Talented Genius

Chapter 1200: I'm coming


Mrs. Dong sneered: "What kind of justice? Who told you that my son hurt your daughter? Do you have a witness or a video?"

"Nothing, you came to frame my son, don't you think we are bullied?"

She hummed noncommitantly: "I tell you, hurry up and get rid of me, and then twitter, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"The director of the bank and the deputy chief of the bank, from the city next door, called out in front of me. It was really a brain drain."

Dong Geqiu leaned on the sofa, put his feet on the coffee table, and looked at the Yun family parents with contempt, as well as a dozen brave guys.

Mica was very angry: "The people involved all said it was your son, why don't you recognize it—"

Father Yun also straightened his face: "Yes, the person involved clearly informed that it was your precious son who attacked and hit my daughter on the head to become unconscious."

Madam Dong still maintains a strong position: "The person involved? Is it your daughter or someone else? Let him stand up and show me?"

"You came and clamored without getting the evidence. You were kicked in the head by a donkey. No, I feel you are trying to blackmail!"

She pointed a finger at the mica and them: "I tell you that I will not give you a penny without substantial evidence."

"If you play sideways, I will be more sideways than you."

In the past two days, the Dong family was terribly unlucky. Brother Bian was arrested. He has not been released yet. The Dong family has been involved in the murder case and was pressured by Zhao Wuji.

Wanting to dilute the bad luck with a happy event tonight, and seeing Mica leading someone to hit the door, Madam Dong was naturally very angry.

Mica also raised her eyebrows: "You have to tear your skin, right?"

"Why are you unreasonable? We have never thought of blackmailing you, but only want you to apologize in person and pay five million in compensation."

"If you don't solve everything today, I will never make you feel better..."

The mica also turned sideways: "It's a big deal."

Mrs. Dong hummed noncommitantly: "One shot and two breaks? Do you also deserve it?"

"Mom! Stop talking nonsense with these country folks."

This is, Dong Geqiu got up from the sofa, and handily picked up a brand-name baseball bat, which was given by a friend of pigs and dogs. It was full of symbolic significance.

"Tell them directly, or the dog and the cat will step on their heads."

Dong Geqiu shook his baseball bat and stepped towards Yun Father Mica. The two instinctively moved back, and several Yun family men stood up and blocked the road.

They thought that Dong Geqiu was posing and didn't dare to do anything, but they were easily knocked down by Dong Geqiu's sharp "stick method" and fell to the ground screaming.

Mica's expression tightened: "Do you dare to hit someone?"

"Why don't I dare to touch you?"

Dong Geqiu stared at the frightened mica with a playful smile. He carried the baseball bat and moved on. Several Yun family members were full of loyalty and moved forward with outrage.

They huddled with mica, glaring at Dong Geqiu, fearlessly.

"Stupid! Is there more than people?"

Dong Geqiu blew a whistle, and more than a dozen people appeared on both sides of the wing, all with knives, guns and sticks, and several shotguns were placed in front.

Seeing this kind of battle, Mica was already dumbfounded, not to mention the Yun family's nephew who was cheered by Mica, the previous righteous indignation disappeared.

Father Yun and Mica looked around and found that the Yun family's nephews and nephews were quietly moving backwards, and their faces were blue with anger.


Dong Geqiu kicked the two directly to the ground. At noon in the hospital, he was extremely embarrassed and desperate when confronted the two aloof Zhehua.

Not only failed to seek justice, but also humiliated himself.

Outside Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, took out a few coins in his hand, and prepared to save Father Yun and Mica.

"Ge Qiu, you are married today, don't see blood, I'll talk about it later."

Seeing that her son was about to fight, Dong's mother gently shook her head to stop: "And it's troubled now, let them go first."

Hearing this, Dong Geqiu put down the baseball bat, knowing what his mother meant, and took a step forward: "You can let it go, but you have to eat a meal first."

"Come here, take them to the corner of the hall."

Dong Geqiu sneered: "I was so upset by you today, why do you want you to give me good blessings."

"I tell you couple, when I walk in, it is best to say something nice to me, otherwise I won't let you two go."

A cold light burst into his eyes: "Even your daughters who are lying in bed, I will let them sleep forever."

Mother Dong nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, if they bring bad luck, let them wash it off and take it to the hall."

The gray-headed and gray-faced Father Yun and Mica were very angry, but it was impossible to do anything at the moment, and they could only be taken to dinner in shame.

This woman is really domineering!

Ye Tianlong shook his head, wondering if he should call Zhehua and let his hero save his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, taking the opportunity to improve his relationship with the Yun family.

Then he lost his thoughts again, not to mention that Zhehua couldn't get through the phone now, and even if he got through, he couldn't tell him, otherwise he would be in the wrong.

The Dong family hides so many people in the restaurant, and Zhehua will never please come over.

Ye Tianlong decided to watch the changes, and then walked into the noisy wedding banquet hall, eighty-eight tables, people coming and going, and the aroma of food floating.

Ye Tianlong locked Huaruyu, but he just wanted to get closer but found no chance. Many guests were walking around Huaruyu, and also pleased Huaruyu's parents.

Ye Tianlong smiled, now that he will only be the focus in the past, so he found a seat not far away and sat down.

Then Ye Tianlong sent another text message to Hua Ruyu, asking her to deal with these customers first so that she could take care of herself.

Hua Ruyu quickly returned an embarrassed expression.

At this moment, ten dark green off-road vehicles roared from the corner street, smooth but unstoppable, and invisibly oppressing people.

Ten off-road vehicles slowly stopped in front of the wedding hotel.

Afterwards, ten off-road vehicles opened their doors one after another, closed their backhands, banged, and the hustle and bustle under the night seemed to stagnate and idlers retreated.

The car door opened, and more than thirty black-robed men emerged, all with a flying eagle pierced on the back of their hands.

Eight strong men walked to the middle car, surrounded by a graceful young man.

The figure is slender, the facial features are profound, and there is a touch of sadness in the nobleman.

There was also a flying eagle on his left hand, but it was still red, as if blood was still wet.

The hotel security guards instinctively glanced around, and after just one glance, their expressions became trance.

Unexpectedly, there is such a person in the world, and the look in his eyes is like the moment when a peerless sword is pulled out of its sheath, and the light of the sword is exploded across the world.

The spiritual realm of several security guards has been completely filled with that knife light, both excited and shocked, feeling that this young man has magical magic power.

It is Zhehua!

It's just that he is completely different from the past at this moment, he can't see the slightest decadence and haggard, only the breath of a natural noble son.

Zhehua cast his gaze to the front of the hotel, to the gardenia tree that stood silently like a girl under the bright light.

He stretched out his hand to clamp a flower that was blown off, and sniffed lightly, the calm on his face turned soft, and a faint sound:

"Wanyan, go and tell them."

"I'm coming!"

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