Talented Genius

Chapter 1233: Curse-breaking monkey

Seeing Ye Tianlong jump out, the woman in Hua Yi was taken aback: "Who are you?"

"I am Xiao Qiao's friend, and I can call the shots for her."

Ye Tianlong pinched the bronze monkey and faintly said to the Chinese girl: "One hundred thousand yuan will be worth this bronze monkey."

The girl in Huayi glanced at Ye Tianlong, and then snorted: "Friend Ding Xiaoqiao? No wonder it looks at the rustic ones, they are the same style."

While posing aloof, she mocked Ye Tianlong as a silly hat. She didn't take so many things, but she wanted to sell the goods here.

Although her mobile phone has been used for half a year, it can still sell for three to five thousand, which is better than that ugly bronze monkey.

Although she didn't know how could she have that bronze monkey in her handbag, she had never bought that thing before, and her aesthetic wouldn't want it.

But she didn't care too much. 80% of it was accidentally mixed up when playing in a nightclub, or friends in the circle joked and stuffed things over.

If it can be used to offset one hundred thousand, it can be regarded as waste utilization.

Thinking of this, the girl in Huayi raised her mouth and squinted at Ding Xiaoqiao and hummed:

"Xiao Qiao, you don't know where the old friend from the old hat came out, saying that he wants my limited edition bronze monkey to pay off the debt, can he be the master for you?"

She was very impatient: "If you can't be the master, don't waste everyone's time. I will also attend the senior's graduation meeting later."

Ding Xiaoqiao was so angry that he vomited blood: "You--"

"Little Joe."

Ye Tianlong looked at Ding Xiaoqiao next to him: "Anyway, it's hard to get 100,000 yuan back. Just take anything and clean it up. Just buy a lesson."

Ding Xiaoqiao originally wanted to do nothing to make the girl in Huayi bear a little guilt, but when she heard Ye Tianlong's words, she finally sighed:

"Okay, let this bronze monkey pay the bill."

As soon as the voice fell, the girl in Chinese clothes shouted ecstatically: "This is what you said, this bronze monkey offsets the one hundred thousand account."

She quickly brought a pen and a piece of white paper, and asked Ding Xiaoqiao to write a note for the elimination of the copper monkey, and then packed up the desk stuff and ran away.

When she went out to the door, she sneered: "Idiot!"

"Ye Tianlong, why do you want it to be a bronze monkey."

After the Huayi girl left the coffee shop, Ding Xiaoqiao sat down on the chair, staring at Ye Tianlong with sullen eyes, as if going crazy:

"If you can't get it back, I don't want her things, so I can despise her when I see her in the future."

She thumped the table bitterly: "Now that I take this bronze monkey, not only will I not despise her in the future, maybe she will say that I take advantage."

Ye Tianlong pulled the chair away and sat on the opposite side, stroking the little bronze monkey in his hand, and then smiled at Ding Xiaoqiao: "I want the bronze monkey. I'll give you 200,000."

"Ye Tianlong, you idiot, what I want is her money, but not yours."

Ding Xiaoqiao hates iron but not steel: "You give me one million, ten million, and I won't be happy. It is different from Tang Danli's one hundred thousand."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Does this treat me as a family member?"

"of course."

Ding Xiaoqiao gave Ye Tianlong a white look, and then snorted: "It is uncomfortable for me to be taken advantage of or you are taken advantage of."

"So no matter how much money you give me, I won't be happy."

Then, she waved her left hand again: "Forget it, it's already like this. I can't get back one hundred thousand. I don't want to, waiter, let's get five steaks."

"My lady wants to turn her grief into strength, and let her vent a good meal."

Ye Tianlong saw the dazed waiter, smiled and waved his hand, beckoning her not to listen to Ding Xiaoqiao, and then ordered two steaks and a salad.

Then, he asked for another pen, took out a check and wrote 200,000, and handed it to Ding Xiaoqiao Youyou and said: "200,000, bronze monkey counts me."


Ding Xiaoqiao stretched out his hand to tear up the check: "I don't want you to please me like this, and I won't be happy because you give me money."

Ye Tianlong held her hand and said softly: "I'm not afraid to tell you that this bronze monkey is actually an ancient relic, worth a hundred million dollars."

"Blow, keep blowing, and see if the cow will go to heaven."

Of course Ding Xiaoqiao would not believe Ye Tianlong's words: "Small, I haven't seen you in a few days. You have learned to make up stories. Use this trick to coax my mother into bed?"

"Tell you, don't be naive, even I can't deceive me by making up stories, so don't think about fooling my mother."

She sneered: "Ye Tianlong, your level of picking up girls is getting worse and worse."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "Xiao Qiao, I really didn't lie to you."

Ding Xiaoqiao glanced at the bronze monkey: "This broken monkey, ancient relic, over 100 million yuan, are you stupid for Tang Danli, or is my mind flooded?"

"Don't think I'm not a fool. I'll tell you, I know this stuff. I saw it when I went to Egypt with my mother."

She also swiped her phone a few times and called up a few pictures and put them in front of Ye Tianlong: "It's just a kind of memorial monkey, twenty yuan apiece."

"Then do you know why there are such memorial monkeys for sale?"

Ye Tianlong remained calm and calm: "Or, why should tourists buy it back?"

Ding Xiaoqiao was stunned, and then searched it again: "The Internet says that these memorial monkeys are imitations, and are copied after the'curse-breaking monkey'."


Ye Tianlong lightly stroked the bronze monkey in his hand, feeling the cold and delicate on it: "You and I know that there are actually many ancient tombs in Egypt."

"Moreover, these ancient tombs are invaluable. There are countless rare treasures in them, but the cemetery also has many invisible organs."

Ding Xiaoqiao disagrees: "The Huaxia Tomb is almost as dangerous, what does it have to do with this kind of monkey?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "In addition to the cruel organs of the Egyptian tombs, there are many convincing spells."

"If anyone interferes with Pharaoh's peace, death will fall on him!"

He looked at Ding Xiaoqiao and said, "You should be familiar with this sentence, right?"

Ding Xiaoqiao nodded slightly: "This is the epitaph engraved on the tomb of King Tutankhamun, the pharaoh of the 18th dynasty."

"Furthermore, Twenty-one, directly or indirectly related to the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb, died one after another."

She glanced at the content of the webpage: "This allowed the spell to spread throughout the world, and it also made people fearful of the Pharaoh's tomb."


Ye Tianlong nodded: "Science was not developed enough at the time, and the pyramids and pharaohs were indeed mysterious, so many people did not dare to call the tomb."

"But then someone stole thirteen tombs and took away valuable treasures."

"Always alarmed the pharaoh gods and nothing happened. He said he was wearing a curse-breaking monkey, so the pharaoh's curse had no effect on him."

"Furthermore, he also said that this **** monkey is actually a master key, capable of opening the door of any pharaoh's tomb."

"The monkey...that's the thing in front of you."

Ye Tianlong told Ding Xiaoqiao: "As soon as this news came out, countless forces were looking for that guy, and countless copies came out."

"But no one has found him, but the **** monkey finally entered the Pharaoh Museum for various reasons."

He put the bronze monkey in his pocket: "That year, the profit from tourists' visits was tens of millions."

"So it's like this..."

Ding Xiaoqiao realized it suddenly, and then stared at Ye Tianlong: "The monkey may be valuable, but the copy in your hand is still twenty yuan."

Ye Tianlong whispered: "This...is true."

Ding Xiaoqiao was taken aback: "Isn't it in the museum?"

"Six years ago, a group of armed thugs broke into the museum and stole more than a thousand cultural relics..."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "including the curse-breaking monkey..."

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