Talented Genius

Chapter 1234: Thief

Although Ye Tianlong said that the sky was falling in disorder, and he repeatedly emphasized that it was a real thing, Ding Xiaoqiao just didn't believe it, and didn't want 200,000.

She only asked Ye Tianlong to go swimming with her after eating. She has been in university for so long and has been embarrassed to go swimming with others.

She didn't want to be too green to be set off, and she didn't want to be pointed by her companions, so she hoped that Ye Tianlong would accompany her.

Because Ding Xiaoqiao knew that Ye Tianlong would not laugh at himself, even though he had been kicked into the lake.

Ye Tianlong promised her very happily that Ding Liuyue would not go home until six o'clock anyway, and it would be nice to go to the swimming pool for a few hours.

So after the meal, Ding Xiaoqiao went back to get his swimsuit, and Ye Tianlong bought a pair of swimming trunks nearby, and then met and went to the Gangcheng Swimming Pool.

Ding Xiaoqiao's personality is much more lively than Mingjiang, and he tugged Ye Tianlong all the way to talk non-stop, and even said everything.

Finally, she asked about Huaruyu's three daughters, planning to go back to visit them during the summer vacation. Knowing that the three daughters became managers, she jumped up happily.

In the eyes of Ding Xiaoqiao, she had long regarded the three daughters as relatives.


Just when Ding Xiaoqiao was about to pull Ye Tianlong to continue to question, a harsh car roared from behind.

Ye Tianlong subconsciously pulled Ding Xiaoqiao back two steps. Just as he stood firm, a red BMW whizzed past them.

If it weren't for Ye Tianlong, they would hide quickly, they would probably be rubbed by it.

Except that, a bottle of water that was dropped by someone on the ground was crushed, and a large puddle of water splashed out, wet Ding Xiaoqiao's small pair of jeans.

"Hey, how did you drive?"

Although knowing that he could not catch up with the other party, Ding Xiaoqiao still shouted to the owner of the car away: "I almost knocked down someone and didn't come down to steal. What quality?"


The owner seemed to hear Ding Xiaoqiao's yelling, and drove backwards back to the two of them. The window fell, and three more delicate faces appeared.

One of them was Tang Danli, who owed Ding Xiaoqiao 100,000 yuan.

Ding Xiaoqiao was startled: "Danli, is it you?"

"Xiao Qiao, I didn't want to stimulate you, but I still want to remind you to let you know that there is more than money in life."

The stylish and beautiful Tang Danli took off her brown sunglasses, and half of her face was exposed with a flutter of hair. She looked at Ye Tianlong and Ding Xiaoqiao with a hint of sarcasm:

"Actually, one hundred thousand yuan, I have, not to mention one hundred thousand, one million, I can also get it, see this new BMW car does not have, one million."

The corner of her mouth curled up with a contemptuous arc: "I never thought of not returning you 100,000, just to see if you treat me as a friend."

"If you don't think about paying back the money all day, then I will treat you as a good friend, and you have a place in this car today."

"Who knows, you disappointed me too much. For the money, you went to the restaurant to stop me, and you lied to me, it made me very chilling."

In the playful eyes of the two girlfriends, Tang Danli showed a sober posture: "But it's okay, it's worth knowing someone for 100,000 yuan."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. You have returned the 100,000 yuan. You have also missed my good friend, and the wealth that I may bring to you."

"Let's do it for yourself in the future, I hope you can be bigger, goodbye."

After speaking, Tang Danli stepped on the accelerator and left the two of them with a swish, leaving only the harsh laughter of the beautiful woman in the car...

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, why is she so thick-skinned?"

Ding Xiaoqiao was stunned at first, then jumped up: "At the beginning, she was gambling and was being chased by loan sharks. I borrowed 100,000 yuan to give her an emergency turnover.

"She told me at the time that it would be paid back at most one month, and her parents would have money to spend when they came back."

"I'm worried that she is under psychological pressure, so she doesn't have to rush to pay it back. Whenever she has enough money, she will pay it back."

Ding Xiaoqiao was very depressed: "In the end, I was stingy, small in size, Tianlong, what kind of world is this?"

"In this world, just don't lend money to others indiscriminately. If you borrow it, don't think about paying it back, otherwise you will die of depression."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then patted Ding Xiaoqiao on the shoulder: "Okay, don't think about it, don't care about her for the sake of the **** monkey."

Ding Xiaoqiao still doesn't think that the **** monkey is true: "But I feel aggrieved in my heart, no, I must find a chance to vent my ill-will."

"Well, look for a chance to vent your anger."

Ye Tianlong smiled at the swimming pool in front of him and said, "Come on, there are still few people swimming at this time, and it will be overcrowded later."

When Ding Xiaoqiao heard it, he ran away...

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook his head: "Heartless girl..."

The swimming pool is very large, and there are not many people at this time. The emptyness gives people an indescribable comfort.

So Ding Xiaoqiao and Ye Tianlong traveled very happily, shuttled back and forth in the constant temperature water, they took a full soak for two hours before resting.

The two relaxed limbs looked at the time, then got up and went back to the locker room to wash home.

After swimming for more than two hours, Ding Xiaoqiao lost all his unhappiness. He rinsed happily, put on clothes, and then came out with his handbag.

She fiddled with her hair as she walked towards the gate. At this moment, a thin man with wicked brows and squirrel eyes walked towards her in a daze.


With a muffled noise, the thin man slammed into Ding Xiaoqiao's shoulder, Ding Xiaoqiao was slammed, and things scattered all over the floor.

After the thin man hit Ding Xiaoqiao, he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it."

He also hurriedly picked up things for Ding Xiaoqiao, then put it in his handbag and handed it back to Ding Xiaoqiao, with a sincere attitude and apologetic face.

Ding Xiaoqiao is not a hot-tempered person, so despite the pain in his shoulder, he rubbed his shoulder and responded, "It's okay."

"thank you!"

The man who bumped into her bowed again and said I'm sorry, and then quickly walked towards the other door, looking in a hurry.

Soon, he disappeared from Ding Xiaoqiao's vision.

At this time, Ye Tianlong passed through a group of a dozen people entering the water and preparing to exercise, and walked over to look at Ding Xiaoqiao who was rubbing his shoulders and asked: "What's wrong?"

Ding Xiaoqiao casually replied: "It's nothing, I was hit by someone just now, my shoulder hurts a bit, and things are scattered."

Ye Tianlong's brows can't help but frown slightly: "Let's see if there is anything missing on you?"

Ding Xiaoqiao couldn't help but stunned: "Is something missing?"


In the next second, Ding Xiaoqiao yelled: "My wallet and my phone are all gone..."

She was just rubbing her shoulders, only then did she find that her mobile phone and purse were missing, and she was obviously stolen by the thin man.

"He went in that direction, let's catch it back quickly."

Ding Xiaoqiao pulled Ye Tianlong and was about to pursue it. Thousands of dollars in the wallet was a trivial matter, but the privacy of the credentials and mobile phone was too important.

"At this time, even the gods can't catch up."

Ye Tianlong did not go after him, but instead grabbed Ding Xiaoqiao and smiled faintly: "Tell me his appearance, and I will help you get him back."

Ding Xiaoqiao looked disbelief: "You said that the gods can't catch up, can you still pull him back?"

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "Appearance, characteristics."

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