Talented Genius

Chapter 1164: My attitude

In the end, the red-clothed child used the strength of the two tigers, and did not break through the iron cylinder to turn things around. On the contrary, he was submerged in the water with the person and the cylinder.

Lan Xiaomo also brought a bunch of pepper, chili sauce and soy sauce into it, making the child in red almost vomiting blood.

After he was filled with a lot of water, Lan's bodyguards dragged him out, punched and kicked, and disrupted his final combat effectiveness.

The child in red was very angry and aggrieved. He felt that he was capsized in the gutter, and he kept occupying his actions. How could he be imprisoned?

It's just that no matter how unwilling or unhappy, he lost the opportunity to fight again.

When the blue sky came down, the child in red had been **** with a big five flowers, and was still wrapped in a fishing net, and fell to the ground like a winter melon.

No, to be precise, this is not a child, but a dwarf, a dwarf about the height of a five-year-old.

"Let's talk, who? Why do you want to attack Xiao Mo?"

Ye Tianlong picked up the scissors on the ground, studied it for a while and closed it, and cut it twice: "If you don't tell the truth, I will cut you."

Thinking of the fact that his life was almost cut just now, Ye Tianlong's eyes became playful, and he cut off the trousers of the red dwarf.

The red dwarf did not respond, but stared at him like a viper, undomesticated, and tough as a stone, which can only be destroyed, not defeated.

Lan Lanxiang already knew the matter and looked at the red dwarf coldly, but didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about something.

Ye Tianlong lifted the scissors and landed in the ears of the red dwarf: "Do you really want me to let you die?"


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and directly cut the red dwarf.

After a crisp sound, half of the red dwarf's ears fell and flew out, and the blood fell down instantly. He also groaned in pain, and then held back.

Despite the unbearable pain and blood dripping, the red dwarf chose to remain silent.

"Tianlong, don't be polite with him."

Lan Xiaomo was still depressed by the goodwill he was deceived: "Just take the scissors and cut his ten fingers and ten toes."

"Then throw him to the hairy crabs and let the hairy crabs clip him into one piece."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "This is a good idea."

There is a glass cabinet next to the pool, in which there are more than 100 hairy crabs, all of which are bigger than a fist, each with their teeth and claws.

The rustling sound of crawling made people creepy.

The red dwarf's face changed slightly, but he still didn't say anything. He looked at Lan Xiaomo and Ye Tianlong with disdain, and finally looked at the blue sky not far away.

Seeing the blue sky, his eyes condensed, revealing a sharp look.

Ye Tianlong caught this action, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but he didn't ask anything, just put the scissors between the fingers of the red dwarf:

"You have twenty opportunities to answer my question."

The red dwarf looked cold, but his nerves were tense but always tough.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and cut off a finger of the red dwarf. The latter made a scream, but soon gritted his teeth again.

Blood flowed from the severed finger.

"Say, who asked you to kill Xiaomo?"

Ye Tianlong's voice was cold: "If you speak out, you can not only suffer less pain, but also have a free body."

"After all, Xiaomo is okay, and we don't necessarily want you to die, but if you don't say it, I will play by all means, and you must be the one who suffers."

After speaking, he didn't wait for the red dwarf to react, and cut two fingers, and the fingers landed, bleaching and dyeing warm blood.

The dwarf couldn't hold back anymore, let out a scream, and then roared angrily: "Isn't it twenty times? What if you cut two directly?"

Ye Tianlong looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, I mistakenly thought you wouldn't answer, come on, tell me now, who sent you here?"

"Who sent me, Lantian knows clearly."

The red dwarf's voice was very shrill: "The only pity is that I didn't kill Lan Xiaomo twice. I really regret not doing it directly last time."

"Otherwise, I won't be where I am today."

There was regret on his hideous face, and he stared at Ye Tianlong with extreme anger. If the **** arrived, Lan Xiaomo had been killed by him now.

And he escaped.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Last time? When?"

Lan Xiaomo was also curious: "You killed me before? Why didn't I know? It seems that this is the first time I have seen you."

