, there must be a base camp."

"Everyone says so, then I will find a place."

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, and finally followed the opinions of everyone: "I have been going around these days to see if there is any suitable place..."

"No need to turn."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled calmly: "You need to have your own mansion... I thought of this problem and solved it."

"This walking palace is a gift from me to Ye Shao."

She took out a contract and handed it, with a warm smile: "It will also be your residence-Tianlong Garden!"

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