Talented Genius

Chapter 1249: Sulfuric acid bottle

Chapter 1249 Sulfuric Acid Bottle

After receiving Feng Zu's report, knowing that the people sent by the Qi family were beaten and disabled, Ye Tianlong's face did not have the slightest emotional ups and downs.

After he got the news that Ding Liuyue was safe, he hung up and asked Ding Xiaoqiao to have breakfast, and then personally sent her back to Hong Kong City University.

For her safety, Ye Tianlong also arranged for two members of the Feng group to protect her, so as not to be kidnapped or injured by Qi Ba and the others.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong sent a text message to the oriole who had been dormant, asking him to lock down where Qi Ba might stay.

Qi Ba really hurt Ding Liuyue's mother and daughter, Ye Tianlong would kill it directly regardless.

After arriving at Gangcheng University, Ding Xiaoqiao was reluctant to part with Ye Tianlong, but finally waved goodbye.


When Ye Tianlong watched Ding Xiaoqiao and the others disappear, the mobile phone in his arms vibrated, and when he picked it up, he heard a voice:

"Ye Tianlong, I'm Lin Shaoqing, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what Lin Shaoqing said: "You mean entertainment news? It's okay, I don't worry about it."

"It's fine if you are not angry, but I still feel guilty in my heart."

Lin Shaoqing said softly: "I wanted to invite you to a concert, but not only did you make the piano repair on the spot, but you were also caught up by the reporter."

"Now there are headlines everywhere, and suppression can't be suppressed, which seriously affects your reputation."

Many people in Gangcheng don't understand Ye Tianlong, but Lin Shaoqing is very familiar with him. Not only is he talented, but his background is also extremely distinguished.

Otherwise, why would Lan Xiaomo and the others let him be the supercar president? Now that she is causing him trouble, Lin Shaoqing feels guilty and worried that Ye Tianlong is angry:

"But don't worry, I'm trying to clarify that I won't involve you too deeply."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "It's okay. I have no reputation, and I have nothing to dig. It can't affect it. Don't worry about it."

Lin Shaoqing hesitated and asked, "Are you really not angry about this?"

"I'm really not angry, it's just the headline, I'm not a star, it doesn't matter."

Ye Tianlong joked: "I even wish I had something to do with you, to increase my popularity, and to accumulate capital for showing off by the way."

Lin Shaoqing hurriedly responded: "You are not such a person."

Ye Tianlong said generously: "I don't mind hooking up with beautiful women, but you are probably under a lot of pressure."

"Your three aunts and six wives, friends and classmates, I'm afraid they will all ask you."

Hearing that the high-ranking girl in the past cares about her feelings so much, Ye Tianlong feels somewhat helpful, so he doesn't mind the matter at all.

Lin Shaoqing snorted: "I don't care about their feelings, I only care if you are angry."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a while, smelling a young girl's spring breath, and then smiled: "I'm fine."

Lin Shaoqing said with gratitude: "Ye Tianlong, thank you for your understanding. By the way, are you free today? I want to invite you to dinner."

"Thank you for your help last night, and apologize by the way."

Ye Tianlong smiled and threw out: "We are in the limelight right now, isn't it adding fuel to the fire?"

Lin Shaoqing reacted: "Yes, it seems so."

Then she shook her head again: "No, no, as long as you don't care, I won't care."

"And if we care so much, doesn't it mean that we have ghosts in our hearts? Our relationship is open, so why should we be influenced by outsiders and the media?"

Lin Shaoqing's tone was firm: "Well, I have decided. I want to invite you to dinner, Tianlong, where are you, I will pick you up."

Ye Tianlong looked hesitant: "This—"

Lin Shaoqing's voice was sad: "Actually, you just said that you didn't care and just coaxed me. In your heart, you resisted me having a scandal with you, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Tianlong felt inexplicably soft: "No, I'm just at Hong Kong City University, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to pick me up."

"Hong Kong University?"

Lin Shaoqing screamed when she heard her, showing no feminine demeanor, and then happily shouted: "I am also at Hong Kong City University, where are you?"

"I'll find you right away."

Ye Tianlong was startled: "Are you also at Hong Kong City University?"

"I am a student here."

Lin Shaoqing couldn't help but jump for joy: "Tianlong, where are you? I'll go over immediately."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "Student Apartment, Building 8."

Lin Shaoqing shouted: come soon. "

Within five minutes, Ye Tianlong heard a familiar sound of footsteps. When he raised his head, he saw a figure rushing from the side.

Very fast, with excitement, with excitement, floating in front of him like a white cloud.

The playful ponytail, the faint lips, the crescent-like eyes and the calm smile are just the new generation of talented girl in Hong Kong, Lin Shaoqing.

Lin Shaoqing smiled sweetly, that smile was like a bauhinia flower in full bloom on a starry mountain, beautiful and scented, making everyone drunk.

Ye Tianlong was stunned, stayed, and motionless.

Lin Shaoqing saw Ye Tianlong's heart beating wildly. After a second of stagnation, he whispered, "Ye Tianlong!"

Ye Tianlong looked at the stunning beauty in front of him and uttered a sincere admiration: "Miss Lin, you are so beautiful."


At this moment, a tall man suddenly appeared from the side, wearing a mask and holding a glass bottle in his hand, shouting and rushing towards Lin Shaoqing:

"Lin Shaoqing, you are mine, you are mine."

He pulled the distance very fast, and the glass bottle in his hand was also shaking constantly, dripping the ground and sending out "chichi" liquid, indicating that it was dangerous.

Ye Tianlong's pupils shrank for a while, and the label on the glass bottle appeared in his eyes. It was sulfuric acid...

Seeing someone rushing towards him, Lin Shaoqing screamed: "Ah—"

No one thought that there would be such dangerous people and dangerous things on campus.

Hearing the screaming, the tall man stagnated, and the bottle in his hand spilled instinctively...


Before he could think about it, Ye Tianlong hugged Lin Shaoqing directly and hugged it into his arms. At the same time, he turned and flicked and opened the distance between the two sides.


Ye Tianlong almost bounced off holding Lin Shaoqing, and a large bottle of sulfuric acid was poured on the place, making a muffled sound, and a pungent breath rose.

The tall man was taken aback, staring at the two dumbfounded. It was hard to believe that Ye Tianlong ran so fast, and then he slammed the bottle in his hand.

Ye Tianlong hugged Lin Shaoqing's side and moved quickly to avoid the bottle.

The bottle fell to the ground and fell into a pile of fragments, very sharp and dazzling.


When Lin Shaoqing panicked again, Ye Tianlong let go of her, and at the same time he bounced back, kicking the tall man who was about to dig out something.

Great momentum!


With a loud noise, the tall man fell off like a broken kite. He tried to struggle but spewed a mouthful of blood, and then fell back...

His face mask was also wiped off by the ground, revealing a hideous face.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Huo Ziguang?"

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