Talented Genius

Chapter 1165: Cut off people and money (four more)

After killing the red dwarf, Lan Xiang said goodbye to Ye Tianlong, and then took Lan Xiaomo back to the Lan Family Garden.

The shot that exploded the red dwarf was a joy, but it also signaled a declaration of war, so Lan Lanxiang had to go back to prepare.

Ye Tianlong understood this, so he didn't fight with Lan Xiaomo anymore. After watching them disappear, he got into the car and left.

It's just that Ye Tianlong didn't return to Shui Yunjian and Baishizhou, but ran around to the temporary main hall of Longmen, the former headquarters of the Flying Dragon Gang.

He asked Shangguan Xiaozhi.

Ye Tianlong passed through the dragon gate forbidden grounds of the levels, passed through the gloomy hall, and finally appeared in the back garden full of grass.

There is an extra swimming pool in the back garden, located in the middle of the flowers and plants. When the breeze blows, the reflection in the water trembles slightly, looking very artistic.

There is also a round glass table and two white chairs by the pool. Next to the chairs are two young women with bath towels and mobile phones.

The main hall that was originally depressing and killing, because of this garden, these shadows, have a little breath of life, which makes people feel invisible and tender.


When Ye Tianlong stood by the pool, the two young women whispered together: "Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong nodded to them, and then looked at the swimming pool where the spray was flying, Shangguan Xiaozhi was soaking in the water, leaping like a fish.

With a graceful posture and elegant movements, coupled with that pretty face, it is a pleasing picture.

When Shangguan Xiaozhi swam to the other side, he turned around to see Ye Tianlong, smiled, and then plunged into the water to swim over, the splash sounded very beautifully.

"Ye Shao, why are you free today?"

When he swam here, Shangguan Xiaozhi didn't turn around anymore. After taking off the protective lens, he stretched out his hand and asked with a gentle smile, "Miss me?"

"Today's dinner hasn't settled yet, so come here for a meal."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to lift the woman out of the water, feeling the softness of the jade hand, and said with a long smile: "Would you not welcome it?"

"The Dragon Gate is Ye Shao's Dragon Gate, and Shangguan is Ye Shao's Shangguan. How can I not welcome you if it is too late for me to cheat you?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi put on the bath towel handed over by his subordinates, and then took the phone and glanced at it again: "It just so happens that I changed a cook, it's not bad."

"Ye Shao can try his craft."

While wiping the drops of water, she asked the two women to prepare dinner, and then sat down in a chair: "But it should not be Ye Shao's purpose to eat."

"Come on, what does Ye Shao want to know? Or what do you want me to do?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi showed the wisdom and old way that he should be: "It is absolutely safe here. No third person will know about you and me."

"You are such a smart woman."

Ye Tianlong expressed his compliment to Shangguan Xiaozhi, and then he opened the chair and sat down: "I won't be sloppy, I want to know King Qi."

"I want to know what kind of person he is, and also want to know his relationship with Lan Lan."

He didn't conceal too much: "I met with Lan Lan and the others for dinner and was attacked and killed by a red dwarf."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Shangguan Xiaozhi's eyes lit up: "Red ghost!"

"It seems that you really understand the Seven Kings, and even the blue sky has to think about the identity of the other party, but you can say it all at once. Sure enough, you have worked hard."

Ye Tianlong appreciates Shangguan Xiaozhi even more, which proves his affirmation of Shangguan Xiaozhi's ability, and is really a weapon against the Seven Kings:

"Although his goal is not me, Lan Xiaomo is my friend, and I have common interests with Lan Lanxiang, so I want to get to know King Qi."

Shangguan made a mistake with his legs and wrapped his body tightly with a bath towel: "Qi Wang, Qi Ba, the head of the Qi line, is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 200 jin."

"He used to be a fierce general of Tianmen, a very fierce one."

Shangguan Xiaozhi poured Ye Tianlong a glass of wine: "He joined in at the peak of Tianmen, and within a year he became one of the twelve warriors."

"The status that others have reached in five or eight years, he will get it in less than a year."

She smiled calmly: "Someone has described him like this. He can chase the elk at the speed of his speed, and the height of his jump can catch the swallows at low altitude."

"His unarmed strength can subdue a rough rhino, and the speed of his hands can catch the random arrows shot by the enemy."

Shangguan Xiaozhi sighed lightly: "He advocates force as the easiest way to solve the problem. In fact, there are nearly 100 good hands dead in his hands."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It looks like a tricky character."

Shangguan picked up the red wine and took a sip: "Don't look like he is a brash man, in fact, his mind is not simple at all."

"And he also has a motto, that is, people don't kill themselves for themselves."

"Before Tianmen fell, he had a sibling relationship with Lantianxiang's sister, Lantianxin, and even gave birth to an unidentified daughter, Lan Pingping."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's toes swayed slightly: "It's just that Tianmen changed drastically later, and Qi Ba had nothing overnight and became one of the most wanted criminals."

"In order to have the original wealth, but also to avoid the official pursuit, he kicked the blue sky core."

"Then marrying a well-qualified veteran's daughter, not only is safe but also rich."

She laughed softly: "After gaining a foothold, after a series of operations, he became the king of Qi and took a large amount of funds to develop in Southeast Asia."

"The people around him are either released prisoners or wanted criminals from all over the world, and all of them are reckless men who kill people at every turn."

"His headquarters is established in Xincheng, which monopolizes many dark activities in Southeast Asia. Since last year, his tentacles have extended to Taicheng and Hong Kong."

Shangguan Xiaozhi looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "He thinks that the Huaxia cake is so big that it is too uncomfortable for Dai Hulang to eat it alone."

While speaking, she turned her toes, slender and well-proportioned, soft.

The five toes are long and short, and each toe is as delicate as jade, and they are all so cute.

Ye Tianlong glanced, and then responded with a smile: "In other words, King Qi is the former brother-in-law of Lantian Xiang?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi put down the wine glass: "It can be understood that although the blue sky is bigger than King Qi, he really wants to call Qi Ba a brother-in-law."

"I also received a tip on the incident of the Lan Group. I think the red ghost attacked the Lan family, but it was annoyed that Blue Sky Core was deprived of its shares."

"Think about it, King Qi could have manipulated the Blue Sky Core to spin off the Blue Group and slowly swallowed it, but now it's a chicken fly."

"The most important thing is that Lantian Core shares were confiscated, and Lantian was kicked out of the game. The hand that Qi Wang reached into Lan's was cut off. How can he bear it?"

She sighed faintly: "The Lan Group has hundreds of billions of assets and is very thick and fat. Qi Ba will not give up unless he bites a big piece."

Ye Tianlong joked: "Lan Family Assets is indeed a temptation."

"It's just that King Qi is not a thing. It was shameless to abandon his wife and abandon his son, but now he wants to use his old feelings to plot the assets of the Lan family."

He shook his head: "Beasts are inferior, and Lantian Core is also ungrateful..."

"Dear Shao Ye, in this world, interests are paramount, what kindness, what kindness, that is the icing on the cake when there is no conflict of interests."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's toes fell: "This society is still inseparable from the law of the jungle."

"By the way, let me tell you one thing by the way, your confidante Ding Liuyue was calculated by Qi Ba..."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "The reason?"

"Last month, the two major international funds for the protection of women and children recruited presidents, involving 13.8 billion yuan. Qi hegemony is bound to win."

Shangguan Xiaozhi said quietly: "It turned out that Ding Liuyue took over."

"Cut people's money and kill their parents..."

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