Talented Genius

Chapter 1201: Kill all (four more)

Ye Tianlong had just eaten half a plate of melon seeds at the dining table, and the big bell of the wedding hotel rang, filling everyone's ears.


At 7:30, the bell was the signal, and the ceremonial band immediately played the wedding march. Everyone stood up and looked at the door of the wedding banquet.

"Let's welcome newcomers with warm applause."

In the roar of the emcee, Dong Geqiu walked in energeticly with Huarongyue's hand in a wedding dress.

The two temporary large screens inside and outside the hall were also lit up, sending wedding pictures to all the guests in time.

The six cameras also gave Dong Geqiu and Hua Rongyue close-ups, clearly expressing the emotions on their faces.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen who had been prepared for a long time began to cheer and shout, throwing golden confetti into the air, and the confetti flying all over the sky like golden drizzle.

Dong Geqiu and Hua Rongyue were all smiles, walking through them, stepping on the red carpet, and walking into everyone's field of vision.

Everyone was amazed, really a pair of golden boys and girls.

Hua Ruyu had forgotten the dispute when he entered the door, and desperately applauded to give blessings to his cousin. The Yun family who had assembled the table looked ugly, but also applauded.

After all, the few sturdy men sitting next to them all had a shotgun in their arms, and the Yun family's parents didn't dare to make any trouble.

After all the tedious procedures, Dong Geqiu took Hua Rongyue to the rostrum, enjoying the envy and blessings of everyone.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the main table quickly and found that Dong's mother had been frowning, as if she could not feel the celebration of the wedding, and looked at the door from time to time.

He scanned the place next to him again, Dong Zadan's seat was empty, and a smile couldn't help but evoke a smile.

The Dong family is about to fall.

Bailihua clearly informed by phone that Zhencongbiao brother asked out a confession, and Qin Ziyi and the others got the evidence, so they arrested Dong Zadan halfway.

"welcome green hands!"

The beautiful emcee's voice floated in the hall: "This is a pair of newcomers with very good looks, and they are indescribable."

"Today we gather, in front of God, for the sacred wedding of Mr. Dong Geqiu and Ms. Hua Rongyue."

"This is a treasure left by God since the creation of the world, because you must not enter at will, but respectfully and solemnly!"

The master of ceremonies played the role of a priest, set his eyes on Dong Geqiu's face, and solemnly said:

"Mr. Dong Geqiu, are you willing to accept Ms. Hua Rongyue as your legal wife and live with her in accordance with God's decree."

"Living with her in a sacred marriage contract?"

When Dong Geqiu straightened slightly, the beautiful emcee and solemnly added a sentence:

"And promised to always love her, respect her, comfort her, cherish her, and be loyal to her until death?"

Dong Geqiu looked at Hua Rongyue, who was looking forward to it, and nodded with a bright smile: "I do!"

Full of air and tenderness, the young girl Bin was so jealous and heartbroken.

The beautiful emcee nodded very satisfied, and looked at Hua Rongyue solemnly:

"Miss Hua Rongyue, are you willing to accept Mr. Dong Geqiu as your legal husband, and go with him in accordance with God's decree."

"Do you live with him in a sacred marriage contract? Whether poor or rich...you are willing to love him, respect him, and comfort him!"

"Always be loyal to him, until death?"

The beautiful emcee's voice was solemn and solemn, making everyone quiet, everyone focused on Hua Rongyue's face, waiting for three words.

"She doesn't want to!"

Just when Hua Rongyue was excited to respond, a loud voice came from the door, resounding throughout the hall: "Because the Dong family is about to be unlucky."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they all looked at the "Arch of Triumph" and saw a group of burly men swarming in, silent but exuding coercion.

More than a dozen Dong family thugs stepped forward subconsciously, but they fell to the ground one by one over the shoulder, and then the Dong family thugs were stepped on and could not move.

The rest of the Dong family elites showed up, but they were suppressed by their aura and did not dare to step forward indiscriminately.

During the brief turmoil, Mother Dong slapped up at the table and yelled, "Who is making trouble?"

The husband has not appeared until now, and the phone cannot be reached. Dong's mother is in a very bad mood, so she assumes the responsibility of the principal: "Get out!"

Dong Geqiu was also murderous: "Are you looking for death?"

"Shao Dong, Hua Rongyue, good evening."

The soft lights of the lobby tilted down, turning the Arc de Triomphe into a place of great interest, and then a figure slowly passed through.

Dressed in black, Zhehua's huge body was perfectly decorated, his bright forehead was dazzling, and the silhouette of his face showed coldness.

He is like a high-ranking prince, calm and noble, and with an aura of no anger and might, making the audience's eyes slightly stagnant.

"bad boy?"



When countless people turned their eyes to Zhehua, Mica, Dong Geqiu and Hua Rongyue squinted almost at the same time.

Calling out different words is a synonym for the same person.

They looked at the most dazzling man in front of them in amazement, seemingly unable to connect him to the decadent alcoholic man.

Zhehua in his vision completely subverted his previous impressions. Apart from the brilliance and dazzling, the most important thing is the aura flowing from him.

This shocked Mica and Hua Rongyue inexplicably. Hua Rongyue didn't like the aura that resembled Dong Zadan.

Ye Tianlong was also a little surprised, but then became relieved. When Zhehua said that he avenged himself, Ye Tianlong vaguely guessed something.


When Zhehua slowly walked towards the rostrum, Father Yun had already re-patted the seats next to him, and he was very annoyed when he had experienced the dominance of the Dong family:

"What is this kid doing? Asking Yunduo for justice? Hiring a few people to challenge Dong's family. This is an act of brain flooding."

He relied on the old man and rebuked him: "If the clouds are implicated again, I must peel him off."

"Useless, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Dong Geqiu had already reacted and stared at Zhehua who came up with a sneer: "Hire a few actors to make trouble, and was your head kicked by a donkey?"

"Believe it or not, when I made a call, a large number of police officers surrounded this place?"

Hua Rongyue also had a cold face with a look of disgust: "I have told you hundreds of times, I don't know you, and I didn't lie to you three million."

"Why are you still pestering me?"

Dong's mother waved her right hand: "Come here, take them all down and hand them to the police for serious processing."

The influx of Dong family elites instantly rioted, rolling up their sleeves and surrounding Zhehua and the others.

Only at this moment, the burly man who suppressed the audience flashed a shot in his hand, the trigger was pulled, and the bullet was shot out.

More than 20 Dong's elite screamed and fell to the ground, all of them were shot in the thigh and could not stand.

The audience was shocked when they screamed and wanted to get up and run, but found that there was no way to go, and they had to sit back in position.

Mother Dong's expressions changed slightly. They didn't expect that these people had guns in their hands, and they were all of the same style.

But Mother Dong had seen the world and screamed: "You illegally held guns and injured people in public. You are done."

"Everyone is frightened, sorry."

Under Ye Tianlong's gaze, Zhehua turned to face the nearly thousand guests. He did not explain the deception and beating of Dong Geqiu and Hua Rongyue.

He just picked up the microphone and said faintly: "Tonight, I am here just to announce one thing."

"From this minute and this second, the Golden Family has started a full-scale war against the Dong Family."

Zhehua raised his left hand, and the **** flying eagle appeared in everyone's eyes, his voice cold and without any emotion:

"I will crush all the Dong family's properties, and I will trample all those who stand in the Dong family's camp."

"Extremely kill!"

After speaking, Zhehua jumped off the rostrum and left, one person turned around, and a shot flashed out of his hand, two shots at Dong Geqiu's legs.


In the dull gunshots, Dong Geqiu knelt directly and let out a scream...

The justice of the clouds!

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