At this time, the meditative blue sky suddenly stepped forward, staring sharply at the red dwarf and shouted, "A member of the Qi family?"

The red dwarf sneered: "Unexpectedly, you still remember the Qi family, but you have long lost the King of Qi!"

Lan Lanxiang's eyes fell cold, and his voice sank: "Duke Qi sent you to ask for justice to Lantianxin and Lan Pingping?"

"You're always confused. If you don't quickly stop your stupid behavior, you will bury the Lan family."

When Ye Tianlong's heart moved, the red dwarf did not deny it, hating iron but not steel: "The King of Qi will never allow the Lan family to be ruined by you."

"The Lan family is the foundation of my hard work. What does it matter if I am ruined or not?"

A ray of light burst into Lan Lanxiang's eyes: "And if he really loves his wife and daughter, he would not abandon his wife and son for the sake of prosperity and wealth."

"Now that I see that the Lan family has a big business, and counts my Lan family under the guise of being fair to the blue sky core mother and daughter, don't you feel shameless?"

The red dwarf hummed noncommitantly: "Shameless? What's so shameless about this?"

"The Lan family is not only your Lan family, but also Madam Qi's Lan family. Although Madam Qi has divorced Wang Qi, they have the same mind."

"If you harm Mrs. Qi's interests, you are harming the interests of King Qi. This is absolutely not allowed."

Lan Tianxiang heard the words lightly jokingly: "It's all thick-skinned people, it seems that it's really not a family not going into a house."

Lan Xiaomo was confused, unable to digest the information in front of him for a while, but Ye Tianlong looked solemn and quickly absorbed useful information.

"Originally, King Qi didn't want to be cruel, but you were too sinister and vicious."

At this time, the red dwarf laughed strangely: "Weaving a bunch of ‘unnecessary’ crimes and kicking Madam Qi’s mother and daughter out of the Blue Group."

"Wang Qi said, if you don't read family affection, you can't blame him for not reading old affection."

The red dwarf stared sharply at the blue sky: "Today is not the first time, but it is not the last."

"Unless you invite Mrs. Qi back from Greece, return the shares that their mother and daughter deserve, and then announce that Lan Pingping is your successor..."

There was arrogance on his face: "In this way, King Qi will let your father and daughter go, otherwise, you will disappear from others sooner or later."

"I understand now that the brakes are also from your hands."

Lan Lanxiang smiled faintly: "You start with Xiao Mo, do you want me to die my daughter, lose the heir, and still be sad and sad."

"In this way, I will die in a'melancholy' soon. Once I die and there is no heir, the Lan family will be inherited by Lantianxin mother and daughter."

"She took the Lan Group, and King Qi moved her old feelings to take her down. In that way, the strength of Qi Clan Group would be much stronger."

Lan Lanxiang sighed softly: "Calculating is really a step by step."

The red dwarf said coldly: "It's good to know, and to be more interesting if you know. You should know what kind of person King Qi is."

"Call King Qi, I want to talk to him."

Lan Lanxiang suddenly said: "I will give him a surprise."

Ye Tianlong personally stepped forward, freed the red dwarf with one hand, and asked a bodyguard to give him his mobile phone.

The red dwarf did not talk nonsense, took the phone and pressed a number, then turned on the hands-free and said respectfully: "King Qi, the mission failed."

"Lan Lanxiang wants to speak to you in person."

There was silence at the other end of the phone, and then there was a gloomy laughter: "Lian Lanxiang, what do you want to say to me? Want to show good and beg for mercy?"

"no problem!"

"It's just that before that, please invite Lantianxin back, let Lan Pingping be his successor, and let go of the red ghost."

The other party's tone became extremely harsh: "Although he is just my dog, he is not something you can bully."

"I just want to tell you in person..."

Lan Lanxiang took a gun from the bodyguard, then put it on the head of the red dwarf and smiled faintly:

"My attitude!"

Pull the trigger.


The red dwarf's head is blooming.

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